II. Macroeconomy and Trade Policy
... Figure 3 compares Chinese Taipei’s real GDP growth rates with selected APEC economies between 1994 and 2006. First, Chinese Taipei’s growth rates seem to be on a general downward trend during the last decade. Further, while its growth rate is fairly healthy by international standards, its relative p ...
... Figure 3 compares Chinese Taipei’s real GDP growth rates with selected APEC economies between 1994 and 2006. First, Chinese Taipei’s growth rates seem to be on a general downward trend during the last decade. Further, while its growth rate is fairly healthy by international standards, its relative p ...
Detrimental Effects on other WTO Members of the Measures
... On 12 October 2005, the company Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) was fined US$13,750 for alleged violations of the rules governing the blockade against Cuba which were said to have occurred between February and March 2000. According to OFAC, the company Finora Canada Ltd., a Canada-based subsidiary of A ...
... On 12 October 2005, the company Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) was fined US$13,750 for alleged violations of the rules governing the blockade against Cuba which were said to have occurred between February and March 2000. According to OFAC, the company Finora Canada Ltd., a Canada-based subsidiary of A ...
Why Imperialize?
... In 1842, the British made the Chinese accept the Treaty of Nanjing Britain received a huge indemnity, or payment for losses in the war The British gained the island of Hong Kong China had to open five ports to foreign trade British citizens were granted extraterritoriality, the right to live under t ...
... In 1842, the British made the Chinese accept the Treaty of Nanjing Britain received a huge indemnity, or payment for losses in the war The British gained the island of Hong Kong China had to open five ports to foreign trade British citizens were granted extraterritoriality, the right to live under t ...
... •Authorized by the Pacific Railway Act of 1862 and heavily backed by the federal government, it was the culmination of a decades-long movement to build such a line and was one of the crowning achievements of the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, completed four ...
... •Authorized by the Pacific Railway Act of 1862 and heavily backed by the federal government, it was the culmination of a decades-long movement to build such a line and was one of the crowning achievements of the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, completed four ...
Eyes on the Pacific
... He called on the Japanese to reopen foreign trade. The Japanese were awed by U.S. power and realized they had a lot to gain from trade. ...
... He called on the Japanese to reopen foreign trade. The Japanese were awed by U.S. power and realized they had a lot to gain from trade. ...
The Imperialist Vision
... Why did the US look to the Pacific for new markets? It was the next thing! ...
... Why did the US look to the Pacific for new markets? It was the next thing! ...

A coolie (alternatively spelled cooli, cooly, quli, koelie, and other such variations), during the 19th and early 20th century, was a term for a locally sourced unskilled labourer hired by a company, mainly from the Indian subcontinent or Southern China.Today, it is used varyingly as a legal inoffensive word (for example, in India for helpers carrying luggage in railway stations) and also used as a racial slur in Africa for certain people from Asia, particularly in South Africa.