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MACC Math Questions
Set 12 to be used on Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Both teams(A and B) are given the first ten questions. These are all 20-second questions. Directed
math questions will be read twice by the emcee before time starts at “Begin”. There will be no
repeats on directed math questions. Directed questions are answered by writing the answer on the
answer sheet. When time has been called, the team captain will hand in one, and only one, answer
sheet. Make sure the answer is circled if the sheet contains more than the answer—for example if
you have worked the problem on the answer sheet. Once sheets are received by the emcee, none
can be changed or exchanged. There are only ten directed questions. Each team may score points
on each directed question.
Emcees must read both answers aloud in the directed round.
This is the first directed question.
What is the slope and the y-intercept of the line with equation 8x – 4y = -216? (MACC
emcees read question again.) Begin (slope = 2 and y-intercept = 54)
This is the second directed question.
What is the probability of scoring a total of 18 when three fair dice are rolled? (MACC
 1 
emcees read question again.) Begin 
 216 
This is the third directed question.
What is the degree measure of an angle of rotation in a clockwise direction, through
1 (one and three eighths) revolutions? (MACC emcees read question again.) Begin (- 495)
This is the fourth directed question.
x4  y 2
(read as the
quantity x to the fourth minus y squared, the quantity divided by the quantity 3 a y)
(MACC emcees read question again.) Begin ( )
Evaluate the following expression when x=2, y=3 and a=
This is the fifth directed question.
Simplify  7  3 x 4  3 x (read as the quantity negative seven plus the square root of
three x the quantity times the quantity four plus the square root of three x) (MACC
emcees read question again.) Begin  28  3 3x  3x
MACC Math Questions - Page 2
Set 12 to be used on Tuesday, March 16, 2010
This is the sixth directed question.
If the formula for the volume of a pyramid is V equals one third times the area of the base
times the height, what the volume in cubic meters of a rectangular pyramid with length 3
meters and width 5 meters and height 6 meters? (MACC emcees read question again.)
Begin (30)
This is the seventh directed question.
A certain family makes $1700 per month and spends $255 per month on groceries. How
many degrees of a circle graph represent the amount of money spent on groceries?
(MACC emcees read question again.) Begin (54)
This is the eighth directed question.
x 2  xy
(read as the fraction with
3x  3 y
numerator xy and denominator three x minus three y the fraction times the fraction with
numerator x squared minus xy and denominator xy) (MACC emcees read question again.)
Begin  
If no denominator is zero, what is the product of
This is the ninth directed question.
so no radical exists in the denominator (MACC emcees read question
5 2
 5 5  10 
again.) Begin 
This is the tenth directed question.
What is the log3437 (read as the log to the base 343 of 7)? (MACC emcees read question
again.) Begin  
That ends the portion of the match with directed questions. Coaches, if you have any team
member substitutions, please send those team members to the stage at this time. (Note:
Allow time for substitutes to be seated, introduce substitute team members.)
Please remove all written notes from your team tables. Any new material written after the first
question begins may NOT be shared in any way. No form of conferring is allowed during
the tossup portion of the match. Conferring includes sharing of written or verbal
information or signals.
MACC Math Questions - Page 3
Set 12 to be used on Tuesday, March 16, 2010
We will now have ten tossup questions. They are all 10-second questions. Remember, the person
who buzzes in must give the answer immediately. Please wait until I recognize the team
before you give an answer. The penalty for buzzing in early and giving a wrong answer is
minus 2 points, and the question will then be reread in its entirety to the other team.
This is the first tossup question.
Factor x3 -27 Begin (x – 3)(x2 + 3x + 9)
This is the second tossup question.
Simplify 8 3 (read as eight to the two thirds power) Begin (4)
This is the third tossup question.
What is the value of 2sin60o (read as two times the “sign” of sixty degrees)? Begin
 3
This is the fourth tossup question.
What is the sum in degrees of four angles if two are supplementary and the other two are
complementary? Begin
This is the fifth tossup question.
A graphical representation of a frequency distribution where the bar graph has no spaces
between the bars? Begin (histogram)
This is the sixth tossup question.
What is the geometric mean between the numbers: 4 and 100? Begin (20)
This is the seventh tossup question.
What ancient Greek mathematician founded the study of geometry? Begin (Euclid)
This is the eighth tossup question.
Name the property of multiplication illustrated by (3c · 6)2 = 3c(6 · 2) (read as the quantity
of three c times six the quantity times two equals three c times the quantity six times two).
Begin (associative)
This is the ninth tossup question.
If f(x) = 2x – 1, what is f(5.4) (read as f of x equals two x minus one, what is f of five point
4)? Begin (9.8)
MACC Math Questions – Page 4
Set 12 to be used on Tuesday, March 16, 2010
This is the tenth and final tossup question.
(Emcee note – if match is tied after this question go to the three tie breakers at the end of these
questions – use all three, even if tie is broken on first or second question!)
What is a segment joining two non-consecutive vertices of a polygon called? Begin
(MACC Emcees – Ask if there are any appeals that need to be noted.)
EMERGENCY QUESTIONS (To be used in an emergency only –DO NOT USE AS EXTRA TIE
BREAKERS – but they can be used in place of tie breakers as they would be used if a
question has a mistake, if the emcee “flubs” a question, etc.):
You have 20 seconds to answer this question:
Solve the system of equations 3x – 5y = 4 and -2x + 4y = 3. Begin
 y  , x  orx  8 , y  15 
You have 20 seconds to answer this question:
x 2  3x  28
(read as the fraction with numerator x squared plus
three x minus twenty-eight and denominator x minus four). Begin (x + 7)
Simplify the expression
TIE BREAKERS(To be used in cases of tie games – use all three questions, even if the tie is
broken with the first or second question; in case teams are still tied at the end of these
three questions – the game remains a tie.):
This is the first tiebreaker question. You have 10 seconds to answer the question.
Express the number 42, 580,000(forty two million, five hundred eighty thousand) in
scientific notation. Begin (4.258 x 107)
This is the second tiebreaker question. You have 10 seconds to answer the question.
Solve for x, log27X = 5/3 (read as log to the base twenty-seven of x equals five thirds) Begin
This is the third tiebreaker question. You have 10 seconds to answer the question.
What is the set of counting numbers, their opposites, and zero called? Begin (Integers)