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Ancient Rome Study Guide
Terms to Know:
**Most of these words have already been defined on your cards; study those and the extra ones given
below. Make sure you know them well!
Tiber River, Pyrenees, Alps
Latins, Greeks, Etruscans
Law of the Twelve Tables
Senate, Assembly, Consuls
Legions, Legionnaires
Punic Wars
General Scipio, Cato
Battle of Zama
Gracchi Brothers
1st Triumvirate
Julius Caesar
Ides of March
2nd Triumvirate
Octavian Augustus
Pax Romana
Pompeii, Mt. Vesuvius
Roman religion-gods and goddesses
Jesus, Peter, Paul
12 Apostles, Epistles, Gospels
Constantine, Augustine
Germanic invaders
Attila the Hun
Romulus Augustulus
Greco-Roman culture
Virgil, Aeneid
Aqueducts, Colosseum, Circus Maximus
Latin language/Romance languages
Describe the birth of the Roman Republic.
Explain the differences between the Plebeians and the Patricians.
Describe the government of the Roman Republic. How did it function?
How did government in Rome change from its earliest days to the time of
Constantine? Describe how each form of government worked and served the
Describe the Punic Wars and the results of each of them.
Explain why the Roman Republic expanded so successfully.
Explain the changes in lifestyles as Rome transformed from a republic into
an empire.
Describe the development of one-man rule in the Roman Empire.
Describe the leadership of the Gracchi brothers.
Who made up the 1st Triumvirate? 2nd Triumvirate?
Describe how Julius Caesar came to power and the significance of his death.
Describe the leadership of Octavian Augustus.
What was the Pax Romana? How long did it last?
Explain the spread of Christianity, persecution of Christians, and the
triumph of Christianity.
What were some of the reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire?
Who are some groups of people that the Roman Empire had trouble with?
Why did many of the Germanic tribes invade the Roman Empire?
Describe the division of the Roman Empire between East and West. When
did the Western Empire collapse? When did the Eastern Empire collapse?
What led to the collapse of each Empire?
Describe some of the accomplishments of the ancient Roman civilization.
Include some of its many buildings as examples.
What are some Roman achievements that have lasted until the present day?
What are some of Rome’s greatest achievements, in your opinion? Why?
Which areas of the world are still strongly influenced by Roman
How did the Roman government change under the leadership of Diocletian
and Constantine?