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( I ) Basic Information
Course Title: 120 Anat. (Histology)
Credit hours: 3 hours (For each student's group)
Contact clock hours for Male students:
(a) Group A:
Lecture: 1 hour (Saturday, 1-2 pm.)
Practical: 2 hours (Saturday, 2-4 pm.)
(b) Group B:
Lecture: 1 hour (Wednesday, 9-10 am.)
Practical: 2 hours (Wednesday, 10- 12am.)
Contact clock hours for female students:
Lecture: 1 hour (Saturday, 9-10 am.)
Practical: 2 hours (Saturday, 10-12 am.)
(II) Summary of course contents:
The aim of this course is the study of the cell structure and the
functional Histology of the tissues and organs of the body.
(III) Course objectives:
(A) General objectives:
The course is designed to:
(1) Provide the student with a basic knowledge of the structure
of cells and their components and functions.
(2) Correlate the microscopic structure of individual tissue
components and organs with their functions.
(B) Terminal objectives:
At the end of the course, student should be able to:
(1) Describe and identify the components and organelles of the
(2) Describe and identify the microscopic structure of the
basic tissues of the body.
(3) Describe and identify the microscopic structure of the
organs of the body.
(4) Describe the functional significance of the components of
the cell, tissues and organs.
(IV) Learning format:
(A) Lectures.
(B) Practical sessions / Demonstrations.
(V) Details of Histology course:
(A) Lectures on the following topics:
(i) General histology:
1- Brief introduction to Histology and cell structure.
2- Epithelial Tissue.
3- Connective Tissue Proper.
4- Cartilage.
5- Bone and Ossification.
6- Muscle Tissue.
7- Nervous tissue.
8- Lymphoid Tissue.
(ii) Special Histology:
1- Circulatory system (Blood Vessels).
2- Respiratory System.
3- Digestive System:
- Oral cavity.
- Alimentary Tract.
- Associated Glands.
4- Urinary System.
5- Endocrine Glands.
6- Skin.
7- Male Reproductive System.
8- Female Reproductive System.
(B) Practical sessions of Histology course (Course 120):
(i) Demonstration of routine histological techniques.
(ii)Demonstration of histological slides:
(1) Epithelial membranes:
1. Simple squamous epithelium (e.g. pulmonary alveoli).
2. Simple cuboidal epithelium (e.g. Thyroid gland).
3. Simple columnar epithelium with goblet cells (e.g. small
4. Pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells
(e.g. nasal septum).
5. Non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
(e.g. esophagus)
6. Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium (e.g. Thick skin).
7. Transitional epithelium (e.g. Urinary bladder).
(2) Epithelial glands:
1. Simple tubular gland (e.g. intestinal crypts of colon).
2. Simple branched tubular gland (e.g. fundic gastric glands).
3. Sebaceous gland (in thin skin).
4. Serous acini (e.g. Parotid salivary gland).
5. Mucous acini & mucoserous acini (e.g. Sublingual salivary
(3) Connective tissue proper (C.T.):
1. Loose (areolar) C.T.
2. Dense ordinary C. T (Dense fibrous C. T.):e.g. Tendon.
3. Elastic C.T. (e.g. Aorta)
4. Reticular C.T. (silver stain): e.g. Liver.
5. Adipose C.T.
6. Mucous C.T. (e.g. Umbilical cord).
(4) Cartilage:
1. Hyaline cartilage.
2. Fibrocartilage (White fibrous cartilage):e.g. Intervertebral
3. Elastic cartilage (e.g. Ear pinna).
(5) Bone:
1. Compact bone.
2. Spongy (Cancellous) bone.
3. Endochondral ossification (in epiphyseal plate of cartilage)
(6) Muscle tissue:
1. Skeletal muscle (teased, L.S.).
2. Skeletal muscle (T.S.) &Muscle spindle.
3. Cardiac muscle.
4. Smooth muscle.
(7) Nervous tissue:
1. Peripheral somatic nerve trunk.
2. Spinal ganglion (Dorsal root ganglion)
3. Sympathetic ganglion.
4. Motor end plate.
5. Muscle spindle.
6. Pacinian corpuscle.
(8) Lymphoid tissue:
1. Lymph node.
2. Spleen.
3. Palatine tonsil.
4. Thymus.
(9) Circulatory system:
1. Aorta.
2. Medium-sized artery.
3. Medium-sized vein.
(10) Respiratory system:
1.Nasal septum.
2. Trachea.
3. Lung.
(11)Digestive system:
1. Lip.
2. Tongue.
3. Taste buds.
4. Tooth.
5. Parotid salivary gland
6. Sublingual salivary gland.
7. Oesophagus.
8. Fundus of stomach.
9. Pylorus of stomach.
10. Duodenum.
11. Ileum
12. Colon.
13. Vermiform appendix.
14. Liver.
15. Gall bladder.
16. Pancreas.
(12) Urinary system:
1. Kidney.
2. Ureter.
3. Urinary bladder.
(13) Endocrine glands:
1. Pituitary gland.
2. Thyroid gland.
3. Parathyroid gland.
4. Adrenal gland.
5. Islets of Langerhans.
(14) Skin:
1. Thick skin.
2. Thin skin.
(15) Male reproductive system:
1. Testis.
2. Epididymis.
3. Spermatic cord.
4. Vas deferens.
5. Seminal vesicle.
7. Penis.
(16) Female reproductive system.
