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Задание 1. Прочтите и устно переведите весь текст. Письменно
переведите 8-й, 9-й и 10-й абзацы текста.
1. Management is based on scientific theories and today we can say that it is a
developing science.
2. But knowledge of theories and principles doesn’t provide practical results. It
is necessary to know how to apply this knowledge. Practical application of
knowledge in the management area requires certain abilities or skills. Here is an example:
3. Depending on its size, an organization may employ a number of specialized
managers who are responsible for particular areas of management. A very large organization may employ many managers, each responsible for activities of one management area. In contrast, the owner of a sole proprietorship may be the only manager
in the organization. He or she is responsible for all levels and areas of management.
4. What is important to an organization is not the number of managers it employs but the ability of these managers to achieve the organization’s goals, and this
ability requires a great skill.
5. In other words, management is the process of coordinating the resources of
an organization to achieve the primary organizational goals.
6. Managers are concerned with the following main resources: material resources, human resources, financial resources, informational resources, organizational goals.
7. Material resources are physical materials and the equipment used by an organization to make a product. For example, cars are made on assembly lines. These
assembly lines and the buildings that house them are material resources.
8. The most important resources of any organization are its human resources
− people. Some firms believe that their employees are their most important assets. To
keep employees content, a variety of incentives are used, including higher-thanaverage pay, flexible working hours, recreational facilities, lengthy paid vacations,
cafeterias offering inexpensive meals, etc.
9. Financial resources are the funds the organization uses to meet its obligations to various creditors. A grocery store obtains money from customers and uses a
portion of that money to pay the wholesalers from which it buys food. A large bank
borrows and lends money. A college obtains money in the form of tuition, income
from its endowments, and federal grants. It uses the money to pay utility bills, insurance premiums, and professors’ salaries. Each of these transactions involves financial
10. Finally, many organizations increasingly find they cannot ignore information. External environment − including the economy, consumer markets, technology, politics, and cultural forces − are all changing so rapidly that an organization
that does not adapt will probably not survive. And, to adapt to change, the organization must know what is changing and how it is changing. Companies are finding it
increasingly important to gather information about their competitors in today's business environment.
11. It is important to realize that these are only general categories of resources.
Within each category are hundreds or thousands of more specific resources, from
which management must choose those that can best accomplish its goals. Managers
must coordinate this complex group of specific resources to produce goods and services.
Задание 2. Переведите письменно следующие слова и словосочетания
на русский язык.
Employ managers; a number (of); a variety (of); management area; the only
manager; the owner of a sole proprietorship; levels and areas of management; to
achieve the organization’s goals; a great skill; human resources; tangible (material)
resources; primary goals; employee; assets; recreational facilities; lengthy paid vacation; meet obligations; money; obtain money; income; insurance premium; salary;
consumer market; survive; competitor; accomplish goals; produce goods and services; grant; wholesaler; endowment; utility; utility bills; borrow and lend money;
practical results.
Задание 3. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и
выражениям. Задание выполните письменно.
Научные теории; практические результаты; управлять деловыми
фирмами; нанимать менеджеров; область (сфера) управления; владелец
единоличной собственности; единственный; достигать организационные цели;
большое мастерство; доход; основные цели организации; материальные
ресурсы; служащий; оптовик; стимул; длительный оплачиваемый отпуск;
занимать деньги; давать деньги в долг; оплачивать счета предприятий
коммунального обслуживания; страховая премия; зарплата; (финансовая)
операция; фонд; потребительский рынок; выживать; приспособиться к
изменению; конкурент; осуществить цели; товары и услуги; активы;
побудительный мотив; субсидия (безвозвратная ссуда); пожертвование
(благотворительный взнос).
Задание 4. Заполните пропуски словами и выражениями из текста:
manager, borrows, scientific theories, developing science, survive,
main resources, competitors, primary goals, information,
lends, physical, important, incentives
1. Management is based on ____________________________ and today we
can say that it is ____________________________________.
2. The owner of a sole proprietorship may be the only ___________________
in the organization.
3. Management is the process of coordinating the resources of an organization
to achieve the ________________________________ of the organization.
