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AP World History
Mr. Ackerman
Proof of Reading
Chapter 1
People / Places / Terms –
Directions: Do NOT simply DEFINE these terms. Instead, explain WHY THEY WERE
SIGNIFICANT to this particular period of time or to world history in general. If you
skip a question, you CANNOT get an “A”.
1. Paleolithic Age
2. Homo sapiens sapiens
3. Neolithic Age
4. Bronze Age
5. Mesopotamia
6. Sumerians
7. Hammurabi’s Code
8. Babylonians
9. ziggurats
10. Phoenicians
Points to Ponder – Answer the questions as completely as possible
1. According to Stearns, what are the pros and cons of humans as a
species? (list 3 of each)
2. Why might the term “revolution” be deceptive/inaccurate when
referring to the Neolithic Revolution?
3. What were the benefits for a society that converted to agriculture?
What were the drawbacks? (describe 3 of each)
4. What are the various ways to define or categorize a “civilization”?
(describe 3)
5. Aside from their various inventions, what is the lasting impact of the
early river valley civilizations?