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On-level Energy Study Guide
Know the following terms with examples for each word
1. Energy- the ability to do work or cause change
2. Law of Conservation of Energy- energy cannot be created or destroyed
only transferred
3. kinetic energy- energy of motion
a. moving car, ball rolling down a hill
4. potential energy- stored energy
a. food
5. elastic potential energy- energy that can be stretched or compressed
a. rubber band, trampoline, slinky
6. gravitational potential energy- energy based on height
a. car on the top of a hill
7. Mechanical energy- energy that moves or can be moved (muscles and
a. fans, turbines, moving your muscles
8. Chemical energy- energy stored in chemical bonds
a. Food, gasoline, fuels, fire
9. Electrical energy- energy from electrically charged particles
a. Any electronic device: cellphones, computers, tv, lamps
10. Electromagnetic energy- light energy that travels in waves
a. Sun, lights
11. Nuclear energy- energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom
a. Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, sun, bombs
12. Sound energy- energy made from noise
a. Clapping, beeping
13. Energy conversion- when energy changes forms
a. Potential to kinetic
14. Give examples of energy conversions between the 7 forms of energy (ex.
Chemical to mechanical, chemical to thermal, etc.)
Hair dryer: electrical  thermal
Person running: chemical (food) mechanical and thermal
Lamp: electrical  light and thermal
Match: chemical thermal and thermal
Fan: electrical  mechanical and thermal
** remember that some energy is always converted to thermal energy due to
T M
4. a
4. b
15. Describe one specific energy conversion that occurs in a nuclear generator.
 Steps 12: nuclear energy converted to mechanical energy; nuclear reactions create
steam to turn turbines
 Steps 23: Thermal energy converted to electrical energy; steam turns turbines to
generate electricity
 Steps 34a: Mechanical energy converted to mechanical energy; the turning turbine
delivers electricity to homes
 Steps 34b: Mechanical energy converted to thermal energy; the turning turbine is
cooled off by thermal energy
16. Compare/contrast KE and PE
a. Know what 2 things kinetic energy depends upon
a. Mass: the larger the mass the greater the KE
b. Velocity: the faster the object the greater the KE
b. Know the 2 types of potential energy
a. Gravitational potential energy
b. Elastic potential energy
c. Know the 2 things gravitational potential energy depends upon
a. Height- the higher the object, the greater the PE
b. Weight- heavier the object, the greater the PE
17. Describe the law of conservation of energy as it applies to a pendulum;
a. where would you find the maximum PE?
1. At the highest points (1 and 5)
b. maximum KE?
1. At the lowest point (3)
c. where are PE/KE conversions occurring?
1. Between the highest to lowest points (2 and 4)
Know the following terms with examples for each word
18. Temperature- the AVERAGE kinetic energy in an object
a. 100 degrees Celsius
19. Heat- the movement of thermal energy from one object to another
a. Sun, light bulbs
20. Thermal energy- the TOTAL kinetic energy in an object
a. Sun, toaster ovens
21. absolute zero
22. conduction- heat transfer through direct contact (touching)
a. pot on the stove, feet on hot ground
23. convection- heat transfer via the up and down movement of liquids and gases
a. ocean currents, air currents, hot air rising
24. radiation- heat transfer from electromagnetic waves (light)
a. sun, fire, light bulbs
25. insulator- slows energy transfer (keeps heat in)
a. winter hat, sweatshirts, gloves, Styrofoam
26. conductor- allows heat transfer to flow freely and easily
a. metals
Describe the following concepts:
27. Explain the difference between temperature, heat, and thermal energy
a. Temperature is the AVERAGE kinetic energy whereas thermal energy
is the TOTAL kinetic energy and heat is just the movement of
thermal energy
28. Explain the 2 things thermal energy depends on?
a. Temperature- (same size) the hotter something is the more thermal
b. Size of the sample- (same temperature) the larger the sample, the
more thermal energy
29. Explain what happens to matter at absolute zero
30. Describe and give examples of the 3 ways thermal energy is transferred
a. conduction- heat transfer through direct contact (touching)
a. pot on the stove, feet on hot ground
b. convection- heat transfer via the up and down movement of liquids
and gases
a. ocean currents, air currents, hot air rising
c. radiation- heat transfer from electromagnetic waves (light)
a. sun, fire, light bulbs
31. Know the difference between an insulator and a conductor and give examples
of each.
a. Conductors allow heat to transfer easily and insulators do not allow
heat to transfer easily.
b. Conductors: metal
c. Insulators: Styrofoam, mittens, winter hats
32. Which direction does heat always transfers or flow?
a. High thermal energy (hot) to low thermal energy (cold)
***Remember the test will also include CRCT Questions***
-Review the difference between elements and compounds
-Know the distance-force trade off for how machines work
-Know the difference between speed and velocity
-know what happens to gravity as distance changes
- Know how to reduce and increase friction
- Know how fixed pulleys work
-Know what flammability is