4. Managers are concerned with four types of ________________________.
5. Material resources are ___________________________ resources.
6. Human resources are perhaps the most __________________ resources.
7. To keep employees content, a variety of __________________ are used.
8. A large bank _________________ and __________________ money.
9. External environment is changing so rapidly that an organization that does
not adapt will probably not ______________________________.
10. Companies are finding it increasingly important to gather _____________
about their _________________________________________.
Задание 5. Найдите в тексте предложения, которые соответствуют
приведенным ниже. Дайте их письменный перевод.
1. Менеджмент основан на научных теориях.
2. Менеджмент − это процесс координации ресурсов организации для
достижения организационных целей.
3. Менеджеры занимаются четырьмя видами ресурсов: материальными,
финансовыми, людскими и информационными.
4. Наиболее важными ресурсами любой организации являются ее
людские ресурсы.
5. Для удовлетворения служащих используется ряд стимулов.
6. Материальные ресурсы − это материалы, из которых изготовлена
продукция, а также оборудование, используемое для ее производства.
7. Финансовые ресурсы − это фонды, которые использует организация
для выполнения своих обязательств перед различными кредиторами.
8. Внешнее окружение, включая экономику, потребительские рынки,
технологию, политику и культурные факторы, изменяется очень быстро.
9. Организация, которая не приспосабливается к (adapt to) внешнему
окружению, может не выжить.
10. Компании считают все более важным собирать информацию о своих
Задание 1. Прочтите и письменно переведите весь текст, используя
словарь. Письменно переведите 2-й, 3-й и 4-й абзацы.
1. Each organization can be represented as a three-story structure or a pyramid.
Each story corresponds to one of the three general levels of management: top managers, middle managers, and first-line managers. At the basic level of this pyramid there
are operating employees.
2. A top manager is an upper-level executive who guides and controls the
overall activities of the organization. Top managers constitute a small group. They
are generally responsible for the organization's planning and developing its mission.
They also determine the firm’s strategy and its major policies. It takes years of hard
work as well as talent and good luck to reach the ranks of top managers. They are
president, vice president, chief executive officer, and member of the Board.
3. A middle manager is a manager who implements the strategy and major
policies handed down from the top level of the organization. Middle managers develop tactical plans, policies, and standard operating procedures, and they coordinate and
supervise the activities of first-line managers. Titles at the middle-management level
include division manager, department head, plant manager, and operations manager.
4. A first-line manager is a manager who coordinates and supervises the activities of operating employees. First-line managers spend most of their time working
with employees, answering questions, and solving day-to-day problems. Most firstline managers are former operating employees who, owing to their hard work and potential, were promoted into management. Many of today’s middle and top managers
began their careers on this first management level. Common titles for first-line managers include office manager, supervisor, foreman and project manager.
5. Operating employees are not managers. They are qualified and non-qualified
persons working for the organization. For their labour or services they get salaries or
wages. They represent the work force of the organization.
6. An organizational structure can also be divided more or less horizontally into areas of management. The most common areas are finance, operations, marketing,
human resources, and administration. Depending on its purpose and mission, an organization may include other areas as well − research and development, for example,
or risk management.
7. A financial manager is primarily responsible for the organization’s financial resources. Accounting and investment are specialized areas within financial management. Because financing affects the operation of the entire firm, many of the presidents of the largest companies are people who got their “basic training” as financial
8. An operations manager creates and manages the systems that convert resources into goods and services. Traditionally, operations management is equated
with the production of goods. However, in recent years many of the techniques and
procedures of operations management have been applied to the production of services
and to a variety of non-business activities. Like financial management, operations
management has produced a good percentage of today’s company presidents.
9. A marketing manager is responsible for the exchange of products between
the organization and its customers or clients. Specific areas within marketing are
marketing research, advertising, promotion, sales, and distribution.
10. A human resources manager is in charge of the organization’s human resources programs. He or she engages in human resources planning, design systems
for hiring, training, and appraising the performance of employees, and ensures that
the organization follows government regulations concerning employment practices.
11. An administrative manager (also called a general manager) is not associated with any specific functional area but provides overall administrative leadership. A hospital administrator is a good example of an administrative manager. He or
she does not specialize in operations, finance, marketing, or human resources management but instead coordinates the activities of specialized managers in all these areas.
Задание 2. Переведите письменно следующие слова и словосочетания
на русский язык.
