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The Proof Of Absolute Motion is a Simple One:
This proof is far-reaching in its scope. Let’s look at the following:
The definition of motion is movement from one point A to another point B
However, if there is only one point A in the universe, as would be found in the Big Bang
singularity, then true zero external motion makes sense at the originating point of the Big Bang.
I had a discussion with a proponent of Quantum Physics that went something like this…
Quantum Physics Proponent: There is no such thing as Absolute Zero Motion. It doesn’t exist.
Me: That would not be accurate and I can explain.
 Based on the Big Bang implication begun in Edwin Hubble’s observation: very distant
galaxies and clusters have motion that is moving directly away from our vantage point
and the farther away the galaxy or cluster is the higher the measured velocity from our
vantage point.
 Edwin Hubble’s implication leads to another conclusion: if the distance between galaxy
clusters is increasing moving away from us, today, everything must have been closer
together in the past.
 Looking at this trend, going further and further into the past would indicate everything
must have grown closer and closer together until the event of the Big Bang, where the
universe collapses together into a single point.
 The single point concept, implied by Edwin Hubble’s observation and reinforced by the
Big Bang theory, is a literal event.
Quantum Physics Proponent: The Big Bang is not a literal event. He said that, “The Big Bang
singularity, in fact the very definition of a singularity, means that current threory breaks
down at this point and does not explain behavior at any singularity including the Big Bang
Me: Of course it breaks down. That’s because it is wrong.
Quantum Physics Proponent: You speak of the singularity as though you believe it to be a
physical reality. That is not the belief of physicists. “Singularity” is short-hand, the full
statement of which is “the place where our theories break down and we don’t know WHAT is
Me: So, when I mention absolute motion versus relative motion I believe there is an argument
that will lead to an understanding not found in Quantum physics. That everything isn’t relative.
That there is such a thing as absolute motion, and thinking in this direction leads to
understandings not found in Quantum Physics.
Quantum Physics Proponent: Well, good luck with that.
At this point the term Crack Pot was used by others in the thread.
Me: It seems that whenever a simple, reasonable, argument is presented to Proponents of
Quantum Physics they reject the argument with ad hominem attacks.
When you establish that Absolute Zero Motion exists, as this does, then a range of Absolute
Motions can be defined. Absolute Motion ranges from zero to the speed of light.
Why is the Absolute Zero argument so important?
The understanding that there are 2 types of motion, Absolute Motion and Relative
Motion, provides the vision of Proto-Physics.
To reiterate: The definition of motion is defined as movement between one point and
If there is only one point in the universe, as would be found in the Big Bang singularity,
then “Absolute” zero external motion is the only possibility.
Absolute Motion is shown in the Graph of Proto-Physics Model.
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As a particle is accelerated close to the speed of light (c) mass grows greater until the
speed of light (c) is reached and mass is infinite, described by the Loretz Transformation, and,
formulated by E = MC2.
It follows that if a particle is decelerated to absolute zero external motion, that particle
ceases to exist in this universe and measures as zero mass described by the Big Bang singularity.
When considering fundamental particles, the thoughts below occurred regarding absolute, and
relative motion.
I can imagine a particle of matter moving at zero external motion having zero mass (In the
Absolute Zero argument number 3 in “PROOF OF ABSOLUTE MOTION: PAGE 1″). I could further
imagine a particle with zero external motion spinning on its axis, giving it 2 types of motion,
external and internal.
Generally, the idea of a fundamental particle with absolute zero external motion does not make
very much sense in a universe in motion, however, with the concept of the Big Bang comes a
concept of a universe reduced to a single point and a fundamental particle having “absolute zero
external motion” then becomes not only possible, but, the only possible external motion.
The first question asked about this fundamental particle in a Big Bang Singularity, “What if this
particle with zero external velocity had internal velocity – call it spin – of the speed of light (c)?”
If that were the case, then the limit of external velocity for such a particle would be the speed
of light (c), logically. No other possibility would exist.
It is also reasonable to say that the spin of this fundamental particle would need to be
perpendicular to the external velocity of the fundamental particle. If it wasn’t perpendicular
when the fundamental particle was accelerated the internal spin would exceed the speed of light
Newton’s first law of motion states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion until an
external force acts upon it. The external velocity (EV) and internal velocity (IV) of a fundamental
particle will remain unchanged until an external force acts upon it.
