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Critical Reading Exercise #2
I. Read Trade and Interdependence on pp. 327-328, and answer
the following.
1. Which of the following statements best describes the origins of the
European Union?
a. It was developed to unite the free countries against the
communist countries.
b. It was created to unify Europe under one form of
c. Its foundation was instantly popular and effective.
d. Its origins were largely motivated by economic concerns.
2. Which statement best describes interdependence in Europe?
a. Europe is becoming increasingly interdependent
economically and politically.
b. European countries seem to be devolving.
c. Trade among European countries is increasingly hostile.
d. The European Union seems to help France and the
Netherlands the most.
II. Read A New Eastern Europe on pp. 328-329.
1. Based on the reading, which statement identifies some of the
benefits of communism?
a. It provided steady jobs, healthcare, and social benefits.
b. The equipment and production methods were superior.
c. Communism provided for a smooth transition into the EU.
d. Economies in Eastern Europe were better under communism
than under market economies.
2. Based on the reading, which statement best describes Eastern
European transition from command economy to market economy?
a. Most countries experienced a smooth transition from
command economy to market economy.
b. The transition required some challenging adjustments, but
has ultimately been beneficial.
c. People resisted change.
d. All of the above.