Three-story structure (pyramid); levels of management; first-line managers;
middle managers; operating employees; responsible for; define policies; hard work;
good luck; executive; chief executive officer; member of the Board; activities; supervise; supervisor; division manager; department head; plant manager; operations manager; foreman; organizational structure; purpose and mission; research; customer; development; accounting; goods and services; production of goods; percentage; advertising; be in charge of; government regulations; hire; determine; appraise; guide; ensure; employment; salary; wage; labour.
Задание 3. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и
выражениям. Задание выполните письменно.
Высший руководитель (менеджер); руководитель (менеджер) первого
звена; менеджер среднего уровня; исполнитель, служащий; исполнительный
директор; генеральный директор; директор производства; директор завода;
начальник отдела; руководитель подразделения; начальник; мастер; бухгалтерский учет; цель и задачи; товары и услуги; заработная плата
(ежемесячная); производство товаров; деятельность; уровни руководства
(менеджмента); развитие; правительственные постановления; научное
исследование; покупатель (постоянный); рекламирование; работа по найму;
процентное соотношение; заведовать; нанимать; обеспечивать; оценивать;
разрабатывать; определять политику; управлять (руководить); осуществлять;
Задание 4. Заполните пропуски словами и выражениями из текста:
determine, develop, guides, middle, policies, performance, implements,
pyramid, employees, coordinates, qualified, first-line, controls, solving
1. Each organization can be represented as a three-story structure or a
2. There are three general levels of management: top managers, ___________
managers and __________________________ managers.
3. A top manager _________________ and ____________________ the
overall functions of the organization.
4. Top managers also _________________ the firm’s strategy and define its
major ______________________________-.
5. A middle manager _____________ the strategy and major policies handed
down from the top level of the organization.
6. Middle managers ______________ tactical plans, policies, and standard
operating procedures.
7. They also coordinate and supervise the ______________________ of firstline managers.
8. A first-line manager is a manager who ________________ and supervises
the activities of operating employees.
9. First-line managers spend most of their time working with _____________,
answering questions, and _______________________ day-to-day problems.
10. Operating employees are _____________________ and non-qualified persons working for the organization, they represent the work force of the organization.
Задание 5. Найдите в тексте предложения, которые соответствуют
приведенным ниже. Дайте их письменный перевод.
1. Существует три основных уровня управления (менеджмента): высший
менеджмент, менеджмент среднего звена и менеджмент первого звена.
2. Высшие менеджеры направляют и контролируют общую деятельность
организации, они определяют стратегию и основную политику фирмы.
3. Менеджер среднего звена реализует (осуществляет) стратегию и
основную политику, спускаемые с верхнего уровня организации.
4. Менеджер первого звена следит за деятельностью неуправленческих
служащих и координирует ее.
5. Неуправленческие работники представляют основную рабочую силу
6. Самыми обычными сферами управления являются финансы,
производственные операции, маркетинг, людские ресурсы и
7. Заведующий финансами (finance manager) прежде всего, отвечает за
финансовые ресурсы организации.
8. Традиционно директор производства (operations manager)
ассоциируется (is equated) с производством товаров.
9. Однако в последние годы управление производством относится к
производству товаров и услуг.
10. Управляющий маркетингом (marketing manager) ответственен за
обмен продукцией между организацией и ее постоянными покупателями (cus-
tomers) или клиентами.
Задание 1. Прочтите и письменно переведите весь текст, используя
словарь. Письменно переведите 4-й, 5-й, 6-й и 8-й абзацы.
1. Effectiveness of a manager’s activity depends on certain important skills.
These skills can be divided into seven different categories: conceptual, decision making, analytic, administrative, communicational, interpersonal and technical.
2. A conceptual skill is the ability of a manager to see the “general picture” of
an organization. Managers must understand how their duties and the duties of other
managers fit together to plan their activity in a proper way and get the required results. This skill is very important for top managers because it helps them plan “super
goals” and develops proper strategies for the whole organization.
3. A decision making skill is the ability of a manager to choose the best course
of actions of two or more alternatives. A manager must decide the following:
What objectives and goals must be reached?
What strategy must be implemented?
What resources must be used and how they must be distributed?
What kind of control is needed?
In short, managers are responsible for the most important decisions which are required to carry out any organizational activity.
