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Be able to explain the who, what, why, where, how, and significance of:
The Civil War
Dates; national, diplomatic, and military strategies of each side;
strengths and limitations of each side in the conflict (refer to your
chart) (OM 534-35; 538-39)
Lincoln’s position on the
Continental Association, Declaration of Independence, “perpetual
nature of the union
union,” “more perfect union”
Confederate position on the Alliance to fight British; compact between states, 10th amendment
nature of the union
and states’ rights; “northern heresy”
Competing meanings of
CSA: “Bonnie Blue Flag,” states’ rights, property rights, economic
“freedom” (what each side
self-sufficiency, no submission to North
was fighting for)
Union: “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” “Gettysburg Address,”
preservation of U.S. as free nation and model to world; death of
slavery; equality before the law (Foner)
Fort Sumter
Charleston harbor; Robert Anderson; Abraham Lincoln; Jefferson
Davis; how did the status of the fort become a symbol; significance
of the attack including secession of additional states (OM 532-33)
Border states
Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri; why important to keep
each in union; Lincoln’s actions to keep each in (OM 533-34)
Diplomatic strategies during CSA: gain foreign recognition/support; cotton, embargo and
the war
USA: block foreign recognition; Trent affair; why British did not
help South; Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln and the Republican Why able to get it passed. Pacific Railway Act of 1862, Homestead
economic program
Act, Morrill Land Grant Act, Department of Agriculture (OM 53638; 593)
Manpower for the military CSA: first draft in American history; 18-35(45); substitutes; “rich
man’s war, poor man’s fight” and its meaning; USA: volunteers,
draft in 1863, substitutes; New York City Draft Riots, 1863, factors
that produced them; role played by African Americans in the
military; problems faced by African American troops including
discrimination (OM 540, 547-48, 553-54)
Bull Run (First)
First real battle; fought in Virginia near Washington; illusions about
the war (OM 534)
Bloodiest single day; 2 major consequences
Anaconda Plan
Winfield Scott; naval blockade (constitutional issue; Prize cases),
retake Mississippi; U.S. Grant, Shiloh; David Farragut, New
Orleans; turning point in west Vicksburg 1863 (OM 541-43)
Control of Mississippi; U.S. Grant; turning point in west; 1863 (OM
Robert E. Lee; offensive-defensive strategy; turning point in east;
1863 (OM 555-56)
1864-65; Grant; William T. Sherman; March to the Sea;
Wilderness Campaign; unconditional surrender (OM 556-58)
Virginia; 1864; U.S.Grant; Robert E. Lee; war of attrition (OM
William T. Sherman; scorched earth/total war; Georgia and
Carolinas (OM 556-57)
U.S. Grant; Robert E. Lee; terms of surrender (OM 559)
Rifles, ironclads (Monitor v. Merrimac), balloons,
Martial law; suspension of writ of habeas corpus; ex parte Milligan;
budget; naval blockade, Prize cases; call for troops in 1861;
Emancipation Proclamation (did he have authority to do it); Lincoln
and dissent (OM 535-36, 552; Foner)
Lincoln’s position on slavery; Slaves running to freedom
(contrabands); Emancipation Proclamation of 1863; purposes for
issuing it; who was freed by it; significance of it; how all slaves
ultimately freed; 13th amendment (OM 546-47, Greeley letter,
Lincoln’s explanation of why the Civil War occurred; how similar
to Julia Ward Howe’s “Battle Hymn of the Republic”; Lincoln’s
conception of God (active in history, will can’t be changed by human
beings, just); desire for reconciliation (“judge not,” no “malice,”
responsibilities to those who fought
Lincoln’s interpretation of the war (test, new birth of freedom);
meaning of “under God,” “new birth of freedom,” “government of
the people, by the people, and for the people”
Borrowing/war bonds; Legal Tender Act, “greenback dollars;” new
taxes; inflationary effect of greenbacks (OM 536-38)
Total war strategy
The Wilderness
March to the Sea
New military technologies
Lincoln and expansion of
Presidential power
Death of slavery
Second Inaugural Address
Gettysburg Address
Methods used by USA to
finance war
Radical Republicans
Goals; leaders (Charles Sumner, Thaddeus Stevens, Benjamin
Wade); dislike of Andrew Johnson (OM 573-75)
Reconstruction (period)
1865-1877; 4 key issues involved in Reconstruction era and
how they were handled; how the war changed the federal
government (expanded power, national citizenship,
conception of government as definer and protector of rights);
the 3 Reconstruction amendments and what they
accomplished; educating and assisting freed people
(Freedmen’s Bureau; O.M. Howard)
Presidential theory of
Status of states; how they could be restored to active role; how
Andrew Johnson implemented this approach; why he got into
trouble with Congress over it (notes; OM 573);
State suicide; how they could be restored to the Union; First
Reconstruction Act of 1867 (notes; OM 575); Supreme Court Texas v.
