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Weekly Spelling Contract Assignments – 5 Points
A to Z/Z to A: Write all of your words in cursive in alphabetical order. Then write them again in cursive in
reverse alphabetical order.
P.P.M. - Write all of your words in cursive three times – once in pen, once in pencil, once in marker.
Synonyms - Write all of your words in cursive. Beside each word write a synonym or key word to remind you
of its meaning in cursive. For example: steel – metal. Resource:
Antonyms - Write your words once in cursive. Beside each word write an antonym for each spelling word. If
you have difficulty thinking of a one word antonym, then write a phrase with the opposite meaning. For
example: bitter – sweet Resource:
Rhyming Words - Write your words once in cursive. Write a rhyming word for each spelling word. Try to find
a real word, but you may use nonsense words if you cannot think of a rhyming word.
Design - Write all of your words in a continuous line to form a picture or
design. The shape should represent one of your spelling words.
Criss Cross – Write your words like a crossword
puzzle. Try to connect all of your words. You
do NOT have to write clues for each word.
f r a c t i o n
s t a l e
Word Search - Make a word search using all of your spelling words. Include a list of your words so that a
classmate can find all of your words tomorrow. Use graph paper or print the following website
Scramble - Make a word scramble for each of your spelling words for a classmate to unscramble tomorrow.
Include an answer key on the back.
1. wtse
2. dpese
3. ereag
1. west
2. speed
3. eager
(Or use the website , choose the Double Puzzle, and
Code - Create a code and write each of your spelling words in code. Include an answer key on the back.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 #
Build a Word- write each of your words in the following format:
Analogy - Write analogies for at least 10 of your spelling words. For example, if your spelling word is jail then
your analogy could be: chef is to kitchen as guard is to _____. Include an answer key on the back.
Figurative Language - Write similes, metaphors, alliterations, or personification phrases for at least 10 words.
Underline your spelling words and label each phrase by its type of figurative language.
Ex. Loud ladies laughed late last Labor Day. – Alliteration
(You can do a mixture of alliteration, simile, metaphors, and personifications. They do not all have to be one
Poetry -Write a poem and include at least 10 spelling words in the poem. Underline your spelling words. Your
poem does not have to rhyme, but should have lines, not be written as a paragraph.
Graphic Organizer - Create a graphic organizer of your own choice to organize your spelling words. You can
do a web, a foldable, a four square, columns, etc. Label groups and write a sentence to explain how you
grouped the words.
Family trees – Make word family trees for 10 of your spelling words. You should
have 10 trees when you are finished. Use a dictionary to help you find at least
three forms of each word. Resource:
Practice Test - Have a family member or friend give you a practice spelling test. Write any words you miss 3
times each on the back. Turn in your practice spelling test and missed words tomorrow.
5X - Write or type your spelling words five times each. Feel free to email your typed list to your teacher if you
want to be green and save paper!
Hidden Words - Choose a theme. Draw and color a picture on a regular sized piece of paper. Write each of the
words hidden somewhere in the picture. Write a separate list of words on the side or back so a person searching
for them knows what words to look for.
Fonts - Write each of your spelling words 3 times. Each of the times you write it, write it in a different style.
You can print, do cursive, try bubble letters, dotted letters, squiggly letters, zig-zag letters…your choice!
Translate – Write all of your words once. Beside each word write the word in another language. Pick one
language for translating all words. Resource:
P.O.S., etc. – Write each of your spelling words once. Use a dictionary to write the part of speech and syllables
beside each word. For example: transportation noun trans-por-ta-tion
Resource :
Memory Game – Create a memory game with your spelling words. Write each word on a note card. Make 2
identical sets of cards. Then, shuffle your cards, flip them upside down and play memory with a friend or family
Ransom Note - Using newspapers or magazines cut out letters and paste or tape them together to create your
spelling words. Please note whether your teacher asked you to pay special attention to any spelling pattern.
Weekly Spelling Contract Assignments – 10 Points
Sentences - Write 10 sentences and use at least 10 of your spelling words. Each sentence should be at least 10
words and should show the meaning of the word. Underline your spelling words.
ex. The hairy, frightening beast left the yard and crawled back into the woods.
10-in-5 Sentences – Write 5 sentences that use 2 spelling words in each. Be sure you find a way to use the
words so that the sentence makes sense.
ex. The eager student was ready to believe every word the professor said.
Diary of Wimpy Kid - Write a diary entry similar to the type that Greg writes in Diary of A Wimpy Kid. Include
at least 10 of your spelling words and underline them. Use the paper provided by your teacher.
Comic Strip - Create a comic strip using at least 10 of your spelling words. Underline your spelling words.
Make sure your comic strip has a beginning, middle and end to the story. Use the paper provided by your
Poetry -Write a poem and include at least 10 spelling words in the poem. Underline your spelling words. Your
poem does not have to rhyme, but should have lines, not be written as a paragraph.
Dialogue – Write a dialogue between two or more people. Include 10 of your spelling words and be sure to use
proper punctuation.
PIE- Write a paragraph or more to Persuade, Inform or Entertain using at least 10 of your spelling words. Be
sure to underline your spelling words and stick to the topic of your choice.
Sentences Rubric
2 points – sentences capitalized
2 points – sentences end with punctuation
2 points – sentences are 10 words or longer
2 points – spelling words spelled correctly
2 points – 3 or fewer other words spelled incorrectly
Other Assignment Rubrics
2 points – sentences capitalized
2 points – sentences end with punctuation
2 points – sentences make sense and stick to a topic
2 points - spelling words spelled correctly
2 points – 3 or fewer other words spelled incorrectly