4. An analytic skill is the ability to determine the most important problem of
many other problems and identify the causes of each problem before implementing a
proper action plan. This ability is especially important for top managers because they
have to solve complex problems.
5. An administrative skill is the ability of a manager to keep to the organizational
rules specified for the production process, within a limited budget, and coordinate the
flow of information and paper work in his group and in other groups.
6. A communicational skill is the ability of manager to share his ideas and opinions with other people both orally and in writing. This skill is a decisive factor of a
manager's success. Some investigations show that top managers and middle managers
spend approximately 80% (percent) of their work time in communicating with each
7. Thus, a communication skill enables managers to hold meetings, write clear letters and explanatory notes, make reports, etc.
8. An interpersonal skill (psychological skill) is the ability to deal effectively
with other people both inside and outside the organization. It is the ability to understand the needs and motives of other people. This skill is very important for a good
psychological atmosphere for successful activity in the common work in future. If the
interpersonal relations are good, a manager will be successful in getting a support in
the development and implementation of organizational plans.
9. A technical skill is a specific competence to accomplish a task. The lower is a
manager’s level in the organization, the closer is his/her connection with the production process. Thus first-line managers have the closest connection with the production
process. They need high technical skills to provide technical guidance for the subordinates. Top managers don't need these skills as much as first-line managers but the
knowledge of the technical sphere is useful for all the managers.
Задание 2. Переведите письменно следующие слова и словосочетания
на русский язык.
Important skill; decision making skill; interpersonal skill; objective; goal; activity; required results; interpersonal relations; interpersonal (psychological) skill;
needs and motives; technical guidance; subordinate; psychological atmosphere; successful activity; support; implementation; investigation; production process; flow of
information; ability; responsible; organizational rules; report; percent; production; action plan; solve problems; communicate; enable; choose; divide; distribute; carry out;
hold a meeting.
Задание 3. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и
выражениям. Задание выполните письменно.
производственный процесс; психологическое мастерство; цель; обязанность;
стратегия; концептуальное мастерство; доклад (отчет); требуемые результаты;
разрабатывать соответствующие стратегии; способность; курс действий;
между людьми;
руководство; подчиненный; делить; согласовывать(ся); выбирать; решать
проблемы; достигать: осуществлять; распределять; выполнять; давать
возможность; проводить (собрание).
Задание 4. Дополните предложения исходя из содержания текста.
1. Effectiveness of a manager's activity depends on _____________________.
2. A conceptual skill is the ability of a manager to see ___________________.
3. A decision making skill is the ability of a manager to choose the best course
of actions of _____________________________________________________.
4. An analytic skill is the ability to determine the most important problems and
identify the courses of each problem before _____________________________.
5. An interpersonal skill is very important for __________________________.
6. A technical skill is a specific competence to accomplish ________________.
7. First-line managers have the closest connection with __________________.
Задание 5. Найдите в тексте предложения, которые соответствуют
приведенным ниже. Дайте их письменный перевод.
1. Мастерство человеческих отношений (психологическое мастерство) −
это способность менеджеров эффективно взаимодействовать с другими
2. Это мастерство имеет большое значение для хорошей психологической
атмосферы в организации.
3. Концептуальное мастерство − это способность менеджера представлять
(see) «общую картину» организации.
4. Концептуальное мастерство имеет очень большое значение (very important) для высших менеджеров, потому что оно помогает им планировать и
разрабатывать стратегии для организации в целом.
5. Административное мастерство − это способность менеджера исполнять
организационные правила, (предписанные) для процесса производства.
6. Аналитическое мастерство особенно важно для высших менеджеров,
потому что они должны решать сложные проблемы.
7. Менеджеры должны понимать, как их обязанности согласуются с
обязанностями других менеджеров.
8. Менеджеры ответственны за наиболее важные решения, требуемые для
выполнения любой организационной деятельности.
Задание 1. Прочтите и письменно переведите весь текст, используя
словарь. Письменно переведите 2-й - 6-й абзацы.
1. Risk management is an accepted practice in business activities. Risk is the
possibility of loss or injury. It is a part of everyday life for businesses and individuals.
Individuals and businesses must evaluate the risks they face, and they should minimize the costs involved with those risks.