What if this fundamental particle’s (EV) accelerated and it’s mass increased? Its perpendicular
internal velocity (IV), spin, should decelerate. This would be because of the rules for motion
being limited to the speed of light. This behavior would be consistent with the rules of physics
that indicate the speed of light (c) is the limit of speed,
This “change” would be justified by Newton’s first law of motion, as an external force must have
acted upon it for this change to have occurred.
As a particles’ absolute external velocity (AEV) increases its perpendicular internal spin of (c)
would exceed the speed of light if the spin, (AIV), didn’t decelerate at an equivalent rate to the
A particle of zero mass, zero velocity, spinning at the speed of light, that decelerates spin at the
same rate external motion accelerates, indicates the actual motion of the fundamental particle,
when these two motions are added together, is always equal to the speed of light (c). FP motion
= (AEV) U (AIV) = c
Definition: Proto-Physics defines a Fundamental Particle (FP) as having a combined
external and internal motion of the speed of light. For example - a fundamental particle that
has the absolute external motion is 1/20 th the speed of light has perpendicular internal motion
of 19/20th the speed of light.
RULE: The sum of the absolute external and absolute internal motion of a fundamental particle
will always equal the speed of light (c). This applies to all FP’s.
I can imagine another fundamental particle with absolute external velocity (AEV) of the
speed of light (c) having infinite mass and absolute zero internal velocity (AIV).
RULE: FP motion = (AEV) U (AIV) = c
A particle reaching the speed of light (c) must have absolute zero internal velocity (AIV)
or spin.
The Big Bang provides a boundry of zero and another boundry of the speed of light (c) for
the graph of the fundamental particle at any motion with any mass.
For the reasoning behind the Proto-Physics model click on this link:
Summary 1 – 5:
Very little new ground is covered in the first 3 sections. Few can argue that mass and energy
are related to one another. Einstein’s formula, E = MC s , has established that accelerating
matter increases its’ mass, and, decelerating it decreases its’ mass. It is reasonable to say that
if mass is infinite when accelerated to the speed of light, it is zero when decelerated to
absolute zero velocity. In section 4 a new concept described in Proto-Physics shows that a
fundamental particle has 2 absolute motions, external motion and a perpendicular internal
motion. And, in section 5 the number zero is added to a Physics model. A number that wasn’t
there before. And, like mathematics, this zero provides the fundamental particles of ProtoPhysics the entire mathematics spectrum for particles in motion, zero to infinity.
SECTION 6 – 10:
At this point it is clear that applying these motions to our day-to-day interaction with matter is
challenging. However, if the concept of the Big Bang is added to this thread of reasoning the
graph in the beginning of section 6 – 10 begins to take shape. In this section the mass of a
fundamental particle grows from zero to infinite as motion increases from zero to the speed of
light (c). The curve of binding energy and the Lorentz curve are displayed. In addition, the new
terms of “relative motion” and “absolute motion” are added to the vocabulary unique to ProtoPhysics.
Proto-Physics describes internal and external motions, and the (NR) and Relative
Motion Graph on the following page shows the behavior of a fundamental particle as its’ mass
changes when its motion is accelerated or decelerated.
There are absolutes of velocity in the universe. These velocities when measured from
the Big Bang are not relative but absolute. Zero velocity on this graph is absolute zero
velocity and section 4ai above explains this..
These two absolute velocities form the left and right boundaries on this graph. The
border of zero absolute velocity is on the left, and, the border of the speed of light (c)
absolute velocity is on the right.
At absolute zero velocity the fundamental particle spins at the speed of light (c).
At the speed of light (c) the fundamental particle does not spin at all.
Between the borders on the left and right of the graph below are all the possible
external absolute velocities the fundamental particle can move at.
It is the absolute external velocity (AEV), with the fundamental particles absolute
internal velocity (AIV) that determine where a particle falls on this graph.
The two motions of the fundamental particle leads to a way of defining a particles by
these 2 motions. You could say that a photon is a particle that has zero mass; therefore it
would be a particle with 0 external velocity (EV) and (c) internal velocity (IV) (spin).
Photon = 0 external velocity (AEV) + (c) absolute internal velocity (AIV), and Planck’s
Constant (h).
Another fundamental particle, in measuring its absolute motion, could move at 1/10 (c)
absolute external velocity (AEV) and 9/10 (c) internal velocity (AIV), for example. This
would be a sub-atomic particle.
Atomic (Elemental) fundamental particles begin at ¼ (c) AEV and ¾ (c) AIV
As fundamental particles approach ½ (c) AEV and ½ (c) AIV these types of fundamental
particles repel one another.
As fundamental particles exceed ¾ (c) AEV these paticles are the electro-magnetic
spectrum components.