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Course Syllabus: Pharmacology
Date Created/Revised: 07/26/13
Author(s): Michael Hesse
Course Description: The objective of the Pharmacy Technician Program is to provide students with the skills and
knowledge to prepare them for the national Pharmacy Technician Certification Board exam and enable students to
qualify for entry-level positions in retail and hospital pharmacies. This integrated occupational course will provide an
overview of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of prescription and nonprescription medications. Course
content will emphasize drug classifications, drug action, drug administration, ethical and legal issues, and safety.
Students will develop an understanding of pharmaceuticals and its impact on the health care industry. Career and
post secondary options in pharmacy will also be explored.
Through an introduction to pharmacy
practice, students will be able to:
a) Describe the origins of Pharmacy
b) Describe the four stages of development
of the pharmacy profession in the
twentieth century
c) Enumerate the functions of the
d) Discuss the educational curriculum for
today’s pharmacy student
e) Identify the duties and work
environments of the pharmacy
1st Six Weeks
Differentiate among the various kinds of
g) Know the components of the
prescriptions, including the commonly
used abbreviations
h) Understand the “rights” of correct drug
administration, and the immunization
Recognize common dosage forms, and
know the routes of administration
Recognize factors that influence the
effects of drugs, particularly in the elderly
and pediatric populations
k) Know the effects natural chemicals have
on drug action and response
Define the term drug and distinguish
between over-the-counter and legend
m) Explain the parts of the National Drug
1. Pharmacy Technician
2. Pharmacy Law and Ethics
3. Administration of Pharmacologic Agents
4. Introduction to Pharmacology
5. Drugs, Dosage Forms and Delivery Systems
6. Routes of Drug Administration
7. Dispensing, Billing and Inventory
8. Hospital and Institutional Pharmacy
Code Number
n) Categorize drugs by source as natural,
synthetic, synthesized, or semisynthestic
o) Explain the uses of drugs as therapeutic,
pharmacodynamic, diagnostic,
prophylactic, and destructive agents.
p) Define and differentiate between the
terms dose form and delivery system.
q) Enumerate and explain the properties
and identify advantages and
disadvantages of major dose forms and
delivery systems for drugs.
Identify the function of various commonly
used pharmaceutical reference texts.
s) Define the phrase “route of
Identify the factors that can influence the
route of administration
u) Define the terms local use and systemic
use, and explain how these uses are
considered when a prescriber selects a
drug for a particular patient.
v) List the major routes of administration of
oral, topical, and parenteral dose forms
including IV, IM, ID and subcutaneous.
w) Enumerate typical duties of pharmacy
technicians with regard to dispensing of
over-the-counter and prescriptions
x) Explain the typical procedures for
receiving and reviewing prescriptions.
y) Explain the use of computers in the
z) Discuss drug coverage for Medicaid,
Medicare, and Work Comp patients.
aa) Identify procedures for inventory
management, including the purchasing,
receiving, and storage of prescription
bb) Identify procedures for the purchasing,
receiving, storage, and inventory control
of controlled-drug substances.
Through discussing pharmacy and
technician law, students will be able to:
a) Explain the licensing requirements for
b) Distinguish among common law,
statutory law, regulatory or
administrative law, ethics, and
professional standards.
c) Explain the potential for tort actions
under common law related to,
negligence, and other forms of
d) List and describe the major effects on
the pharmacy of the major pieces of
statutory federal drug law in the 20th
e) Discuss the role of the Food and Drug
Administration, Drug Enforcement
Administration, the United States
Pharmacopeia convention, and the state
boards of pharmacy.
Enumerate the duties that may legally be
performed by pharmacy technicians in
most states.
Pharmacology Theory I
a) Understand the differences between
fungi and viruses; and why the drugs
used to treat them must have very
different mechanisms of action
b) Differentiate antifungals, antiviral, and
antiretrovirals by their indications,
therapeutic effects, side effects,
dosages, and administration
c) Use antifungal, antiviral, and
antiretroviral terminology correctly in
written and oral communication.
d) Understand brand name, generic name,
classification, and indication for use of
the assigned 50 drugs from the Top 200
prescriptions drugs.
e) Define common prefixes related to
medicine and pharmacy.
