Chapter 5: The State, Society, and Foreign Policy
"The Endogenous Relationship of Campaign Expenditures, Expected Vote, and Media Coverage"
Fixation: an obsessive or unhealthy preoccupation or attachment
Federalism - Law Neeti
Discourse and Truth: the Problematization of Parrhesia
CPSS Program 2007
The role of political and economic factors in Vrooman, Roger R.
Women*s Political Participation and FDI
stronger theorizing - Professor Bear F. Braumoeller
social constructivism for philosophers of technology
Promotion - IS MU - Masaryk University
Turkey`s Accession to the European Union: The Geopolitics of
Transforming centrally-planned economies: the case of Poland Abramczyk, Krzysztof
TOC Octos Pettit AC v Scarsdale MB
The Diffusion of Military Dictatorships
The Congo question: Conflicting visions of independence
the world`s most repressive regimes
The Third Age of Political Communication
The Stars Down to Earth and Other Essays on the Irrational in Culture
The Motives Underlying Stereotype-Based