Congressional theory of
White; factors leading to “Radical Reconstruction” (e.g., black codes)
Impeachment of Andrew
Disenfranchisement of
African Americans and
Remembering the war
Southern agriculture
Southern Republicans
Tenure of Office Act; political basis for impeachment vote;
outcome of trial and consequences including precedent set (OM
use of violence and intimidation; Ku Klux Klan; literacy tests, poll
taxes; grandfather clause; fusion tickets; segregation, Civil Rights
cases of 1883, Plessy v. Ferguson, John Marshall Harlan
human costs of the war; Memorial Day; “Lost Cause”
Sharecropping, crop lien; role of local merchants; problems with
cotton industry
“carpetbaggers,” “scalawags,” and African Americans; goals of
Republican state governments; successes and failures (OM 586-88)
Southern white resistance and Ku Klux Klan, Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, Democrats’ role,
Supreme Court decisions that limited application of 14th amendment
(OM 588-90)
Women’s rights
controversy over women voting; National Woman Suffrage
Association (Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton), Revolution;
American Woman Suffrage Association (Lucy Stone); Women’s
Christian Temperance Union, “For God, home, and native land,”
Frances Willard; struggle to get into professions; Belva Lockwood;
Victoria Woodhull; free love; marriage (various positions on it);
control over own body; Comstock law of 1873 (Foner, OM 57879, Susan Anthony speech)
Southern poverty
sources of capital; role of local merchants; crop lien system, tenant
farming, and sharecropping; problems of cotton industry (OM 590592)
Northern economy in
Reconstruction era
shift to factory system and dependence on industry over agriculture;
centrality of railroads to economy; trans-continental railroads; role
of Chinese; corruption; Credit Mobilier scandal (OM 592-94)
Electoral crisis of 1876
Rutherford B. Hayes, Samuel Tilden; what caused electoral crisis;
how it was resolved; Compromise of 1877 and end of
Reconstruction (OM 596-97)
Study Questions:
1.What were the dates of the Civil War? What issues unresolved by the Revolution were resolved by this
war and how? How does the Civil War meet the three tests of what constitutes a civil war?
2.What was Lincoln’s first priority in conducting the war? How did this impact his position on slavery?
What steps did Lincoln take to end slavery?
3.What factors made it difficult for Kentuckians to decide which side to support during the war? Why did
Kentucky remain in the Union?
4.What was the cost of the Civil War in lives? How does this compare to other U.S. conflicts? What made
the mortality rate so high? (technology, tactics, medical care)
5.What were the relative advantages and disadvantages of each side going into the war?
6.What connection was made between African American military service during the war and citizenship?
Give a similar example from the Vietnam War.
7.How did the Civil War and Reconstruction change Americans’ conception of nationhood? (Notes; Foner
97-99; 107; 112-113)
8.What were the Reconstruction Amendments, what did they provide, and how did they change both the
definition of freedom and the role of the Federal government? (OM 578, Foner 105-107) Be able to give
the four key parts of Section 1 of the 14th amendment. (Reading Guide 4)
9.Why did sharecropping and the crop lien system come to dominate Southern farming? How did this lead
to over-reliance on cotton and what were the long term consequences? What group benefited from this
system and formed a new Southern elite? (OM 584; 590-92)
10.Explain these two ways of remembering the War: “waving the bloody shirt” and “the Lost Cause.”
Which one won out in the end? Why? (Notes)