2nd Six Weeks
Complete a drug product information
g) Alert pharmacist regarding drug
interactions or allergy warnings.
h) Generate the proper prescription label
and auxiliary label(s).
Advise the patient or caregiver regarding
the appropriate techniques for
administering and disposing of Fentanyl
Identify the major types of antibiotics by
drug class.
k) Know which auxiliary labels to use when
dispensing major types of antibiotics.
Define therapeutic effects, side effects,
and administration routes of major
m) Use antibiotic and general drug
1. Characteristics of fungi and viruses and
infection therapy.
2. Extermporaneous compounding lab.
3. Understanding subdivisions of numbers,
number systems, estimating and accuracy.
4. Antibiotics.
5. Using ratios, percents, and proportions.
6. Antihistamines, decongestants, antitussives
and expectorants.
7. Developing literacy skills.
8. Anesthetics, analgesics and narcotics.
9. Applying metric measurements and
calculating doses.
10. Antidepressants, antipsychotics and
antianxiety agents.
terminology correctly in written and oral
n) Identify the elements of a complete
prescription order.
o) Recognize the elements of a medication
p) Know what information is required on a
patient profile
q) Identify errors on patient profile form.
Outline smoking cessation plans and
supportive therapy.
s) Define common prefixes in preparation
for the PTCE
Demonstrate knowledge of sterile
u) Make suppositories with the fusion
v) Develop an understanding of the
physiologic processes that occur in
w) Classify seizures and the goals of their
x) Understand that specific drugs are used
in different types of seizures
y) Be familiar with Parkinson’s disease and
in its treatment.
z) Know symptoms and treatments of
Myasthenia Gravis, the Attention-Deficit
Disorders, Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis, and
Alzheimer’s disease.
Pharmacy Calculations I
a) Understand fractions and be able to
compare them, express them as
decimals, and find common
b) Manipulate fractions by adding,
subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
c) Interpret Roman and Arabic numbers
and convert values between the two
d) Read scientific notation and convert
large and smaller numbers to them.
e) Determine the value of a decimal and
accurately round off decimal values
Estimate drug doses in order to check
accuracy of final calculations
g) Perform calculations while retaining
accuracy and the correct number of
significant figures.
h) Understand the use of ratios and
proportions in the pharmacy
Solve pharmacy calculations by using
ratios and proportions.
Calculate percentage of error and
evaluate measurements using
percentage of error.
k) Apply calculation operations in handling
prescription orders.
Apply calculation operations to
information on medication labels.
m) Identify the basic units and prefixes of
the metric system
n) Convert units within the metric system by
moving the decimal, using ratioproportion method, and using the
dimensional analysis method.
o) Calculate drug doses using the ratioproportion and dimensional analysis
p) Calculate doses based on weight and
body surface area (BSA)
q) Calculate a pediatric dose using the
patient’s weight or age and the
appropriate adult dose.
Solve medication problems by using
household measures and the metric
s) Convert body weight between kilograms
and pounds
Determine pediatric doses using dosing
u) Calculate the amount of medication to be
v) Calculate temperature conversions
between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
w) Calculate the volume to be measured
when given a specific dose.
x) Calculate the amount of drug in a given
y) Identify drugs that use units as a dose
z) Calculate the volume of a substance that
has an electrolyte as its primary
aa) Calculate the quantity of units in a given
concentration and dose
bb) Calculate the volume of insulin to be
Pharmacy Externship
a) Complete the fingerprinting, drug
screening and criminal background
Pharmacology Theory II
a) Recognize, define, spell, and pronounce
medical terminology and its word part of
the respiratory and gastrointestinal
b) List and discuss the generalized
functions of the respiratory and
gastrointestinal systems.
c) Define and indentify medications used
for the treatment of pulmonary disease.
d) Learn the pathophysiology and treatment
of emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
e) Be aware of the reemergence of
tuberculosis and of treatment for this
Describe gastrointestinal physiology and
how it affects GI disease
g) Understand the measures to prevent and
treat hepatitis.