2. Corpus luteum (ovary).
3. Fallopian (uterine) tube.
4. Uterus.
5. Vagina
6. Inactive mammary gland (non-lactating).
7. Active mammary gland (lactating).
8. Placenta.
(VI) Evaluation of (course 120 ANAT: Histology):
Students are assessed by written and practical examinations consisting
of three continuous assessments and one end-year final comprehensive
examination. In addition, students are assessed by 2 Quizzes and one oral
(A) Examinations' schedule and marks' distribution:
* In the first semester:
(1) First Quiz: at week 4.
(5 marks)
(2) First continuous assessment: mid semester.
(15 marks)
(3) Mid-year exam (second continuous assessment): (20 marks)
* In the second semester:
(1) Second Quiz: at week 4.
(2) Third continuous assessment: mid semester
(3) Final exam (End of year exam):
(5 marks)
(15 marks)
(40 marks)
(B) Examination Format:
(i) Examination Format for each continuous assessment:
(1) Written exam (75% of the marks):
30 Questions are distributed as follows:
* One best answer:
30 Questions.
(2) Practical exam (25% of the marks):
It will consist of ten-slide identification.
In addition, the student should mention at least 2 main
identifying features for each slide or should answer the related
(ii) Examination Format for final exam:
(1) Written exam (75% of the marks):
60 Questions are distributed as:
* One best answer:
60 Questions.
(2) Practical exam (25% of the marks):
as mentioned in continuous assessments.
(iii) Examination format for Quizzes:
Each Quiz will consist of 8 questions distributed as:
* One best answer:
8 Questions.
(C) Examinations' contents:
(1) First continuous assessment:
Comprehensive exam (i.e. all topics studied from the start of the
academic year are included).
(2) Mid-year exam: comprehensive exam:
* One third of questions are related to topics included in the first
continuous assessment.
* Two thirds of questions are related to the rest of topics studied
during the first semester.
(3) Third continuous assessment:
It will include topics studied during the second semester until the
time of the exam.
(4) Quizzes:
Topics of each quiz will topics covered a week before the date of
The exam.
(5) Final exam:
* It is a comprehensive exam.
(i.e. All topics studied through the academic year will be
included in the final exam).
* 30% of the questions are related to the topics studied during
the first semester.
* 70% of the questions are related to the topics studied during
the second semester.
* The student is required to satisfy attendance regulations (75%)
before being admitted to the examination.
(D) Re-sit "second chance" final exam: Marks' Distribution:
Written exam: 70 marks.
Practical exam: 30 marks.
(E) Re-sit exam for continuous assessment or quiz:
(1) The absent student should apply an appeal to the chairman of
Anatomy department for the missed examination within Only One
(2) Re-sit exam will be in the form of essay written exam for the
absent student whose appeal was accepted by the department of
(3) No re-sit exam will be held for the absent student whose appeal
was refused by the department of Anatomy (i.e. recorded marks
for the missed exam will be: zero).
(VII) Suggested reference textbooks for the course
120 Anat. (Histology):
For theoretical:
Color Text Book of Histology
L.P.Gartner & J.L.Hiatt
W.B. Saunders Company
An imprint of Elsevier
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
(2) For practical:
Di Fiore’s Atlas of Histology
Lippincott Williams Wilkins
A Wolters Klumer Company
Philadelphia, New York, London.
The last Edition.
Week 1
Week 2
Topics, Objectives & Sequence of Lectures
First Semester
1427-1428 (2006-2007)
I- Introduction:
 Preparation of tissues for microscopic examination.
 Light microscopy.
 Electron microscopy.
II- Nucleus
 Nuclear envelope.
 Chromatin.
 Nucleolus.
 Nuclear matrix.
 Apoptosis.
 Medical application.
The Cytoplasm
 Plasma membrane.
 Mitochondria.
 Ribosomes.
 Endoplasmic reticulum.
 Golgi complex.
 Lysosomes.
 Proteasomes.
 Peroxisomes.
 Secretory vesicles.
 Cytoskeleton: Microtubules, Actin filaments,
Intermediate filaments.
 Specializations of the cell surface:
Microvilli, Stereocilia, Cilia & Flagella.
 Cytoplasmic deposits (inclusions).
 Medical application.
Intercellular junctions.
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Epithelial Tissue:
 The forms and characteristics of epithelial cells.
 Basal laminae and basement membranes.
 Classification (Types) of epithelia:
 Covering epithelia.
 Glandular epithelia.
 Polarity.
 Serous cells.
 Mucus-secreting cells.
 Myoepithelial cells.
 Medical application.
