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8th Grade Final Review Sheet Answers 3
41. Which document said the “all men are created equal”? Declaration
of Independence
42. Which feature of the constitution prevents one branch of the
national government from becoming too powerful? Checks and
43. The purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition was to explore land
gained through the what? Louisiana Purchase
44. What was the main effect of the Supreme Court decision in
Marbury v. Madison? Establish the power of the Court to declare a law
45. What were the results of the war of 1812? (For the US) maintained
its independence from Great Britain.
46. What was the project, completed in 1825, which resulted from
Governor DeWitt Clinton’s plan to link the Hudson River to the
Midwest? Erie Canal
47. What do Mexican Cession, Gadsden Purchase, Oregon Treaty and
Annexation of Texas have to do with? Manifest Destiny
48. Why did southern states pass literacy tests, poll taxes and
grandfather clauses? Limit the rights of formerly enslave persons
49. Why are Jacob Riis and Upton Sinclair considered muckrakers?
Exposed corruption and abuses in society
50. How were the temperance movement and the women’s suffrage
movement similar? Achieved reform by supporting a constitutional
51. What made the United States an imperialist nation? Acquired
overseas territories
52. Which document contains President Woodrow Wilson’s call to
create the League of Nations? Fourteen Points
53. What was one reason that national Prohibition failed? Many
Americans did not support the law
54. How did the United States respond to the attack on Pearl Harbor?
Declared war on Japan
55. What is inflation?
56. Who is best known as a major leader of the 1960s civil rights
movement? Martin Luther King Jr.
57. Why did President Kennedy and President Johnson send troops into
Vietnam? Limit the spread of communism
58. What were the reasons for European exploration of the Americas?
Quest for a trade route to East Asia, search for gold, desire to spread
religious beliefs
59. What era are the following items from? Fads/Flappers, Harlem
Renaissance, Charles Lindbergh and Stock Market Crash “Roaring
60. Victory gardens, rationing, scrap drives and bond drives have to do
with what event? Home front efforts during WWII
61. What was the most direct result of the Watergate break-in?
resignation of President Richard Nixon
62. Put the following wars in order: Mexican War-2, Civil War-3,
Revolutionary War -1, Korean War -4
63. Levittown, Montgomery Bus boycott and Baby Boom are all
associated with what decade? 1950s