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AP US History II - Review of US 1 Material
Review HW # 1
- Read Chapters 1 and 2 in AMSCO and answer the following questions.
- You must write the question or paraphrase each question and include it with your answer.
- Your answers must be hand written on notebook paper.
- Each review is worth 5 homework assignment is worth five points.
1. Describe the cultures of Native Americans living in North, South, and Central America before
Columbus and Europeans arrived.
2. Describe how technological improvements, religious conflict, trade expansion, and nationbuilding led to European exploration.
3. Why is Columbus important for history?
4. What types of exchanges occurred between Europeans and Native Americans?
5. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?
6. What did the conquistadors accomplish? What was the encomienda system?
7. Why didn’t the English explore further after Cabot’s voyages?
8. Where did the French explore? Where was their first colonial settlement?
9. Where did the Dutch explore?
10. What factors led England to begin settling North America?
11. What are joint-stock, royal, and proprietary colonies?
12. What were some early problems in Jamestown as well as the factors that led to its success?
13. What factors led to the founding of the Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies?
14. What political institutions were used in the early colonies?
15. Where were the Spanish settlements in North America?
16. Describe how the Europeans treated the Native Americans.
17. What are the 3 different types of colonial charters that English colonies received?
18. Discuss the passage of the Act of Toleration in Maryland and how it was repealed.
19. What caused Bacon’s Rebellion to occur in Virginia? What lasting problems in the colonies did it
20. Describe the differences between indentured servitude, the headright system, and slavery.
21. What types of people formed the nucleus for the founding of many of the New England colonies?
22. Who founded Rhode Island? How was it different than the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
23. How did Anne Hutchinson question Puritan beliefs?
24. Who founded Connecticut? What did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639) establish?
25. What was the Halfway Covenant? How was it received by colonists?
26. How were the New England Confederation and King Phillips’s War related to one another?
27. Describe the differences between the North and South Carolina colonies.
28. How did New York become a British colony? How was James II met with resistance there?
29. Which 2 nobles were given control of New Jersey?
30. What religious beliefs of the Quakers led to their persecution in England?
31. Describe how Pennsylvania was William Penn’s “Holy Experiment”?
32. Why did the British government directly give money to Georgia?
33. What failing regulations did Oglethorpe enact in Georgia?
34. Describe the basic economic characteristics of mercantilism.
35. What were the Navigation Acts? What positive and negative impacts did they have on the
36. What factors led to an increased demand for slaves in the colonies?
37. What early laws did the colonies pass to ensure slaves were an inferior class?
38. Draw (roughly) and be able to explain the Triangle Trade on page 35.
AP US History II – US I Review #2
- Read Chapters 3 and 4 in AMSCO and answer the following questions.
- You must write the question or paraphrase each question and include it with your answer.
- Your answers must be hand written on notebook paper.
1. Describe the following about the European immigrants to the colonies in the 18th century:
a. Different groups
b. Where settled
c. Why they arrived
2. What percentage of the population did slaves make up by 1775? In what states were they a
3. What general characteristics developed in all 13 colonies by 1775?
4. How did the family roles of men and women differ?
5. Compare and contrast the regional economies of the New England, Middle, and Southern
6. What are established churches? How did this policy eventually die out?
7. What was The Great Awakening? How did Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield help spread
8. What religious and political effects emerged from The Great Awakening?
9. What was Poor Richard’s Almanac?
10. Describe the educational values and systems set up in the colonies.
11. How did doctors and lawyers gain more prominence throughout the 18th century?
12. Why was the Zenger case a break from British tradition?
13. How were the governors chosen in all 13 colonies? How did both houses in each colonial
legislature function?
14. Analyze just how democratic colonial society really was.
15. Summarize the effects on the British Empire of King William’s War, Queen Anne’s War, and
King George’s War.
16. What caused the French and Indian War? How were the early stages of the war a failure for the
17. What was the Albany Plan of Union?
18. How did the end of the war assist in leading the British and its colonies on a path towards an
eventual war?
19. How did Pontiac’s Rebellion and the Proclamation Act illustrate England’s new colonial policies?
20. Define the following British taxes/acts: Sugar Act, Quartering Act, Stamp Act, Declaratory Act,
Townshend Acts, Tea Act, Coercive Acts, Quebec Act.
21. How did the colonists protest the Stamp Act?
22. Why was the Boston Massacre important for US history?
23. Did the colonists go too far with their protests of the Tea Act and the Gaspee affair?
24. How did the Enlightenment influence revolutionary thinking?
AP US History II – US I Review #3
- Read Chapters 5 and 6 in AMSCO and answer the following questions.
- You must write the question or paraphrase each question and include it with your answer.
