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Chapter 9 Study Guide
1. What is an allele? Provide an example from class to demonstrate your
2. What is a trait? How is it different from a gene?
3. Explain the difference between genotype and phenotype.
4. In terms of a family, who would be the P1, F1, and F2 generations? Why were
all three of these 3 generations important to Mendel’s experiment?
5. Explain how the events of meiosis account for the law of segregation when you
use a Punnett Square.
6. What is the difference between a homozygous and heterozygous individual?
Which of these two would a pure plant be?
7. How did Mendel know that variations in the offspring generations resulted from
his experiment?
8. Why is it that recessive alleles are sometimes not expressed?
9. A heterozygous male is crossed with a heterozygous female.
a. Make a Punnett Square and list the probable phenotypes and genotypes
of the offspring.
b. Write the ratio of the resultant phenotypes
10. Explain what happens in incomplete dominance. To demonstrate your
understanding, create a Punnett Square of a cross between white and red four
o’clock flowers?
11. Differentiate between a monohybrid and dihybrid cross.
12. What is a carrier? Do they express the trait?
13. Who was Gregor Mendel?
14. Give an example of a sex linked trait.
a. What is the genotype of a female if she is to express one of these traits?
b. Why are males more likely to be affected by an X linked trait?
15. Explain the law of independent assortment. Why is this law so important?
16. Why did Mendel choose to study pea plants? Why not dogs, cats, or even
humans? Give at least 2 reasons.
17. What is Codominance? What would the color of the F1 horse be if its father was
red and its mother was white?
18. Two double heterozygous tall, purple flowering plants are cross-pollinated. What
are the possible phenotypes and genotypes of the offspring?
19. Pedigree Question:
For Questions 1-9, use the pedigree chart shown below. Some of the labels may be
used more than once.
________ 1. A male
2. A female
________ 3. A marriage
4. A person who expresses the trait
5. A person who does not express the trait
6. A connection between parents and offspring
________ 7. How many generations are shown on this chart?
Assuming the chart above is tracing the dominant trait of "White Forelock (F)" through
the family. F is a tuft of white hair on the forehead.
________8. What is the most likely genotype of individual “A”? (FF, Ff or ff?)
________9. What is the most likely genotype of individual “C”? (FF, Ff or ff?)