Auditory Imagery: Empirical Findings
... in pitch. In a follow-up study, the same participants were presented with several potential starting pitches, one of which was their previously indicated preferred pitch. They rated how acceptable each of those pitches was as a starting pitch for that melody. Interestingly, pitches that were a speci ...
... in pitch. In a follow-up study, the same participants were presented with several potential starting pitches, one of which was their previously indicated preferred pitch. They rated how acceptable each of those pitches was as a starting pitch for that melody. Interestingly, pitches that were a speci ...
... employed Pavlovian fear conditioning to investigate the neural mechanisms that influence the emotional response to a threat. These procedures were designed to investigate conditioned diminution of the unconditioned response (UCR). The specific aims were to better understand the role of associative l ...
... employed Pavlovian fear conditioning to investigate the neural mechanisms that influence the emotional response to a threat. These procedures were designed to investigate conditioned diminution of the unconditioned response (UCR). The specific aims were to better understand the role of associative l ...
In 1978 Mountcastle hypothesized that the smallest functional unit of
... Most of the experimental literature that has addressed the topographical organization within the primary somatosensory, visual, auditory, and motor cortical areas (and association cortex as well) at high resolution shows that while neighboring neurons exhibit a remarkable uniformity from the standpo ...
... Most of the experimental literature that has addressed the topographical organization within the primary somatosensory, visual, auditory, and motor cortical areas (and association cortex as well) at high resolution shows that while neighboring neurons exhibit a remarkable uniformity from the standpo ...
Auditory Pathways and Processes
... The central auditory system begins when the peripheral mechanical process is transformed into electrical impulses and conveyed to the brain via the auditory nerve, a branch of the eighth cranial nerve. From there the signal travels both ipsi- and contralaterally through a series of relay stations un ...
... The central auditory system begins when the peripheral mechanical process is transformed into electrical impulses and conveyed to the brain via the auditory nerve, a branch of the eighth cranial nerve. From there the signal travels both ipsi- and contralaterally through a series of relay stations un ...
Limbic systems for emotion and for memory, but no
... not receive inputs from the dorsal visual ‘where’ processing areas such as the parietal cortex including the retrosplenial cortex (which is part of the posterior cingulate cortex) that provide inputs via parahippocampal areas TF/TH to the hippocampus for its spatial (‘where’) functions in memory, wh ...
... not receive inputs from the dorsal visual ‘where’ processing areas such as the parietal cortex including the retrosplenial cortex (which is part of the posterior cingulate cortex) that provide inputs via parahippocampal areas TF/TH to the hippocampus for its spatial (‘where’) functions in memory, wh ...
Tilburg University Crying, catharsis, and health
... recovery. Only during this second phase, while tension decreases, will tears flow. In this view, tears do not facilitate recovery, but are merely an epiphenomenon, marking the occurrence of important cognitive changes. As can be concluded from the theories described above, there has been much specul ...
... recovery. Only during this second phase, while tension decreases, will tears flow. In this view, tears do not facilitate recovery, but are merely an epiphenomenon, marking the occurrence of important cognitive changes. As can be concluded from the theories described above, there has been much specul ...
Sequence of information processing for emotions based on the
... encounter distinct types of inhibitory interneurons (e.g., Barbas et al., 2005b; Germuska et al., 2006). Moreover, laminar-specific connections can be used to infer the flow of information by analogy with sensory cortices. Feedforward projections originate from neurons in layers 2–3 of earlier-proce ...
... encounter distinct types of inhibitory interneurons (e.g., Barbas et al., 2005b; Germuska et al., 2006). Moreover, laminar-specific connections can be used to infer the flow of information by analogy with sensory cortices. Feedforward projections originate from neurons in layers 2–3 of earlier-proce ...
Limbic structures, emotion, and memory
... Tier 2 is that any learning in Tier 2 of the value of an object or face seen in one location on the retina, size, and view will generalize to other views etc. In rodents, there is no such clear separation of “what” from “value” representations. For example, in the taste system, satiety influences tas ...
... Tier 2 is that any learning in Tier 2 of the value of an object or face seen in one location on the retina, size, and view will generalize to other views etc. In rodents, there is no such clear separation of “what” from “value” representations. For example, in the taste system, satiety influences tas ...
