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Management Information Systems,
Sixth Edition
Chapter 5:
Business Software
• Explain the difference between application
software and system software
• Enumerate the different generations of
programming languages and explain how they
• Cite the latest major developments in application
and system software
• Identify and explain the roles of Web
programming languages
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Objectives (continued)
• Explain the types and uses of Web site design
• Clarify the differences between proprietary
software and open source software
• List characteristics that are important in
evaluating packaged software applications for
business use
• Understand the problem of software piracy and
how it affects businesses and consumers
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Software: Instructions to the Hardware
• Applications: computer programs that
contribute to productivity
• Software: a series of instructions to a computer
to execute processes
• Two major categories of software:
– Application software: enables task completion
– System software:
• Enables applications to run on a computer
• Manages components and devices
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Programming Languages
and Software Development Tools
• Programs are needed for every computer
• Programming: process of writing programs
• Machine language: the only language that
hardware understands
– Consists of long strings of 0s and 1s
• Assembly language: easier to program than
machine language because it uses words for
• High-level programming languages: use
English-like statements
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Programming Languages and Software
Development Tools (continued)
• Software development tools: develop software
with little knowledge of programming languages
• Third-generation languages (3GLs): known as
“procedural” languages
– Programmer must detail logical procedure
– Includes languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN,
BASIC, RPG, Pascal, and C
– One 3GL statement = five to 10 assembly
language statements
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Programming Languages and Software
Development Tools (continued)
• Fourth-generation languages (4GLs): use
more English-like statements
Speed up the development process
Built around database management systems
Include many preprogrammed procedures
One 4GL statement = several 3GL statements
• Debugging: process of locating and fixing
program errors
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Programming Languages and Software
Development Tools (continued)
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Visual Programming
• Visual programming languages: create
graphical screen objects by selecting icons from
a palette
• Common visual programming languages include:
Microsoft Visual Basic
Borland Delphi
Micro Focus COBOL
Visual C++
• Developer can still work at the code level
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Visual Programming (continued)
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Object-Oriented Programming
• Object-oriented programming (OOP): modular
approach to programming
• Advantages:
– Ease of maintenance
– Efficiency in application development
• Object: contains data elements (data members)
and the methods to manipulate that data
– Data members can only be accessed through the
object’s methods
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Object-Oriented Programming
• Objects are reusable and are combined to create
complex programs
• Popular OOP languages include Smalltalk, C++,
Object Pascal, and Java
• Increasing amount of software developed for the
Web using languages such as Java, JavaScript,
J2EE, and PHP
• Applet: code produced by a Web programming
– Runs same way on different operating systems
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Object-Oriented Programming
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Language Translation:
Compilers and Interpreters
• Source code: program as originally written by
the developer
• Object code: program in machine language that
can be run by the computer
• Procedural languages need programs to
translate source code to object code
• Two types of language translators:
– Compilers
– Interpreters
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Language Translation:
Compilers and Interpreters (continued)
• Compiler: translates entire source code to
object code but does not execute the code
– Scans for syntax errors
– Generates error messages if syntax errors found
• Interpreter: scans one statement at a time
– If error-free, interprets and executes the
– Goes through the program until an error or end of
program is encountered
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Language Translation:
Compilers and Interpreters (continued)
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Application Software
• Application software allows nonprogrammers to
develop their own tools
• Application-specific software: programs
designed to perform specific jobs
• General-purpose application software:
programs that serve multiple purposes
– Usually comes as packaged software
• Packaged software: software that is ready to
install from external storage media such as CDs
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Office Productivity Applications
• Productivity tools: assist normal office work
– Include word processors, spreadsheets,
presentation tools, file/database software,
graphics programs, desktop publishing tools, and
project management applications
• Word processors: used to create text
• Spreadsheets: store numbers and perform
complex mathematical, statistical, and financial
analysis functions
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Office Productivity Applications
• Presentation tools: develop impressive
presentations quickly
• File/database management tools: create and
manipulate local or shared databases
• Graphics programs: create intricate graphical
images and manipulate digital photographs
• Desktop publishing tools: develop items for
publication, such as pamphlets, newsletters,
cards, calendars, etc.