2. Risk management is not simply a matter of insuring against risk. It involves,
first of all, surveying all the areas of risk to a company and then preparing a series of
recommendations to minimize potential losses from them. This is often done by risk
management consultants. But some major companies have now appointed their own
risk managers.
3. Fire is still the greatest potential risk. The risk manager can simply recommend bricking up a doorway or a hole in the wall of a warehouse to prevent fire from
spreading. Or he can suggest a safer method of stacking. On the other hand, he can
recommend installing a very expensive sprinkler system. This could save a company
huge sums in insurance premiums.
4. Industrial espionage is another, constantly increasing risk. Computer security is particularly important, and it is absolutely vital that only authorized persons
should have access to the information stored in the computer. The risk manager will
suggest methods of selecting computer staff and restricting access to it inside and
outside working hours.
5. Working conditions are another area of risk management; even such ordinary things as ventilation, heating and lighting are important. These can expose a
company to personal claims from staff for damage.
6. Accident prevention and a company’s increased liability because of new
consumer protection legislation are other, obviously important areas.
7. A great many recommendations fall into the ‘common sense’ category.
Suppose a company relies on only one supplier for a vital raw material. If that supplier suffers a total loss of production because of a fire, strike or some other reason, the
company faces huge losses, and even more important, a permanent loss of market
share. To prevent this, the risk manager or consultant might recommend coming to a
two-way agreement with a competitor that in such a case the competitor would supply raw materials to the assembly line. The agreement might even stipulate supplying
the end product if that were necessary.
8. Another example of this ‘common sense’ category is that all the top executives should never travel together in the same jet, or that valuable goods should not
all be stored in one building but spread over a number of sites. Risk management is
becoming more and more important as a concept.
Задание 2. Переведите письменно следующие слова и словосочетания
на русский язык.
Costs; fire; warehouse; sprinkler; insurance premium; industrial espionage; vital; important; computer staff; heating; lighting; claim of damage; accident; legislation; protection; liability; total loss; common sense; market share; strike; top executive; the same; agreement; spread; restrict; select; suggest; prevent; accept; evaluate;
Задание 3. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и
выражениям. Задание выполните письменно.
Области риска; склад; пожар; способ (метод) складирования; система
огнетушения; страховая премия; промышленный шпионаж; безопасность
компьютеров; информация, хранимая в компьютере; уполномоченные лица;
персонал, обслуживающий компьютеры; условия работы; доступ; часы работы;
освещение; отопление; вентиляция; иск о нанесении ущерба; ответственность
компании; законодательство; защита потребителя; здравый смысл; сырье;
поставщик; огромные потери; двухстороннее соглашение; конкурент; конвейер;
конечная продукция; ценные товары; забастовка; рассматривать (изучать);
назначать; устанавливать; предотвращать; предлагать; увеличивать; хранить;
сталкиваться (с); предотвращать; оценивать; страховать.
Задание 4. Заполните пропуски словами и выражениями из текста:
stored, surveying, huge losses, potential risk, loss, area, recommendations,
spread, authorized persons, injury
1. Risk is the possibility of __________________ or ____________________.
2. Risk management involves _____________________ all the areas of risk to
a company and preparing a series of ________________ to minimize potential losses.
3. Fire is still the greatest ________________________________________.
4. Computer security is particularly important, and it is absolutely vital that only ________________________ should have access to the information __________
in the computer.
5. Working conditions are another ___________________ of risk management.
6. If a supplier of a vital raw material for a company suffers a total loss of his
production, the company faces ___________________________________________.
7. Valuable goods should not all be stored in one building but
_____________________________________ over a number of sites.
Задание 5. Найдите в тексте предложения, которые соответствуют
приведенным ниже. Дайте их письменный перевод.
1. Риск это возможность потери или травмы.
2. Управление рисками это не просто вопрос страхования против риска.
3. Пожар все еще является самым большим потенциальным риском.
4. Менеджер по управлению рисками будет рекомендовать методы отбора
персонала по работе с компьютерами или ограничение доступа к ним в рабочие
и внерабочие часы.
5. Предотвращение несчастного случая и увеличение ответственности
компании в связи с новым законодательством по защите прав потребителя
является другой важной сферой.
6. Большое количество рекомендаций входить в категорию здравого
7. Управление рисками становиться все более важной концепцией.