Mismatch Negativity: Different Water in the Same River
... (third waveform in fig. 1). Lavikainen et al. [1995] found two sources for the magnetic N1 response to such a change in frequency and suggested that these represented the normal N1 and an MMN, with the MMN occurring earlier than it would have if the frequency change had been part of a separate devia ...
... (third waveform in fig. 1). Lavikainen et al. [1995] found two sources for the magnetic N1 response to such a change in frequency and suggested that these represented the normal N1 and an MMN, with the MMN occurring earlier than it would have if the frequency change had been part of a separate devia ...
Cliff - USD Biology
... DA cannot drive rapid NAc signaling ◦ In the same manner as Glu presynaptic inputs ...
... DA cannot drive rapid NAc signaling ◦ In the same manner as Glu presynaptic inputs ...
PDF - Bentham Open
... subject level. This multiple linear regression modeled the input from all stimuli using a gamma variate hemodynamic response function. Reference waveforms modeled the CS+, CS−, and UCS during the acquisition phase, the CS+ and CS− on test trials, joystick movement, and head motion parameters. The re ...
... subject level. This multiple linear regression modeled the input from all stimuli using a gamma variate hemodynamic response function. Reference waveforms modeled the CS+, CS−, and UCS during the acquisition phase, the CS+ and CS− on test trials, joystick movement, and head motion parameters. The re ...
Emotional experiences of tension and suspense: psychological
... psychological and neuronal mechanisms underlying tension experiences remain largely unclear. This dissertation aims to advance the understanding of tension and suspense by presenting theoretical and empirical work that investigates the psychological underpinnings and neural correlates of tension phe ...
... psychological and neuronal mechanisms underlying tension experiences remain largely unclear. This dissertation aims to advance the understanding of tension and suspense by presenting theoretical and empirical work that investigates the psychological underpinnings and neural correlates of tension phe ...
... A third process by which resistance to extinction could occur was proposed by Eysenck (1976), who suggested the “incubation of fear” theory. According to this account, the CR creates an internal state of fear that functions as the US, thereby impeding extinction. Specifically, Eysenck suggests that ...
... A third process by which resistance to extinction could occur was proposed by Eysenck (1976), who suggested the “incubation of fear” theory. According to this account, the CR creates an internal state of fear that functions as the US, thereby impeding extinction. Specifically, Eysenck suggests that ...
Zidane in Tartarus - UWS ResearchDirect
... concerning the composition and effects of emotions. Accordingly, this thesis will draw upon Aristotle’s theory of emotions as implied by his conceptualisation of katharsis to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the affects of social tragedy relevant to a series of historical developments c ...
... concerning the composition and effects of emotions. Accordingly, this thesis will draw upon Aristotle’s theory of emotions as implied by his conceptualisation of katharsis to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the affects of social tragedy relevant to a series of historical developments c ...
response inhibition is differentially related to instrumental and
... pronounced impulsiveness are often accompanied by increased aggression (Hart & Dempster, 1997; Retz & Rösler, 2010; Wallcott, Mangione & Landau, 2004). This suggests that a relationship exists between levels of impulsivity and aggression. However, aggression and impulsiveness are very heterogeneous ...
... pronounced impulsiveness are often accompanied by increased aggression (Hart & Dempster, 1997; Retz & Rösler, 2010; Wallcott, Mangione & Landau, 2004). This suggests that a relationship exists between levels of impulsivity and aggression. However, aggression and impulsiveness are very heterogeneous ...
Altered Resting-State Functional Connectivity of
... of BLA and CMA, cytoarchitechtonically based probability maps of the human amygdala (Amunts et al, 2005) have been used for segmenting the BLA and CMA. The BLA activity was found to be correlated extensively with temporal and frontal cortical regions whereas CMA predicted activity primarily in the s ...
... of BLA and CMA, cytoarchitechtonically based probability maps of the human amygdala (Amunts et al, 2005) have been used for segmenting the BLA and CMA. The BLA activity was found to be correlated extensively with temporal and frontal cortical regions whereas CMA predicted activity primarily in the s ...
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... hypoactivity for a variety of stimuli, including one’s own and others’ faces, as well as non-face objects. This suggests a model of distorted visual processing in which details are not contextualized or integrated into a whole percept. This may be associated with patients’ propensity to focus on det ...