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Office Productivity Applications
• Project management tools: help plan projects
and track progress
• Suite: collection of various applications that
perform multiple interrelated functions
– Includes Microsoft Office, Lotus SmartSuite,, ThinkFree
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Hypermedia and Multimedia
• Hypermedia: a feature that enables users to
access information by clicking text or graphics
• Web page authoring tools: enable hypermedia
– Often part of other applications such as word
processors and presentation tools
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Hypermedia and Multimedia (continued)
• Multimedia software: handles many different
types of data
• Often used in:
– Education: lessons presented in multimedia
– Training exercises
– Compiling and integrating data for business
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
• Mashup: an integrated application containing
some or all features from several applications
– Provides enhanced features for the end user
• Web site design tools: used to change the
content of Web pages
– Includes FrontPage, SharePoint Designer,
Expression Web from Microsoft, Adobe
Dreamweaver, and GoLive
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
• Groupware: an application that enables workers
to collaborate in real time over Web
– Integration of multimedia technology and Web
– Allows for remote collaboration
– Eliminates travel times and facilitates expression
and exchange of ideas
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Virtual Reality
• Virtual reality (VR): an application that mimics
sensory reality using software
– Simulates sight, hearing, and touch
– Uses equipment such as goggles, gloves,
earphones, and moving bases
• VR devices provide two elements:
– Immersion: user senses that she/he is
surrounded by the simulated environment
– Interaction: allows users to simulate changes in
the environment using VR devices
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Virtual Reality (continued)
• VR environment senses movement, responds to
signals, and provides feedback to user
• Businesses use VR to decrease cost of planning
buildings, machines, and vehicles
• Avatar: an imaginary figure used to represent
real person
• VR on the Web includes public gathering
– Second Life: an imaginary world using avatars to
allow real people to meet and communicate
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
3D Geographic Software
• Similar to virtual reality
• Used to develop three-dimensional models
of geographic locations
• Models are created from land and aerial
• Helps with navigation when tied to global
positioning system software
• Useful for city planners, service agencies,
tourism, and travel agencies
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
System Software
• System software: deals with essential
operations between the user and computer such
Loading, copying, and deleting files
Managing memory resources
Operating peripheral equipment
Encompasses compilers and interpreters
• Applications must be compatible with system
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Operating Systems
• Operating system (OS): most important
program on the computer
Recognizes input from keyboard and mouse
Sends output to computer display
Keeps track of files and directories
Runs applications
Manages memory
• Usually developed using low-level programming
languages such as assembly languages
• Also known as “platforms”
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Operating Systems (continued)
• Application program interfaces (APIs):
software included in the OS that can be used by
application program developers
• Utilities: perform other OS functions such as:
– Hardware diagnostics
– Disk check
– File sorting
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Operating Systems (continued)
• OS’s position in logical operation of the
– User interacts with user interface using menus,
icons, and application commands
– Application converts user input into OS
– OS commands the CPU to carry out the operation
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Operating Systems (continued)
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Operating Systems (continued)
• OS must manage the system by allocating
hardware resources to applications
• OS provides several services, including:
– User interface
– Memory allocation, including the use of virtual
memory (hard disk used as an extension of
– Plug-and-play (PnP): recognize and run a device
as soon as it is physically attached
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Operating Systems (continued)
• Driver: software that enables OS to control a
• Additional OS services include:
– Database management
– Networking
– Security
• Different computers and types of
microprocessors use different OSs
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Operating Systems (continued)
• Popular PC operating systems
– Windows XP and Windows Vista
– Linux
– Mac OS
• Popular network OSs that are compatible with
DOS, Windows, and MAC clients include:
– Netware
– Windows Server
• Linux: a free OS based on UNIX
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Operating Systems (continued)
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Other System Software
• Other types of system software include:
Compilers and interpreters
Communications software
Database management systems
• Communications software: supports
transmission and reception of data across
computer networks
• Utilities include antivirus programs, firewalls, and
antispyware/antiadware programs
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Open Source Software
• Proprietary software: sold/licensed for profit
– Source code is private and not available
– Developer retains all rights to the software; user
purchases a license to use the software
• Open source software: free source code
– Developed through voluntary collaboration of
– Fewer bugs because many programmers review
the code
• Popular open source software includes Mozilla
Firefox, Thunderbird, MySQL, and PERL
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Open Source Software (continued)
• Not all free software is open source
– Microsoft Internet Explorer is free but proprietary
• Linux: best known open source OS
– Includes free versions and versions that charge
for support and additional features
– Popular because of its versatility, but has limited
number of applications that run on it
– Runs on mainframes, PCs, handhelds, and
electronic devices
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Software Licensing
• Software is usually licensed
• Licensed software: provides limited permission
to use the software
– Time-limited license requires annual fees
• Several licensing models
– Permissive model: anyone can use and sell
modified versions of the software
– General public license (GPL): anyone can use
and make modified versions, but cannot sell
modified versions for profit
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Considerations for Packaged Software
• Many goals and custom requirements are
considered during development process of inhouse software
• Factors when purchasing large software
packages are more complex, including:
Time to implement
Cost of interrupting operations
Modification costs to customize the software
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
• Software: a collective term for computer
• Two categories of software: system or application
• Programming languages and software
development tools are used to develop software
• Increasing amount of software is linked to the
• Code written in non-machine language must be
translated by compilers or interpreters
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Summary (continued)
• Some application programs are custom
designed, and many are packaged
• Office productivity tools such as word
processors and spreadsheets help improve
worker efficiency
• Hypermedia and multimedia technology are
useful for training, education, research, and
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Summary (continued)
• Groupware combines hypermedia and
multimedia with Web technologies for
• Virtual reality tools help build models of products
and structures
• Three-dimensional geographic software helps
model maps and locations
• Many applications support Web services and
access to information on the Web
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition
Summary (continued)
• Most important system software is operating
• Open source software is distributed freely via the
• Software is either purchased or licensed
• Purchase decisions should evaluate suitability,
ease of learning, ease of use, vendor reputation,
expected quality of vendor support
• Software piracy is still a significant problem
Management Information Systems, Sixth Edition