3rd Six Weeks
h) Understand the renal system, its
importance and how it works.
Differentiate the parts of the renal
Understand the classes of diuretics and
how they work.
k) Define muscle relaxants.
Identify the muscle relaxants and their
various mechanisms of action.
m) Identify the non-narcotic analgesics, and
describe their uses and mechanisms of
n) Given the generic and trade name of
respiratory system drug, identify what
drug category it belongs to or what
disease it is used to treat.
o) Given a gastrointestinal drug category,
identify several generic and trade name
drugs within that category.
p) State the dosage forms of prescription
and nonprescription medications
commonly used to treat diseases of the
1. Anticonvulsants and drugs to treat other CNS
2. Using household measures in pharmacy
3. Respiratory drugs.
4. Preparing injectable medication.
5. Gastrointestinal drugs
6. Preparing intravenous medications
7. Urinary system
8. Using special calculations in compounding.
9. Muscle relaxants, non-narcotic analgesics,
and drugs for arthritis.
urinary system.
q) State the route of administration of
prescription and nonprescription
medications commonly used to treat
diseases of muscle/skeletal system.
Describe the adverse effects of
prescription medications, nonprescription
medication, and alternative therapies
commonly used to treat disease.
s) Demonstrate how to interpret
prescriptions and medication orders
Pharmacy Calculations II
a) Calculate a medication dosage using the
correct dosage equation
Pharmacy Externship
a) Complete required externship hours at
assigned pharmacy.
Pharmacology and the Human Body
a) Explain the concept of hormones and
how they regulate the body.
b) Discuss thyroid replacement therapy.
c) Discuss adrenal sex hormones and male
d) Understand the concept of hormone
replacement therapy.
e) Understand the formulation of oral
Recognize the urgent need for drugs
used at delivery.
g) Discuss corticosteroids.
4th Six Weeks
h) Understand diabetes and the proper
treatment and care of patients.
Know the application for growth
Understand the cardiovascular system.
k) Know the drugs and treatment for each
type of heart disease.
Recognize anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs and know their functions.
m) Discuss stroke and the drugs used to
treat it.
n) Identify drugs to treat hyperlipidemia and
understand its role in heart disease and
stroke treatment.
o) Describe the skin as an organ.
p) Understand the physiology of the skin.
1. Hormones, bone disease and sexually
transmitted diseases.
2. Using business math in the pharmacy.
3. Corticosteroids, diabetes and growth
4. The circulatory system and cardiovascular
5. Topical ophthalmics and otics.
6. Recombinant DNA.
7. Vitamins and nutritional supplements.
q) Know the topical drugs and the
conditions they treat.
Explain the action of the topical
corticosteroids and their application.
s) Recognize the classes of antiseptics and
Recognize the ophthalmic and otic
agents and their uses.
u) Understand recombinant DNA and the
process for producing medication in this
v) Identify colony-stimulating factors and
their uses.
w) Understand the immune system and how
it works.
x) Identify drugs used to treat specific
disease states and the classification of
drugs used in treatments.
y) Understand how the body uses vitamins
and electrolytes.
z) Understand enteral and parenteral
nutrition, including purposes, ingredients,
satiability and complications.
aa) Recognize herbs, their value, uses, and
bb) Become familiar with the supportive
therapy and antidotes used to treat
occurrences of poisoning.
cc) Understand the importance of the Blue
Alert cart, its supplies, and its
dd) Be aware of the role of the pharmacy
technician in the event of a bioterrorist
Pharmacy Externship
a) Complete required externship hours at
assigned pharmacy.
