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Review Sheet
Material covered up through first exam
Who was Donald Hebb and why is he famous?
Gregor Mendel
Amino acids
Sex-linked genes
Dominant gene
Recessive gene
Homozygous and heterozygous alleles
Individual Fitness
Issues surrounding animal research
Two kinds of cells in the nervous system and the classes of each that we discussed
Internal and external components of a cell
Anatomy of a neuron
Myelin sheaths
What is the blood-brain barrier? Why is it important
Resting potential. What is it? How does it occur?
Gradients that promote equal distribution of ions
Factors that promote an unequal distribution of ions across membrane
Sodium-potassium pump
Action potential. Know the process in terms of the ions involved
Hyperpolarization and depolarization
Threshold of excitation
Refractory periods (absolute and relative)
Voltage gated ion channels
What is temporal and spatial summation?
Ways in which an action potential can be propagated down an axon
Charles Sherrington. Who was he? What major ideas did he generate about synapses?
What is a graded potential?
Otto Loewi’s experiments on frog hearts
Classes of neurotransmitters (don’t have to memorize them all, but do know a few, like
catecholamines, acetylcholine and serotonin
Mechanisms involved in the release of neurotransmitter
Where are neurotransmitters stored?
Two types of postsynaptic membrane receptors and how they work
Various ways that drugs can affect synaptic transmission
Agonist and antagonist
Three classes and types of neurons
Santiago Ramon y Cajal. Who was he? What principles have we learned from him?
Hodgkin and Huxley. Who were they? What are they known for?
Patch clamp technique
Anatomical terms: afferent, efferent, proximal, distal, dorsal, ventral, anterior, posterior,
rostral, caudal, medial, lateral, ipsilateral, contralateral, coronal, sagital, horizontal
Major divisions of the vertebrate nervous system
Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic
Ganglion vs. nucleus
Organization of the spinal cord. Where are the cell bodies for the sensory and motor
neurons? What’s in the gray matter and white matter?
The 12 cranial nerves
Hindbrain. What does it consist of and do?
Cerebellum. What does it do?
Parts of the midbrain and what do each do
Pineal gland
Thalamus. What is its overall function? Where does the thalamus connect
Basal ganglia. What is it?
Limbic system. What is it?
Parkinson’s Disease. What neurotransmitter is affected? What area(s) of the brain are
Hypothalamus. What it is involved in?
Hippocampus. What is it involved in?
Pituitary and infundibulum.
Cerebral spinal fluid and choroids plexus
Telencephalon vs. diencephalon
Cortex. How is it organized? What are the cell types that are found there? What are the
four lobes and what do they do?
Motor map
Communication across hemispheres
Sulci vs. gyri vs. fissures
Prefrontal cortex and delayed response task.
Various types of lesions. Pros and cons of lesion studies
Electrical recording from specific brain areas
Field potential vs local potential
Nissl stain
Golgi stain
In situ hybridization
Immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry
Tract tracing
CAT scans
MRI and fMRI
PET scans
Regional cerebral blood flow
Knock-out animals and transgenics
Morgan’s Cannon
Neural plate
Neural groove
Neural tube
Neural crest
Cell migration
Filopodia and lamellipodia
Chemoaffinity hypothesis
Blueprint hypothesis
Topographic gradient hypothesis