- Your answers must be hand written on notebook paper.
1. Describe the purpose of the 1st Continental Congress, the different beliefs of attendees, and
actions taken by the body.
2. Why did the Americans claim victories at Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill?
3. What military actions did the 2nd Continental Congress take?
4. What was the Olive Branch petition? How did King George Respond?
5. Why was Common Sense influential?
6. Know who wrote the Declaration of Independence, when it was adopted, and the basic premise of
the document.
7. Describe all those Americans that were Patriots.
8. Describe all those people that were Loyalists.
9. Why was Saratoga a turning point in the Revolution?
10. What were the conditions of the Treaty of Paris?
11. What common points did all of the new state constitutions have in common?
12. What was the basic structure and powers given to the federal government under the Articles of
13. What were the major accomplishments of the Articles of Confederation?
14. What were the major failures of the Articles of Confederation?
15. How did the status of women and slaves not change much with the establishment of the new
16. What occurred at the Mount Vernon and Annapolis Conventions?
17. Discuss the Virginia and New Jersey plans as well as the Great Compromise reached.
18. What agreements did the Convention reach over slavery?
19. What was the Commercial Compromise?
20. Describe how the Electoral College works.
21. List all of the different checks and balances of the three branches of government.
22. Copy the chart that sums up the major beliefs and individuals of the Federalist and AntiFederalist factions.
23. Why was it important to have New York and Virginia ratify the Constitution?
24. Know the Bill of Rights.
25. Who did Washington appoint to his cabinet and to what positions?
26. Discuss the Judiciary Act of 1789.
27. What were the basic points to Hamilton’s Financial Plan?
28. How did Hamilton have to work with Jefferson to get the aspects of his plan implemented?
29. How was the US divided over the French Revolution? What stance did Washington take?
30. Discuss the outcomes of both Jay’s and Pinckney’s Treaty.
31. What was the Treaty of Greenville?
32. Why did the Whiskey Rebellion occur? How did Washington’s handling of it establish another
important precedent?
33. Copy the chart that sums up the major beliefs of the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans.
34. What did Washington warn Americans about in his farewell address?
35. What was the XYZ affair? How did Adams handle it?
36. What were the different portions of the Alien and Sedition Acts?
37. How did Jefferson and other Republicans respond to these laws (#36)?
38. Why was the Election of 1800 considered a peaceful revolution?
AP US History II – US I Review #4
- Read Chapters 7, 8, and 9 in AMSCO and answer the following questions.
- You must write the question or paraphrase each question and include it with your answer.
- Your answers must be hand written on notebook paper.
1. How did Jefferson attempt to win over the Federalists while keeping with Republican principles?
2. Why did Jefferson want the Louisiana Territory? Why was Napoleon willing to part with it?
3. How much money did the US pay for Louisiana? What constitutional predicament did Jefferson
find with the purchase?
4. What was significant about the Lewis and Clark expedition?
5. Discuss the constitutional views of John Marshall and how it influenced the Supreme Court
during his time as Chief Justice.
6. What was the result of Marbury vs. Madison?
7. Why did Jefferson try impeaching judges? Was it a success?
8. Describe the conspiracies of Aaron Burr after he was dropped from the Jefferson ticket.
9. How did Jefferson’s policy towards the Barbary Pirates differ from Washington and Adams?
10. What was the Chesapeake-Leopard affair? How did it illustrate world events at the time?
11. Why did Jefferson pass the Embargo Act of 1807? Why was it a major failure?
12. Discuss the Nonintercourse Act and Macon’s Bill #2, keeping the context of neutrality and
foreign trade in mind.
13. What were the major causes of the War of 1812?
14. How did the War of 1812 show the major divisions in America at the time?
15. Identify the following key events of the war of 1812: Battle of Fort McHenry, Star Spangled
Banner, Battle of New Orleans, Burning of Washington DC.
16. Discuss the parameters of the Treaty of Ghent.
17. What was the Hartford Convention? How did it ruin the Federalists?
18. Know all of the major legacies from the War of 1812 (page 132).
19. How did American cultural nationalism emerge after the War of 1812?
20. How did the Tariff of 1816 and Clay’s American System illustrate American economic
21. What caused the Panic of 1819?
22. How did the Republican Party change after the War of 1812?
23. Discuss the following Marshall rulings: Fletcher vs. Peck, Martin vs. Hunter’s Lessee, Dartmouth
vs. Woodward, McCulloch vs. Maryland, Gibbons vs. Ogden.
24. Why did people begin moving westward?
25. How did Missouri’s application for statehood alarm many politicians? How did the Tallmadge
Amendment further the debate?
