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Conflicts in Europe Study Guide
1. Why did Austria-Hungary declare war on Serbia?
Their Archduke was killed by a Serbian man
2. Why did the United States enter World War I?
German submarines sank the Lusitania
3. Why did Russia come to the aid of Serbia?
They shared a common ethnic background with Serbia
4. World War I was fought between the Central Powers and the Allied Powers.
The Central Powers were:
(Triple Alliance) Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria
The Allied Powers were:
(Triple Entente) Great Britain, France, Russia, U.S., Italy
5. What were some impacts of the world-wide depression in Europe?
Inflation, unemployment, savings lost, closed banks, farms lost, lower wages
6. What did the Treaty of Versailles demand that Germany do?
Lost its colonies, leader put on trial for war crimes, restrict size of army and navy, pay large
amount of money to Allies (most damaging to economy)
7. What did Adolph Hitler blame the Jews for?
He blamed the Jews for the great depression and WWI
8. List reasons why Germans followed Hitler:
He had complete control of the government; ; began to rebuild Germany’s military; opened
factories to build weapons; put unemployed people to work building a superior highway system;
the economy improved for a time; Germans that spoke out against Hitler were put in prison or
9. Define the following terms:
Hitler’s plan to conquer the world, began the systematic killing of every Jew under Nazi rule
The planned killing of an entire race or group of people
Hatred of Jews
Concentration Camps:
Prison camps where the Jews were relocated to and kept under Nazi rule; Jews were tortured and
killed in these camps
Nuremberg Laws:
Laws in Germany for the protection of German Blood and German Honor, took away citizenship
from Jews
June 6, 1944 when more than 160,000 Allied troops landed on the French coastline to fight Nazi
Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France.
10. Who was the Allied Commander who directed the D-Day invasion?
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
11. Explain what role each of the leaders below had in WW II. (Which Country)
Winston Churchill:
Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII
Joseph Stalin:
Leader of the Soviet Union from the mid 1920’s until his death in 1953
Franklin D. Roosevelt:
President of the United States, 1933-1945
Benito Mussolini:
Fascist leader of Italy from 1922-1943
Adolph Hitler:
Nazi leader of Germany from 1933-1945
12. World War II was fought in many places. Where did most of the fighting take place?
Europe, Pacific, Africa
13. What big decision did President Truman have to make about the war in the Pacific?
To use the atomic bomb on Japan
14. When did Pearl Harbor take place?
December 7, 1941
15. Why was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization formed? (NATO)
Alliance formed after World War II by the Western European countries (such as France), Canada, and the United States.
They agreed to defend each other if they were ever attacked.
16. In WWII, which countries were the Allies and which countries were the Axis powers?
Allies: Great Britain, France, U.S., Soviet Union
Axis: Germany, Japan, Italy
17. What was the Cold War? During what time period? How did it end?
Period of arms build-up between countries of the Warsaw Pact in Eastern Europe specifically Soviet
Union and the countries of NATO specifically the U.S.
Took place after WWII
Cold War ended when the Berlin Wall was torn down, and Germany began the process of unifying.
The Soviet Union was no more and many countries were created from the former Soviet Union.
18. What did the Soviet Union and the U.S. disagree upon during the Cold War?
The best type of government and economic system*, reunification of Germany
19. What was the Warsaw Pact?
Collective defense treaty among eight communist states of Central and Eastern Europe in existence during the
Cold War, led by the USSR.
20. Compare and contrast U.S. and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
United States
Permanent seat on the UN Security Council
Soviet Union
Permanent seat on the UN Security Council
Strong ties with Western Europe and Latin America;
powerful military support from NATO; supported
undeveloped countries and developing democratic
Influenced other communist countries and
dictatorships around the world
3rd largest country in the world
Largest country in the world
4th largest population
3rd largest population
Largest economy
2nd largest economy
Largest navy in the world, bases all over the world
even bordering Warsaw Pact countries, Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) spent money to spy on
the Soviet Union, large reserve of nuclear weapons
Military and space technology; worldwide spy
network (KGB); one of the largest stockpiles of
nuclear weapons in the world