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Circulate blood
Maintain an internal environment in which all
the cells of your body are nourished
The Heart
Made of muscle tissue called myocardium,
which contracts and relaxes constantly and
Chambers of the Heart
Atrium: two smaller chambers
Ventricles: two lower and larger chambers
Septum: a wall of tissue that separates the
right and left atria, as well as the right and left
ventricles from one another.
Valves: “one-way” from atrium to ventricle.
Sound of heart beat is heard because of valves
opening and closing.
Circulation in the Heart
Blood that has been depleted of oxygen but
contains carbon dioxide and waste matter is
carried to the heart by two large blood vessels
called the vena cava.
Vena Cava  Right Atrium  Left Ventricle
 Lungs (releases carbon dioxide and picks
up oxygen)  Left Atrium  Left Ventricle
 Aorta
Aorta: large artery that carries oxygenated
blood from heart to rest of body
Plasma: the fluid in which other parts of the
blood are suspended. 55% of blood volume
Red Blood Cells: 40% of blood volume
*Transport oxygen to the cells and tissue of
the body
*Formed in Bone Marrow, contain
*Hemoglobin: the oxygen-carrying protein in
White Blood Cells: 5% of blood volume
*Protect body against infection and fight
infection when it occurs.
*Produced in Bone Marrow
*Production increases when infection is
Blood Vessels
*Arteries: carry blood away from the heart
*Capillaries: carry blood between arterioles
and vessels called venules.
*Veins: return blood to the heart
Platelets: cells that prevent the body’s loss of
blood. Gather at site of injury and release
chemicals that make them sticky causing
them to clump together with other cells. Scab
is formed
Lymphatic System
Helps fight infection and plays an important
role in the body’s immunity to disease.
Supports the Cardiovascular system.
Lymph: clear fluid that fills the spaces around
body cells
Lymphocytes: specialized white blood cells
that provide the body with immunity and
protect the body against pathogens.
B Cells and T Cells
*Follow a well-balanced diet that is low in
saturated fats, cholesterol, and salt
Congenital Heart Defects: a condition that is
present at birth.
*Maintain a healthy weight to reduce stress on
the heart, blood vessels, and lymph vessels
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD):
*Heart disease
*Participate in regular aerobic exercise for at
least 30 minutes a day, 3-4 days a week
*Avoid Tobacco products and exposure to
second hand smoke
*Avoid illegal drugs. Including stimulants,,
marijuana, and ecstasy
*Blood pressure
Heart Murmur: abnormal sounds made by
blood flowing through heart
Varicose Veins: if veins do not close tightly
enough and causes backflow. Veins become
enlarged and painful.
Anemia: ability of the blood to carry oxygen is
Leukemia: form of cancer in which any one of
the different types of white blood cells is
produced excessively and abnormally.
Hemophilia: inherited, blood does not clot
Lymphatic System Problems:
*Immune Deficiency
*Hodgkin’s Disease: cancer that affects the
lymph tissue