26. How did Henry Clay work out a compromise?
27. What was the Rush-Bagot Treaty (1818)?
28. How did Jackson’s actions eventually lead to the purchase of Florida?
29. Why did Monroe issue his famous Monroe Doctrine? What was the impact of it?
30. What were some reasons for the growth in population between 1800 and 1825?
31. Discuss the new methods of transportation that arose during the Era of Good Feelings.
32. What new inventions were made that helped American become more industrial?
33. Why did New England emerge as a major center for factories?
34. Discuss the labor used in early factories as well as the influence of unions on industry.
35. What factors led to the utilization of cash crops in agriculture?
36. Discuss the effects of the Market Revolution on American society.
AP US History II – US I Review #5
Questions 16 refers to Chapter 11 (Reform Movements)
- Read Chapters 10 and 11 in AMSCO and answer the following questions.
- You must write the question or paraphrase each question and include it with your answer.
- Your answers must be hand written on notebook paper.
1. What factors bound the Northeast and Old Northwest together?
2. What was the result of Commonwealth vs. Hunt for labor unions? What still limited worker
3. What factors still held many freed African Americans in the Northeast from achieving equality?
4. What crops were grown in the Old Northwest? What major cities emerged in this area?
5. What factors led to a surge in immigration from 1830 to 1860?
6. Describe the plight of Irish immigrants to America during this time period.
7. How did German immigrants’ experiences differ from those of the Irish?
8. What steps did Nativists take to resist the new immigrants? Why did they dislike them?
9. Why did cotton become “King” in the South?
10. Why did many Southerners call slavery “the peculiar institution”?
11. What are some common descriptions of slave life that the text cites?
12. Outline the social hierarchy of the South, describing: the aristocracy, farmers, rural poor, and
mountain people.
13. How did the definition of “the West” change over the life of America?
14. Describe the life of Native Americans in the West.
15. How did the Mountain Men affect frontier life?
16. Define the following terms/people:
a. Antebellum Period
b. 2nd Great Awakening
c. Charles Finney
d. Camp Meetings
e. Mormons
f. Polygamy
g. Transcendentalism
h. Ralph Waldo Emerson
i. Henry David Thoreau
j. Brook Farm
k. Utopian Societies (with examples)
l. James Fennimore Cooper
m. Nathaniel Hawthorne
n. Herman Melville
o. Temperance Movement
p. Dorothea Dix
q. Penitentiaries
r. Horace Mann
s. McGuffey Readers
t. Cult of domesticity
u. Seneca Falls Convention
v. American Colonization Society
w. William Lloyd Garrison
x. Frederick Douglass
y. Nat Turner
AP US History II – US I Review # 6
- Read Chapters 11, 12, and 13 in AMSCO and answer the following questions.
- You must write the question or paraphrase each question and include it with your answer.
- Your answers must be hand written on notebook paper.
How did the politics of the Jackson era lead to more equality amongst the common man?
What was the spoils system? How did Jackson utilize it more than any past president?
Why was the election of 1824 a “corrupt bargain”?
What policies did John Quincy Adams fail to get accomplished? Why?
Give examples of the mudslinging that occurred during the election of 1828.
How did Jackson view the role of the president?
How did Jackson end the Peggy Eaton affair?
How did the Cherokee nation respond to Jackson’s Indian Removal Act (1830)? What did
Jackson do to counter this?
How did the Tariff of Abominations lead to the nullification crisis?
How did Jackson successfully end the Nullification Crisis?
Why did Jackson veto the charter of the 2nd National Bank?
List the major differences between the Democrats and Whigs.
How did Jackson’s “pet banks” and the Specie Circular hurt the economy?
Who was the 8th President of the US? What dominated his presidency?
Why was William Henry Harrison elected?
How did John Tyler split with the Whig Party?
What is manifest destiny? Who coined the phrase?
How did Americans start to settle in Texas? What led to the country’s independence?
Why did certain presidents deny annexation of Texas?
What was the Webster-Ashburton Treaty?
How did America become interested in Oregon?
What campaign platforms did Polk run on? Why was he considered a dark horse candidate?
How did Polk divide the Oregon Territory with England?
What were the causes of the Mexican War?
Discuss the military campaigns of Taylor, Scott, and Kearney during the Mexican War.
What were the major provisions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
How did the Wilmot Proviso lay the groundwork for the arguments that the Civil War was fought
How did the Ostend Manifesto, the Walker Expedition, Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, and the Gadsden
Purchase illustrate Southern manifest destiny? Was it different from “regular” manifest destiny?
Describe the route taken by overlanders going westward on covered wagon trails.
Why did the invention of Morse Code go hand in hand with the growth of railroads?
