Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Red Blood Cell Osmotic Fragility
Effect of whole blood viscosity and red cell mass on
Effect of Tamarindus indica L
effect of subchronic exposure to tolylfluanid on the lactate
Effect of rhythmic tetanic skeletal muscle contractions on peak
Effect of plasma osmolality and intraocular pressure on fluid
Effect of Oral Nimodipine on Platelet Function
Effect of Lead(IV) Acetate on Procoagulant Activity in Human Red
Effect of increasing PIH analog and DFO
Effect of fortification of fresh cow milk with coconut milk on the
Effect of eye closures and openings on photostasis in albino
Effect of environmental salinity manipulation on
Effect of endometriosis on white blood cell subpopulations in
Effect of drugs on the pulsation rate of Lumbricus variegatus
Effect of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure on
Effect of Chlorhexidine Whole-Body Bathing on Hospital
Effect of Blood Collection Technique in Mice on
Effect of Bilateral Carotid Body Resection on Cardiac Baroreflex
Effect of anti-vWf monoclonal antibodies on vWf binding to platelets
Effect of Aldosterone-Producing Adenoma on Endothelial Function