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Opening Question Bank for Meiosis-
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Note- I have best results using about 4 or five questions per day. Mainly, they should
be given the day after they are explained in the lesson and until they are understood.
If they don’t “get it”, this is a good time to go over what they missed. Repeat
questions students don’t understand the next day.
The prefix homo means ____ ______.
Homologous chromosomes carry the same genes, but they may have different
Diploid cells have The full number of chromosomes. True or False?
Haploid cells contain the full amount of chromosomes. True or False?
How many chromosomes are in a haploid human cell?
How many chromosomes are in a diploid cell?
What percentage of genes comes from the father?
Is a baby born with a haploid or diploid number of cells?
Immediately after fertilization, the united sex cells are referred to as 1. baby, 2.
Zygote, or 3. Embryo?
The division of body cells is called _________?
The division of sex cells is called __________?
When sperm cells and egg cells combine, it creates a _______ number?
What does the prefix di mean?
What molecule are chromosomes made of?
What type of cells produce sex cells?
List two types of cells that will never go through meiosis?
If the normal amount of chromosomes (karyotype) for an organism is 40, what the
number be in a sex cell(sperm or egg)?
In mitosis, the cell divides once, into two daughter cells. But, in meioss, the cell
divides ______ into ______ daughter cells?
The human body has _____ pairs of homologous chromosomes?
Are body cells diploid or haploid?
In a true breeding cross, the genes are the same. They may be recessive or
The phenotype of Rr would look like R or r?
The phenotype of Tt would appear as T or t?
What is the genotype of a flower that is a recessive white phenotype flower?