Download Kieren Patel Jeremy Ho AP European History Ms. Muller 12/18/10

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Kieren Patel
Jeremy Ho
AP European History
Ms. Muller
Music And Art
The term “Renaissance” (meaning “rebirth”) was a revival and renewal of art of all
kinds, and the term was dubbed by Italian artist G
. The
three “Major Arts” of the Renaissance were p_____________, s____________ and
a_________________. The Renaissance art was also made up of
C___________themes and m__________. Four prominent artists were reborn in
the 20th century as ninja turtles. M______________ is most famous for painting
the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and sculpting the famous Jewish king
D_________. He also painted the apocalyptic L___________ J____________.
L____________________, a famous artist and inventor is responsible for painting
the Eucharistic meal known as the L__________ S___________. Another one of
the four big artists (and turtles), D_____________, focused intensely on human
nature and the classical figure with his art. The last of the famous four,
R___________, was a Florentine painter who ran a very prodigious workshop for
the time. Though painting was very common at the time, architecture was seen as
just as important. L__________ G___________ is an architect known for
designing the wondrous bronze doors to the Baptistery. Another architect,
F____________ B________________ is acclaimed with building and designing
the magnificent dome on the cathedral of Florence, which was no small feat for a
dome of that size in that period. Many new techniques were developed and
expanded upon in the Renaissance era. The Florentine, M_____________, utilized
light and reflections in his work to give very real, lifelike gleams to his subjects.
P_________ della F___________ was a pioneer of the artistic technique known as
perspective, giving his work excellent depth. The innovative artist, T______ was a
very creative soul. He used the technique known as m__________, distorting
shapes and using incredibly vibrant and often clashing colors to paint some very
unique masterpieces. With new techniques developing and a growing sense of
individuality and focus on the human person, the focus of paintings also shifted.
The broad, nature focused paintings began to be replaced by I_________
P__________ which rich patrons payed for to show off their wealth. As realism
took a hold in this period, artists such as G_________ took great interest in the
human body and how to treat and portray it more naturally. Also as important as
realism, there was a new i_______________ s____________ which was
characterized with rich color, decorative detail, curvilinear rhythms, and swaying
forms. As art became more popular, p______ began to sponsor and financially aid
artists to bring more wealth and glory to their name. L_________ de
M__________ claimed to have spent 663, 755ƒ on art in his life. V____ E______
was a Flemish painter who used oil based paints successfully and painted the
Ghent Altarpiece, Giovanni Arnolfini, and Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride.
B__________ art is a style which means imperfect and odd shaped. The most
outstanding and representative artist of this style was P_______
P______R__________ who was characterized with animated figures,
melodramatic contrasts, and monumental size. A musician who used the baroque
style was J__________S____________B________. He was an organist and
choirmaster of several Lutheran churches across Germany. He used the baroque
spirit of invention, tension, and emotion and was alluded to by Arnold
Schwarzenegger in his terminator movies saying, “I’ll be Bach”. In France, Louis
XIV built a royal court at V___________which was a large palace which included
enormous staterooms, galleries, marble statuary, Gobelin tapestries, and silver
ewers. Because of the numerous styles of art and literature of the age of Louis
XIV scholars characterize the styles as F_________ C___________. This was a
time where artists imitated the subject matter and style of classical antiquity.
J_______-B_________L______ was an musician during this time who combined
lively animation with austerity of French Classicism. F________ C_________
was also an musician supported by Louis, who admired his harpsichord and organ.
M_____-A__________C_________________wrote solemn religious music which
entertained the king at meals and received a pension for Te Deums which were
hymns of thanksgiving celebrating French victories. J_____-B________
P________ took the stage name of Moliere and was a playwright, stage manager,
director, and actor. He produced Tartuffe, Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, and Les
Femme Savantes which exposed hypocrisies. J______R_______ a contemporary
of the previous actor analyzed the power of love and based his dramas on Greek
and Roman legends. A reoccurring theme was conflict between good and evil. He
wrote Andromaque, Berenice, Iphigenie and Phedre.
*Side Note: Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger were planning to do a
dramatic reinterpretation of the evolution of musical arts. The two were discussing
the cast list and Schwarzenegger got up and said he needed to go to the bathroom.
Willis popped in just as he was leaving by saying, “If you don’t mind I’d like to
play Marc-Antoine Charpentier.” As Arnold disappeared around the corner he
poked his head around the door frame, looked Willis in the eye, gave him a thumbs
up, and said “Ok, I’ll be Bach”.
Answer Key
Giorgio Vasari
Painting, sculpture and architecture
Classical themes and motifs
Last Judgement
Leonardo Da Vinci
Last Supper
Lorenzo Ghiberti
Filippo Brunelleschi
Piero della Francesca
Individual Portraits
International style
Lorenzo de Medici
Van Eyck
Peter Paul Rubens
Johann Sebastian Bach
French Classicism
Jean-Baptiste Lully
Francois Couperin
Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Jean-Bapsite Poquelin
Jean Racine
Key Terms
Giorgio Vasari (Dubbed renaissance) Michelangelo (painted Sistine chapel ceiling and scupted David) Painting, sculpture and architecture (“Major Arts”) *3 terms* Filippo Brunelleschi (built dome on cathedral of Florence) Lorenzo Ghiberti (designed bronze doors to baptistery) Leonardo Da Vinci (famous artist and inventor) Raphael (artist) Classical themes and motifsPatrons (supported artists) Lorenzo de Medici (spent 663,755 ƒ on art) Giotto (realism and treatment of the human body) Donatello (human nature and classical figure) Individual Portrait (became more popular)Florentine Masaccio (great realism and effective use of light) International style (rich colors decorative detail curvilinear rhythm swaying
forms)David Last Judgement (Michelangelo) Last Supper (Leonardo) Piero della Francesca (pioneered perspective art) Van Eyck (Dutch renaissance painter)Mannerism (distorted color and figures for emotion)Titian (Venetian painter, used mannerism) Baroque (unbalanced art and music form)Peter Paul Rubens (renowned Baroque Painter)Versailles (building of art )Music
Johann Sebastian Bach (composer)French Classicism (period of antique French art and music)Jean-Baptiste Lully (lead orchestra for Louis XIV)Francois Couperin-
Marc-Antoine CharpentierJean-Bapsite PoquelinJean Racine-