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AP US History
Chapter 9 Questions
1) In what ways did democracy in America change in the years leading up to Andrew Jackson’s rise to
the Presidency and from his early political decisions?
James Monroe's presidency was referred to as the "Era of Good Feeling" because of the expansion of
the economy, the growth of white settlement and commerce in the West and the creation of new states.
Monroe changed presidential politics by selecting northerners, southerners, easterners, westerners,
federalists and republicans to his administration to show his nonpartisan beliefs. During this era
America was rapidly expanding and America was becoming more and more nationalistic domestically
and internationally through the Monroe Doctrine, which stated that the Americas was a place that
European nations could no longer colonize and live under. Following this doctrine, America expanded
with the acquisition of Florida from Spain through the Adams-Onis treaty and the also acquired the
area north of the 42nd parallel. In conclusion, Monroe's presidency was an era of good feeling because
Americans were increasing united, nonpartisan and nationalistic.
2) Describe the conflict between John C Calhoun and Martin Van Buren. How did Jackson react? What
were the outcomes?
The Panic of 1819 occurred because of the U.S. land boom following the high foreign demand for
American farm goods. This also meant high prices for U.S. farmers. So, more and more settlers began
to buy land in order to farm. Settlers and speculators obtained easy credit from state banks and the
Bank of the U.S. However, in 1819 new management at the Bank of the U.S. began to tighten their
control over credit and did so by bringing in loans, and taking over mortgages. This action led to
failure by state banks, which lead to financial panic(6 year depression) particularly in the West. The
result was many people pointing the finger at the national bank for their problems and even led to some
people viewing the panic of 1819 as a sign that rapid growth economically and territorially would
destabilize America. Country began to reexamine economic policies.
3) What were the reasons behind Jackson’s war on the Bank of the United States? What were the
outcomes of this battle?
John Marshall and the court changed the status of the supreme court by powering the judicial branch at
the expense of the other branches and also by expanding the power of the national government over the
state governments. He also gave more to the owning and commercial class Americans. He changed the
relationship between state and businesses during the case of Gibbons v. Ogden, by stating that licenses
given to individuals by the federal government were more important and protected then licenses given
by state governments. Importance: If banks fail, people with money in banks that failed lose their
4) What was significant about the appointment of Roger Taney as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
The world changed when President James Monroe issued his Monroe Doctrine in that many Latin
American countries were revolting from Spain and declaring their independence as new nations.
Monroe declared that the states in America were no longer places in which European countries could
colonize or meddle in. This showed the growing feelings of nationalism in 1823 and the establishment
of the U.S. as the dominant power in the western hemisphere.
5) What were the key political differences between the Democrats and the Whigs?
The corrupt bargain of 1824 was the term used by supporters of Andrew Jackson during the election of
1824 criticizing the election of John Adams. Adams won the election even though Jackson had more
popular and electoral votes, but not a majority. The House of Representatives had to take a vote and
with henry Clay's support, they elected Adams as president of the United States. Andrew Jackson was
elected in 1828 because of the belief among Jacksonians that a "champion" of democracy would
occupy the white house and bring liberty to the people of the U.S. and to the economy. They called the
new period "the era of the common man."
6) Explain the outcomes and significance of the 1836, 1840, and 1844 presidential elections. How did the
1840 election change politics?
The 1840 changed politics because now there are 2 groups or Political parties that separate different
view and beliefs of the candidates that are running. Instead of just people running they have Democrats
that are running and Whigs that are running. For the democrats that won (Van Buren) would choose
include there beliefs or plans or try to include it to the nation.