Political Ethnicity Patterns
Political Ethics-Revised 10-11
Political Efficacy, Voting Behavior and Partisanship among
Political Efficacy on the Internet: A Media System Dependency
Political Efficacy and Community Well
Political Economy of Power
Political Economy of Communication: A Critique
Political Economy and Surveillance Theory
Political ecology and the epistemology of social justice
Political ecology and the epistemology of social justice
Political Diversity Will Improve Social Psychological Science
Political Discontent and Collective Learning in Spain
Political Disagreement, Lack of Commitment and the Level of Debt
Political Culture & Socialization
Political Control, Human Rights, and the UN Mission in Cambodia
Political Constraints on Unilateral Executive Action
Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition
Political Competition in Legislative Elections∗
Political Communication and the Military under the Second Triumvirate
Political communication
Political Cartoons of the Holocaust