Visible to near-infrared optical properties of pure synthetic olivine
... summarized briefly here. Olivine is an orthosilicate with a nearly hexagonally close-packed structure. It has a general formula of M1M2SiO4, where the cation sites (M1, M2) are six-coordinated (octahedral). The dominant (stoichiometric) divalent cations (Fe2+, Mg2+) occupy the octahedral cation site ...
... summarized briefly here. Olivine is an orthosilicate with a nearly hexagonally close-packed structure. It has a general formula of M1M2SiO4, where the cation sites (M1, M2) are six-coordinated (octahedral). The dominant (stoichiometric) divalent cations (Fe2+, Mg2+) occupy the octahedral cation site ...
Development of a process for characterization of Nd:YAG crystals
... The objectives of this thesis were to develop a methodology for the measurement of laser beam characteristics from a single cavity laser and to establish a preliminary guideline that would determine which crystals were acceptable for use in production of laser devices. These objectives were achieved ...
... The objectives of this thesis were to develop a methodology for the measurement of laser beam characteristics from a single cavity laser and to establish a preliminary guideline that would determine which crystals were acceptable for use in production of laser devices. These objectives were achieved ...
oltmanns-Diffraction and Interference
... As we can see, the data from the double slit is clearly better than that of the single slit (table 1). In fact, the error for the single slit should probably be worse than what it is. Having multiple slits provides a sharper peak. This is why I say that the error should probably be worse. We didn’t ...
... As we can see, the data from the double slit is clearly better than that of the single slit (table 1). In fact, the error for the single slit should probably be worse than what it is. Having multiple slits provides a sharper peak. This is why I say that the error should probably be worse. We didn’t ...
Simultaneous Generation of Different Types of Ion Pairs upon
... Pe, indicating an essentially zero CT character of the excited state. In polar solvents, on the other hand, the TA spectrum is broader and peaks between those of Pe•+ and Pe*, pointing to a substantial CT character of the excited state. This partial CT character is further supported by the fluoresce ...
... Pe, indicating an essentially zero CT character of the excited state. In polar solvents, on the other hand, the TA spectrum is broader and peaks between those of Pe•+ and Pe*, pointing to a substantial CT character of the excited state. This partial CT character is further supported by the fluoresce ...
Optical Properties of Semiconductor Quantum Dots
... dots and distilled in papers what we had learned. Things did not always work fine, far from that, but I am glad to see that we built something, that we, indeed, added a grain of sand to the mountain of human knowledge. There are many people that I must thank for this five-year adventure and I will s ...
... dots and distilled in papers what we had learned. Things did not always work fine, far from that, but I am glad to see that we built something, that we, indeed, added a grain of sand to the mountain of human knowledge. There are many people that I must thank for this five-year adventure and I will s ...
Fraunhofer Diffraction
... • If the curvature of the optical waves must be taken into account at the aperture or image plane, then we must use Fresnel (near-field) diffraction theory. • The Huygens-Fresnel principle is used in diffraction theory, in that every point of a given wavefront of light can be considered as a source ...
... • If the curvature of the optical waves must be taken into account at the aperture or image plane, then we must use Fresnel (near-field) diffraction theory. • The Huygens-Fresnel principle is used in diffraction theory, in that every point of a given wavefront of light can be considered as a source ...
Diffraction - ICT for IST
... using both obstacles and openings (slits) and to emphasize the important relation between the size (dimension „u‟) of obstacles (or slits) and the wavelength (lambda). Again the systematic way of presenting the situation under different conditions helps to develop conceptual understanding: 1. Obstac ...
... using both obstacles and openings (slits) and to emphasize the important relation between the size (dimension „u‟) of obstacles (or slits) and the wavelength (lambda). Again the systematic way of presenting the situation under different conditions helps to develop conceptual understanding: 1. Obstac ...
McIntyre, Stuart (2013) Limitations to light microscope resolution in
... With the advent of calcium-sensitive and fast response voltage-sensitive dyes, it is now possible to gain complex physiological recordings from various cardiac muscle preparations, while simultaneously optically sectioning the samples. However, due to the complexity of these experimental set-ups, it ...
... With the advent of calcium-sensitive and fast response voltage-sensitive dyes, it is now possible to gain complex physiological recordings from various cardiac muscle preparations, while simultaneously optically sectioning the samples. However, due to the complexity of these experimental set-ups, it ...
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... instability. In addition to the incoherent beam, a broad and uniform ordinarily polarized coherent beam from the same laser is used as ‘‘dark illumination’’ to fine tune the nonlinearity 关3兴. In the linear region 共no bias field兲, the intensity grids diffract dramatically as expected from incoherent ...
