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Iranian Hostage
Great Plains
Rocky Mountains
Continental Divide
Great Lakes
Eastern Lowlands
Canadian Shield
Mississippi River
Mackenzie River
Civil Rights
Jimmy Carter
1950s American
Red Scare
66 Americans from the American Embassy in Iran were held
hostage to support the Iranian Revolution. Released under
Ronald Reagan’s administration
Low-elevation land that is great for farming in the USA. Located
in the interior of the continent.
Younger mountain chain on the western coast of the continent.
Runs 3,000 miles from New Mexico through Canada and into
The highest point in the Rocky mountains where the rivers split
their direction. Some run east down the mountains; others run
west down the mountains.
Large bodies of water between Canada and the United States.
There are five of them.
East coast of the United States. Low-elevation land that has
excellent harbors.
Low-elevation land that is great for farming in Canada
River that runs down the interior of the USA from the Great
Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico that benefits trade and
River in northwest Canada that benefits trade and transportation
Movement in the US beginning in the 1960s primarily led by
African Americans in an effort to gain political and social rights
President of the US from 1977-1981. Known for the Camp David
Peace Accords, and the Iranian Hostage Crisis
Post-World War II culture in the US - focused on a few new ideas
including the growth of suburbia, highways, a focus on the
“perfect family,” and consumerism (an increased dependence on
buying material items like cars, microwaves, tvs, etc.)
Extreme fear of communism spreading into the US
Older mountain chain on the eastern side of the United States.
Running about 1,600 miles from Alabama up into Newfoundland,
Communism= political ideology wanting to create a classless
society where the government controls all means of society and
Led to the Cold War
Cold war
Tensions between the US and the Soviet Union over
communism. Never turned into a physical war.
Vietnam War
Cold War military conflict that the US was involved in from 1960s
to 1975. The norther part was Communist and wanted to take
over the southern part to make them Communist. Our goal was
containment. We pulled out in 1975 and the entire country fell
to Communism
Department of
A department in the United States government created after
Homeland Security
September 11th. Help protect Americans from terrorist attacks
The goal is to stop the spread of communism.
Camp David Peace
President Carter worked with Egypt and Israel on making peace
(brought them to Camp David to talk through things)
Operation Iraqi
Invasion of Iraq because they supposedly had weapons of mass
destruction (nothing to do with 9/11)
Strategic arms limitations talks with the Soviet Union (Helped
end the Cold War with USSR)
Between the US, Canada, and Mexico to eliminate fees and
tariffs (taxes on goods) to encourage trade between the nations.
North American Free trade agreement
Bill Clinton
President from 1993-2001. Known for NAFTA and helping boost
the American economy
Electoral College
Group of electors that officially vote for the President
George W. Bush
president of the US from 2001-2009.
9/11 occurred while he was in office and supported the war on
terrorism by invading Afghanistan. Also invaded Iraq
Operation Enduring Invasion of Afghanistan because they were harboring Al-Qaeda
terrorists (those responsible for 9/11)
An area (similar to the state in the United States) that has its own
type of government within Canada.
Stephen Harper
Current Prime Minister of Canada
Queen Elizabeth
Figurehead of the Canadian government
Type of government in Canada where executive and legislative
functions of government are combined
Prime Minister
Leader of Canada (the title)
St. Lawrence Seaway Man-made. Connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.
Great for trade and transportation.
Baby Boom
A sudden, large sustained increase in the birthrate in the US from
the late 1940s to the early 1960s.