Evaluation and application of spatial light modulators for
... ÓPTICA PURA Y APLICADA – Vol. 38, núm 3 – 2005. 4ª Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica, OPTOEL’05 ...
... ÓPTICA PURA Y APLICADA – Vol. 38, núm 3 – 2005. 4ª Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica, OPTOEL’05 ...
Organic Nonlinear Optic Devices
... • Fluorine content controls the refractive index of polyimide • Core and cladding layer can be made from the same polymer---polyimide. ...
... • Fluorine content controls the refractive index of polyimide • Core and cladding layer can be made from the same polymer---polyimide. ...
Overview of various methods for measuring a lens focal length
... The lens power is measured for different positions of the source. The author of this method claims that routinely measurements are made with less than 0.5% accuracy. ...
... The lens power is measured for different positions of the source. The author of this method claims that routinely measurements are made with less than 0.5% accuracy. ...
Analysis of optical damage mechanisms in hollow core
... and Rayleigh range could be readily measured, and hence the M2 value could be calculated. The numerical aperture (NA) of each waveguide was calculated from its measured M2. This value is not well-defined for such waveguides as guiding is by Fresnel reflection (rather than by total internal reflectio ...
... and Rayleigh range could be readily measured, and hence the M2 value could be calculated. The numerical aperture (NA) of each waveguide was calculated from its measured M2. This value is not well-defined for such waveguides as guiding is by Fresnel reflection (rather than by total internal reflectio ...
Curved Mirrors, Ray Diagrams, and Simulations Background Information
... 2. Click your mouse on the “Mirror” button. The text becomes colored, showing that it is active. Click on the diagram and you will notice a “+” on the screen. Note that as you move the “+” a small yellow box in the corner of the diagram indicates its x, y position (left edge = x = 0, yellow line = y ...
... 2. Click your mouse on the “Mirror” button. The text becomes colored, showing that it is active. Click on the diagram and you will notice a “+” on the screen. Note that as you move the “+” a small yellow box in the corner of the diagram indicates its x, y position (left edge = x = 0, yellow line = y ...
Experiment Guide - Industrial Fiber Optics
... stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission from Industrial Fiber Optics. ...
... stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission from Industrial Fiber Optics. ...
Lab 8: Polarization of Light
... retarder; linear polarization is thus converted to elliptical polarization due to the arbitrary phase shift. The phase difference depends on the incident wavelength, the refractive indices (along the two different directhey don’t reduce the intensity of the incident light tions) and the thickness of ...
... retarder; linear polarization is thus converted to elliptical polarization due to the arbitrary phase shift. The phase difference depends on the incident wavelength, the refractive indices (along the two different directhey don’t reduce the intensity of the incident light tions) and the thickness of ...
... What are the things to know before proceeding with fiber optic test & measurement? Self-review of the basic features of a fiber-optic communication link are necessary. Fibre optic link measurements determine if the system meets its end design goals. All of the components contained within the link mu ...
... What are the things to know before proceeding with fiber optic test & measurement? Self-review of the basic features of a fiber-optic communication link are necessary. Fibre optic link measurements determine if the system meets its end design goals. All of the components contained within the link mu ...
Lecture 14: Lenses
... The eye is moved from side to side while viewing a search pin behind the mirror. A position is found for which both pin and image appear to coincide in the same straight line. When this condition of no parallax holds the search pin gives the position of the image. The procedure can also be used wher ...
... The eye is moved from side to side while viewing a search pin behind the mirror. A position is found for which both pin and image appear to coincide in the same straight line. When this condition of no parallax holds the search pin gives the position of the image. The procedure can also be used wher ...
Laser tweezers and their applications
... hologram produces a three-dimensional light field, when illuminated by a suitable laser. This allows several traps to be created simultaneously[25], from one laser source and controlled without the need for moving mirrors or acousto-optical deflectors. Suitably high-resolution hologram projection te ...
... hologram produces a three-dimensional light field, when illuminated by a suitable laser. This allows several traps to be created simultaneously[25], from one laser source and controlled without the need for moving mirrors or acousto-optical deflectors. Suitably high-resolution hologram projection te ...
Automatic Absolute Distance Measurement with One Micrometer
... approach in which a low precision starting guess at the distance to be measured, obtained in any of a variety of low cost ways, is used alongside a convergence algorithm and Fourier transform fringe analysis to perform absolute length interferometry using a very simple experimental set up. This syst ...
... approach in which a low precision starting guess at the distance to be measured, obtained in any of a variety of low cost ways, is used alongside a convergence algorithm and Fourier transform fringe analysis to perform absolute length interferometry using a very simple experimental set up. This syst ...

A retroreflector (sometimes called a retroflector or cataphote) is a device or surface that reflects light back to its source with a minimum of scattering. In a retroreflector an electromagnetic wavefront is reflected back along a vector that is parallel to but opposite in direction from the wave's source. The angle of incidence at which the device or surface reflects light in this way is greater than zero, unlike a planar mirror, which does this only if the mirror is exactly perpendicular to the wave front, having a zero angle of incidence.