... instability. In addition to the incoherent beam, a broad and uniform ordinarily polarized coherent beam from the same laser is used as ‘‘dark illumination’’ to fine tune the nonlinearity 关3兴. In the linear region 共no bias field兲, the intensity grids diffract dramatically as expected from incoherent ...
LIGO Magazine, issue 3, 9/2013 - LIGO Scientific Collaboration
... should read it if you haven’t already. We estimate that advanced detector binary neutron star (BNS) ranges approaching 200 Mpc should give at least ~1 BNS detection per year even under pessimistic predictions of event rates. This will happen in 2019, but it’s likely we’ll have detections much earlie ...
... should read it if you haven’t already. We estimate that advanced detector binary neutron star (BNS) ranges approaching 200 Mpc should give at least ~1 BNS detection per year even under pessimistic predictions of event rates. This will happen in 2019, but it’s likely we’ll have detections much earlie ...
Entanglement Spectrum in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
... What is ’unique’ in the FQHE? Two dimensional strongly correlated systems present different properties at zero temperature than almost any other system in condensed matter physics. In particular the FQHE exhibits a new type of order different from the classical or quantum orders that can be describe ...
... What is ’unique’ in the FQHE? Two dimensional strongly correlated systems present different properties at zero temperature than almost any other system in condensed matter physics. In particular the FQHE exhibits a new type of order different from the classical or quantum orders that can be describe ...
Experimental study of CO2-saturated water ‒ illite/kaolinite
... escape into overlying shallow rock units, especially drinking water aquifers [8]. The overlying caprock likely will be exposed to two phase (aqueous brine + variously hydrated scCO 2) or one phase fluid (aqueous brine containing dissolved CO2). Consequently, modeling and experimental studies should ...
... escape into overlying shallow rock units, especially drinking water aquifers [8]. The overlying caprock likely will be exposed to two phase (aqueous brine + variously hydrated scCO 2) or one phase fluid (aqueous brine containing dissolved CO2). Consequently, modeling and experimental studies should ...
... kinds of rotation. The last rotation is impossible to achieve with polarized beam and the use of OAM has already found a wide number of applications in the optical tweezers where manipulation of small particles is needed. OAM has also found its place in communication and computation, both classical ...
... kinds of rotation. The last rotation is impossible to achieve with polarized beam and the use of OAM has already found a wide number of applications in the optical tweezers where manipulation of small particles is needed. OAM has also found its place in communication and computation, both classical ...
Computational Study of Structure and Reactivity
... kept fixed to their bulk positions. A Bader charge analysis27,28 was employed to determine the local charge of atoms in the system, defined by the integrated charge density within Bader volumes around the atoms. Magnetic moments were determined by calculating the integrated spin density within the Bad ...
... kept fixed to their bulk positions. A Bader charge analysis27,28 was employed to determine the local charge of atoms in the system, defined by the integrated charge density within Bader volumes around the atoms. Magnetic moments were determined by calculating the integrated spin density within the Bad ...
New Class of Quantum Error-Correcting Codes for a Bosonic Mode
... for applications in quantum memories, communication, and scalable computation. These “binomial quantum codes” are formed from a finite superposition of Fock states weighted with binomial coefficients. The binomial codes can exactly correct errors that are polynomial up to a specific degree in bosoni ...
... for applications in quantum memories, communication, and scalable computation. These “binomial quantum codes” are formed from a finite superposition of Fock states weighted with binomial coefficients. The binomial codes can exactly correct errors that are polynomial up to a specific degree in bosoni ...
Atomic Physics Division Fachverband - DPG
... In an electron-ion crossed-beams experiment, the experimental sensitivity is mainly determined by the densities of both beams in the interaction region. Aiming at the extension of the available range of accessible electron energies and densities, a new high-power electron gun has been developed and ...
... In an electron-ion crossed-beams experiment, the experimental sensitivity is mainly determined by the densities of both beams in the interaction region. Aiming at the extension of the available range of accessible electron energies and densities, a new high-power electron gun has been developed and ...
Transport study on two-dimensional electrons with controlled short-range alloy disorder
... Disorder plays an important role in almost all aspects of solid state physics. However, due to the complexity in the nature of disorder, it is usually hard to experimentally study its effect in a controllable way. We present in this thesis the first systematic study on disorder-related physics in tw ...
... Disorder plays an important role in almost all aspects of solid state physics. However, due to the complexity in the nature of disorder, it is usually hard to experimentally study its effect in a controllable way. We present in this thesis the first systematic study on disorder-related physics in tw ...
X-ray fluorescence

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is the emission of characteristic ""secondary"" (or fluorescent) X-rays from a material that has been excited by bombarding with high-energy X-rays or gamma rays. The phenomenon is widely used for elemental analysis and chemical analysis, particularly in the investigation of metals, glass, ceramics and building materials, and for research in geochemistry, forensic science and archaeology.