5th Six Weeks
Sterile Process (IV prep) Validation
a) List the types of compounding essential
to full pharmacy services
b) Lit the activities that assure safe and
effective compounding.
c) List the advantages and disadvantages
of IV therapy.
d) List four general conditions requiring IV
e) Name drugs, fluids, and hardware
components used in compounding and
IV therapy.
f) Site rules for proper IV mixing.
g) Calculate appropriate and accurate
quantities of drugs and additives for
compounding and IV mixtures.
h) Explain the primary function of a
1. Discussion of USP/NF 797 primer.
2. Aseptic procedures for preparation of sterile
3. Infection control and contamination.
4. Sterilization methods.
5. Types of drugs and storage
6. Pharmacy calculations review.
7. Process validation instruction and practice
List five functions related to patient
processing activities.
Name four treatments modalities
available in a hospital for patient care.
Identify whom the pharmacy technician
reports to in the institutional pharmacy.
Explain when patient drug profiles are
generated and for what length of time
are they dispensed.
Describe what the drug order is written
on in the hospital pharmacy.
Describe how nurses track and record a
patients’ medication treatment in the
Explain what each department in the
hospital is required to maintain for
regulating agencies.
List the items that are required on the
floor cart and who verifies this inventory
Describe the process for management
and control of controlled substances and
narcotic disposal.
Define and differentiate a policy and a
List five reasons to justify the need for a
policy and procedure manual.
List five basic format requirements for a
policy and a procedure manual.
Explain the steps involved in the manual
approval process.
List five topics that could be included in
each of the following pharmacy areas:
administrative, distributional, and clinical.
Indicate three problems that may be
encountered in the interpretation and
implementation of departmental policies
and procedures.
State the components of a complete
prescription / medication order including
orders for controlled substances.
Explain when given the abbreviated
instruction for medication; use the full
wording of the instructions.
Explain methods for securing missing
pieces of information in a prescription /
medication order.
State the schedule for controlled
substances and commonly used
medications that fall into each category.
Explain the procedure to verify the
validity of a prescriber’s DEA number.
Explain techniques for detecting forged
or altered prescriptions.
Explain the importance of alerting the
pharmacists, if a prescription /
medication order appears to be
Explain common situations when
screening refills, renewals, and when the
technician should notify the pharmacists
of potential inappropriateness.
ff) Organize all written or oral
communication in a logical manner.
gg) Address all communication on the level
appropriate for the audience.
hh) Demonstrate correct grammar,
punctuation, spelling, style, and
formatting conventions in preparing
written communications.
ii) Demonstrate skill in the use of the
Internet, e-mail services, and
computerized medication information
Pharmacy Externship
jj) Complete required externship hours at
assigned pharmacy.
PTCE Preparation
a) Describe the origins and purpose of the
hospital formulary.
b) Describe the type of materials stored in a
drug information center.
c) List common universal precautions to
avoid contamination.
d) Explain the germ theory of disease, the
role of pathogenic organisms in causing
e) Distinguish among viruses, bacteria,
fungi, and protozoa.
6th Six Weeks
Describe proper aseptic technique,
including the use of laminar, horizontal,
and vertical airflow hoods.
g) Describe the equipment and procedures
used in preparing parenteral
h) Explain the proper procedures for
repacking of medications.
Identify the techniques for handling and
disposing of hazardous agents.
Discuss intravenous preparations as a
special pharmacy sterile-compounding
k) List references available to meet the
needs of special pharmacy skills.
Define TPN.
m) Define a Class A prescription balance, a
counter balance, and a solution balance.
n) Describe what extemporaneous
compounding means.
o) Outline the steps required to accurately
weigh a pharmaceutical ingredient.
p) Register and seat for the PTCB exam
1. Online PTCE Review – Category 1, 2 and 3.
2. Top 200 drug list review and assessment.
3. Online PTCE practice
4. Writing a resume, creating a list of references,
cover letters, interviewing and job hunting.
Career Development
a) Create or update student resume to
include recent externship experience.
b) Search for open pharmacy technician
jobs that coincide with future plans.
c) Investigate application process and
educational requirements to enter
pharmacy school at Univ. of North