60 th Anniversary Special Edition
5.2.2 Union for Reform Judaism Resolutions
49. Items relating to the role of regional and subregional
29 June 2017 The General Assembly of the United Nations
28. The responsibility of the Security Council in the maintenance of
2016 ABNJ - Global Ocean Forum
2013 KOF Index of Globalization: Definitions and Sources Source
2005/61 - World Programme for Human Rights Education
2005 World Summit Outcome Document
1971 05 26, Book, Marianas Secession From TTPI, Department of
1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons
1 setting up a commission for the preparation of a NATIONAL
0“[T}he United Nations was created, as Winston Churchill said, to
(XXXVII-O/07) to instruct the Working Group to
"William Schabas, “The Three - ICC
Document 8937424
and Northern Ireland and Overseas Territories
Civilian Protection Law in Military Operations
Christoph Mikulasche - The United Nations Security Council and the