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Respiratory System Notes Chapter 13
-Organs of the Respiratory system: _____________________________________________________________
-Functions of the Respiratory system: oversees gas exchange ____________________________________
Exchange of gases take place in ____________________________________
Lungs passageways: purify, _________________________________________________________
Only visible part of the respiratory system: ______________
The cavity is lined with respiratory _________________, which ______________________________
Purpose of lateral conchae: increase surface area and for air turbulence
What separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity? ______________________
Functions of the sinuses: 1)______________________________ 2)act as resonance chambers for ____
_______________________________ 3) produce ___________________that drains into nasal cavity
1. Throat is called: __________________which is the _______________________________________________
At the base of the pharynx you have _______________
2. Larynx is also called the ________________; plays a role in __________________
-__________________ closes larynx when food is swallowed to travel to ___________________
and sends air to the ______________________
-Vocal cords- vibrate with air to ___________________________________________
3. Trachea is called ________________ which connects ___________________________________
It is lined with ____________________
Beat continuously in _________________________ of incoming air
Expels mucus loaded with __________________________________________
Walls are reinforced with ____________________________________________________
If your trachea is blocked, you can perform the ______________________ maneuver!
Each lobe of lung is divided into fissures: LEFT _____________ and RIGHT  _________________
-What covers the lungs? _________________________
Respiratory Tree Divisions (conducting passageway):
________________  ____________________  __________________  _________________  ___________
(Terminal bronchioli end in _____________________)
Respiratory Zone
Structures: respiratory ________________, ___________________________, _____________________
-Site of ________________________ (at alveoli)
-Type of tissue lining alveoli is _____________________
Gas Exchange in Lungs: Gas crosses membrane by ___________________.
Oxygen enters __________________, while carbon dioxide enters the ________________
________________________ are for protection
A Lipid surfactant __________________, which prevent lungs from collapsing
Mechanism of Breathing:
Inspiration- flow of air _________________________
Expiration- __________________________________________
Size of thoracic cavity: ______________
Exhalation causes muscle to ________________, which pushes ___________________________
Nonrespiratory air movements are reflexes or voluntary actions like: ____________________________
Each breath moves about ________________ of air.
Residual volume of air- ________________ of air remains in the lungs (at all times)
The Movement of Oxygen into the blood:
1. ____________________ always have more _____________ than the blood
2. Oxygen moves by __________________, towards area of ______________________________
3. _______________________________ gains oxygen
Oxygen transport in the blood is via _____________________________
Carbon dioxide transport in the blood is in the form of _____________________ ion
Types of Respiration:
1. Pulmonary ventilation- moving air _________________ of the ______________
2. Internal respiration- exchange of gases between _____________________________________
Neural centers are located in the _______________________________
-Normal breathing (
) is about ________________________________
-Exercise __________________ our breathing rate and is called ____________________.
1. Chronic _________________________________________ (COPD)
Symptoms- victims retain ____________________ are _________________ and have __________________
2. Emphysema Symptoms:
Alveoli enlarge, chronic inflammation promotes _________________, airways _______________,
chest is expanded, and ___________________________ late in the disease
3. Chronic Bronchitis:
 Mucosa of the lower respiratory passages becomes __________________________
 Mucus production ______________________
 Pooled mucus impairs _______________________ and gas exchange
 Risk of lung infection ________________ and ______________________ is common
4. Lung Cancer:
Accounts ________________________________________
Increased incidence associated __________________________
Three common types: 1) ____________________________ 2) adenocarcinoma 3) _________carcinoma
5. SIDS: ___________________________
 Apparently healthy infant ______________________________
 Some cases are thought to be a problem of the __________________________________
6. Asthma:
 Chronic inflamed ______________________________bronchiole passage
 Response to irritants with ______________________________________________
Developmental Aspects of Respiratory System:
 Lungs are not fully __________________________________________________________
 ______________________ that lowers alveolar surface tension is not present until late in fetal
development and may not be present in _______________________
 Fetus’ lungs are ____________________________
Birth Defects:
Cystic fibrosis –oversecretion of ___________________________________________
 ________________
What pattern to you notice between age and rate of respiration? _______________________________