Connective Tissue:
 Cells of connective tissue.
 Fibroblasts.
 Macrophages and mononuclear phagocyte
 Mast cells.
 Plasma cells.
 Adipose cells.
 Leukocytes.
 Fibers of Connective tissue.
 Collagen fibers.
 Reticular fibers.
 Elastic fibers.
 Ground substance.
 Types of connective tissue.
 Connective tissues proper.
 Loose connective tissues.
 Dense connective tissue.
 Elastic tissue.
 Adipose tissue.
 Medical Application.
 Hyaline Cartilage.
 Matrix.
 Perichondrium.
 Chondrocytes.
 Growth.
 Elastic cartilage.
 Fibrocartilage.
 Inter vertebral disks.
 Medical Application.
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
 Bone cells.
 Osteoblasts.
 Osteocytes.
 Osteoclasts.
 Bone matrix.
 Periosteum and endosteum.
 Types of bone.
 Compact bone.
 Spongy ( Cancellous ) bone.
 Histogenesis.
 Intramembranous ossification.
 Endochondral ossification.
 Bone growth and remodeling.
Practical Revision
First Continuous Examination
Muscular Tissue:
I- Skeletal muscle.
 Organization of skeletal muscle.
 Organization of skeletal muscle fibers.
 Sarcoplasmic reticulum and transverse tubule
 Other components of the sarcoplasm.
II- Cardiac muscle.
III- Smooth muscel.
 Regeneration of muscle tissue.
 Medical application.
Nervous Tissue (I):
 Neurons
 Cell body.
 Denderites.
 Axons
 Nerve fibres:
Myelinated fibers.
Unmyelinated fibres.
 Peripheral nerves.
 Ganglia:
Sensory ganglia.
Autonomic ganglia.
Nervous tissue (II):
Peripheral nervous system
 Synaptic communication.
Week 12
 Glial cells:
- Oligodendrocytes.
- Schwann cells.
- Astrocytes.
- Ependymal cells.
- Microglia.
* Nerve endings: Pacinian corpuscle,
Muscle spindle, Motor end plate.
Lymphoid tissue (I):
 B and T lymphocytes.
 Lymph nodes:
 Lymph and blood circulation.
 Histophysiology.
 Recirculation of lymphocytes.
 Spleen:
 Structure.
 Blood circulation.
 Medical Application.
Week 13
Lymphoid Tissue (II):
 Tonsils:
 Palatine tonsils.
 Pharyngeal tonsil.
 Lingual tonsils.
* Thymus.
 Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue.
 Medical Application.
Week 14
The circulatory system:
 Capillaries.
 Blood vessels with diameters above a certain size.
 Vasa vasorum.
 Arterioles.
 Medium (Muscular) arteries.
 Large elastic arteries.
 Postcapillary venules and capillaries.
 Veins.
Week 15
Practical Revision
Course 120
Topics, Objectives & Sequence of Lectures
Second Semester
1427-1428 (2006-2007)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Respiratory system I:
 Respiratory epithelium.
 Nasal cavity.
 Paranasal sinuses.
 Nasopharynx.
 Larynx.
 Trachea.
- Medical application.
Respiratory system II:
 Bronchial tree.
 Alveolar ducts.
 Alveoli.
 Lung macrophages.
 Alveolar pores.
 Pleura.
- Medical application
Digestive tract (I):
 General structure of the digestive tract.
 Oral cavity:
 Tongue.
 Lip.
 Pharynx.
 Teeth.
 Salivary glands.
- Medical application.
Digestive tract (II):
 Esophagus , Stomach.
 Small and Large intestines.
 Appendix.
- Medical Application.
Organs associated with digestive tract:
 Pancreas.
 Liver.
 Gall bladder.
- Medical Application.
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Urinary system:
- Kidney.
- Ureters.
- Urinary bladder.
- Urethera.
- Medical application.
Endocrine glands ( I ):
- Hypophysis:
 The phypothalamo-Hypophyseal system.
 Adenohypophysis.
 Neurohypophysis.
- Medical application.
Endocrine glands (II):
- Adrenal glands.
- Thyroid gland.
- Parathyroid glands.
- Medical Application.
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Third Continuous examination
Subcutaneous tissue.
Vessels and skin sensorial receptors.
Glands of the skin.
- Subcutaneous glands.
- Sweat glands.
- Medical application.
Male reproductive system:
- Testes:
 Seminiferous tubules.
 Spermatogenesis & Spermiogenesis.
 The clonal nature of germ cells.
 Sertoli cells.
 Interstitial tissue.
 Intratesticular genital ducts.
-Excretory genital ducts.
-Accessory genital glands.
-Medical application.
Week 12
Female reproductive system ( I ):
- Ovaries.
- Corpus luteum.
- Oviducts.
Week 13
Female reproductive system ( II ):
- Uterus.
- Vagina.
- Placenta.
- Mammary glands:
 Lactating mammary gland (active).
 Non lactating mammary gland (inactive).
- Medical Application.