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Chapter 25
Evolution and Darwin
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
1. How do Species and Population differ?
i. Species:
Leader: Julie
Course: Bio 211 (4)
Instructor: Dr. Holscher
ii. Population:
2. Which is the smallest unit that can evolve; species or population?
3. What is Evolution?
The people involved and their Proposals
_____ Developed the study of fossils, opposed evolution, Advocated catastrophism
_____Founded taxonomy, binomial nomenclature
______ Developed a theory similar to Darwin’s accept 20 years after.
_____1st to state evolutionary change but had the wrong mechanism. Hypothesized that species
evolve through use and disuse and through the inheritance of acquired traits.
_____First scientist to carry out a thorough study of the living world, developed an early
classification system, established the modern concept of a species
_____This person’s view on life was descent with modification
_____Advocated Uniformitarianism (mechanism of change are constant over time)
A. John Ray B. Carolus Linnaeus C. Georges Cuvier D. James Hutton/Charles Lyell
E. Jean-Baptiste de Lamark F. Charles Darwin G. Alfred Wallace
1. Would you describe Charles Darwin as an observational biologist or an experimental
2. What island and what type of bird did Charles Darwin much of his research?
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  515-294-6624  [email protected] 
3. Darwin’s publication in 1858 was called what?
a. He did not use what term in the publication?
4. A hypothesis that has been tested and is well supported by data is known as?
5. What are some of the evidences of change?
6. Natural vs. Artificial Selection
7. Fitness vs adaptation vs selection
1. Recombination frequency
Map Distance =
In a particular animal species, a long tail (T) is dominant to a short tail (t), and a blonde hair (B)
is dominant to grey hair (b). When a TtBb female is mated with a ttbb male, the observed
distribution of offspring is as follows 1000 offspring with a long tail and blonde hair, 100
offspring with a long tail and grey hair, 500 offspring with a short tail and blonde hair, and 50
offspring with a short tail and grey hair. Based on these offspring, what is the approximate
recombination frequency?
Which event is NOT unique to meiosis?
A. Formation of a bivalent through synapsis
B. Replication of chromosomes
C. Crossing over of nonsister chromatids through a chiasma