... hypoactivity for a variety of stimuli, including one’s own and others’ faces, as well as non-face objects. This suggests a model of distorted visual processing in which details are not contextualized or integrated into a whole percept. This may be associated with patients’ propensity to focus on det ...
Selective attention through selective neuronal synchronization
... attentional restructuring of information flow are manifold. Attended sensory inputs are processed more rapidly and accurately and with higher spatial resolution and sensitivity for fine changes, while non-attended information appears lower in contrast and is sometimes not perceived at all (Carrasco, ...
... attentional restructuring of information flow are manifold. Attended sensory inputs are processed more rapidly and accurately and with higher spatial resolution and sensitivity for fine changes, while non-attended information appears lower in contrast and is sometimes not perceived at all (Carrasco, ...
Everitt et al. (2000) in The Amygdala - Rudolf Cardinal
... normally in the absence of a functioning amygdala, depending more on cerebellar circuitry (Lavond et al., 1993), but also that it is increasingly possible to define a more widely dispersed neural network involved in such associative functions. For example it is well established that the anterior, bu ...
... normally in the absence of a functioning amygdala, depending more on cerebellar circuitry (Lavond et al., 1993), but also that it is increasingly possible to define a more widely dispersed neural network involved in such associative functions. For example it is well established that the anterior, bu ...
Fear conditioning, synaptic plasticity and the amygdala
... BDNF to PTSD [49]. In addition, transgenic, molecular and behavioral studies in rodents have provided insights into the underlying mechanisms of BDNF signaling in PTSD. There is burgeoning evidence for an association between a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the BDNF gene (Val66Met) and vari ...
... BDNF to PTSD [49]. In addition, transgenic, molecular and behavioral studies in rodents have provided insights into the underlying mechanisms of BDNF signaling in PTSD. There is burgeoning evidence for an association between a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the BDNF gene (Val66Met) and vari ...
Specialized Elements of Orbitofrontal Cortex in Primates
... neurons, or in tissue stained for markers that label distinct groups of pyramidal neurons or inhibitory interneurons (e.g., Ref. 3). The fingerprints in FIGURE 2 were constructed using three markers for different architectonic areas of the orbitofrontal cortex. Grouping architectonic areas by type, ...
... neurons, or in tissue stained for markers that label distinct groups of pyramidal neurons or inhibitory interneurons (e.g., Ref. 3). The fingerprints in FIGURE 2 were constructed using three markers for different architectonic areas of the orbitofrontal cortex. Grouping architectonic areas by type, ...
Saccade performance in the nasal and temporal
... Overview of experiments ................................................................................. ...
... Overview of experiments ................................................................................. ...
Guilt for Non
... If foreseen guilt prevents harm and absence of harm prevents possible retaliation and/or loss of reputation, then it would seem that a priori guilt would be evolutionarily advantageous. A posteriori guilt, on the other hand, would be evolutionarily advantageous because conducive to increased amount/ ...
... If foreseen guilt prevents harm and absence of harm prevents possible retaliation and/or loss of reputation, then it would seem that a priori guilt would be evolutionarily advantageous. A posteriori guilt, on the other hand, would be evolutionarily advantageous because conducive to increased amount/ ...
The amygdala: securing pleasure and avoiding pain
... The amygdala has traditionally been associated with fear, mediating the impact of negative emotions on memory. However, this view does not fully encapsulate the function of the amygdala, nor the impact that processing in this structure has on the motivational limbic corticostriatal circuitry of whic ...
... The amygdala has traditionally been associated with fear, mediating the impact of negative emotions on memory. However, this view does not fully encapsulate the function of the amygdala, nor the impact that processing in this structure has on the motivational limbic corticostriatal circuitry of whic ...
Effect of Spatial Attention on the Responses of Area MT Neurons
... relatively early stages of the visual system, allowing for more efficient use of limited capacities at all subsequent stages (Broadbent 1958, 1982). The ‘‘late selection’’ models, on the other hand, assert that top-down mechanisms filter out irrelevant information only at late processing stages, pot ...
... relatively early stages of the visual system, allowing for more efficient use of limited capacities at all subsequent stages (Broadbent 1958, 1982). The ‘‘late selection’’ models, on the other hand, assert that top-down mechanisms filter out irrelevant information only at late processing stages, pot ...