Why was there a growth in US trade during the mid-1800’s?
What factors caused the Panic of 1857?
AP US History II – US I Review # 7
- Read Chapters 14 in AMSCO and answer the following questions.
- You must write the question or paraphrase each question and include it with your answer.
- Your answers must be hand written on notebook paper.
1. What 4 main causes do many historians state as leading to the conflict between the North and
2. What were the major platforms of the Free-Soil Party? What was the Southern reaction to this
3. What was popular sovereignty? How was it different than the Wilmot Proviso?
4. List all of Henry Clay’s provisions passed in the Compromise of 1850.
5. How was the Fugitive Slave Law enforced by officials? How did Northerners and others oppose
6. How did Uncle Tom’s Cabin help to bring the North and South farther apart over the issue of
7. What was Douglas’s motive for proposing the Kansas/Nebraska Act? What did it state?
8. What were the effects of the Kansas/Nebraska Act on national politics?
9. From what coalition did the Republican Party form in 1854?
10. Who were chosen as candidates in the election of 1856? Who won?
11. What factors led to the fighting in “bleeding Kansas”?
12. How did the Lecompton Constitution further plummet the situation in Kansas towards anarchy?
13. What led Preston Brooks to cane Charles Sumner? What were the effects of this event?
14. What decisions did the Supreme Court reach in the Dred Scott case? What were the reactions of
both the North and the South?
15. How were the Lincoln/Douglas debates significant for Lincoln even though he lost the election?
16. What was the Freeport Doctrine? How did it hurt Douglas’s standing with Southerners?
17. How did John Brown’s raid further alarm Southerners?
18. How did the Democratic breakup in 1860 lead to the election of Lincoln for president?
19. What were the original 7 Confederate States? Their president? How was their constitution
different from that of the US?
20. Why did the Crittenden Compromise fail?
21. How did Lincoln put the decision of starting the war on South Carolina and the Confederacy?
22. How did Lincoln utilize executive power more than any other president at the start of the Civil
23. Which Upper South states seceded from the Union after Lincoln’s calling of volunteers?
24. How did Lincoln keep Maryland in the Union? Why would it have been a disaster if it seceded?
25. Construct a chart of the advantages that both the North and South held over each other at the
onset of the Civil War.
26. What financial problems did the Confederacy have throughout the war?
27. Why did 1st Bull Run end any hopes of a short end to the war?
28. Discuss Winfield Scott’s Anaconda Plan.
29. How were both the Peninsula Campaign and 2nd Bull Run failures for the North?
30. Why was the battle of Antietam an important battle for Lincoln and the Union?
31. How did Fredericksburg illustrate the military importance of defense during the Civil War?
32. What is the major importance of the battle between the Monitor and Merrimack?
33. How was U.S. Grant more successful in the West than other Union generals in the East?
34. What was the Trent Affair?
35. Why didn’t England enter the war on the side of the Confederacy?
36. What were the Confiscation Acts?
37. What were the major consequences of Lincoln’s issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation?
What was accomplished with the passage of the 13th Amendment?
How were Gettysburg and Vicksburg turning points of the war?
What areas did Sherman capture on his march to the sea?
Where did Lee surrender to Grant? Date?
Who killed Lincoln? Where? When?
How was the draft implemented?
How did Northern Society modernize during the war?
AP US History II – US I Review # 8
Reconstruction and Gilded Age in AMSCO Book
- Read Chapters 15 in AMSCO and answer the following questions.
- You must write the question or paraphrase each question and include it with your answer.
- Your answers must be hand written on notebook paper.
What was Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction that he composed in 1863?
What was the Wade-Davis Bill? How did Lincoln show his opposition to it?
What were some accomplishments of the Freedmen’s Bureau (1865)?
How did Johnson’s Plan for Reconstruction slightly differ from Lincoln’s? How did it eventually
lead to ex-Confederates gaining power back?
How did the Southern Black Codes further split Johnson and Congressional Republicans?
How did “waving the bloody shirt” help get more Republicans elected in 1866?
How did the 2nd phase of Reconstruction differ from the 1st?
Discuss the differences between the moderate and radical Republicans in Congress.
What was the Civil Rights Act of 1866?
Discuss all portions of the 14th Amendment (1868 ratification).
How did the Radical Republicans further establish control with the passing of the Reconstruction
Act of 1867?
Why was Johnson impeached? What kept him in office?
What helped Grant get elected in 1868?
How did the 15th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1875 help give freedmen more rights?
What were scalawags and carpetbaggers? Why did carpetbaggers head south?
Which 2 African American senators were elected from the South during Reconstruction?
How did sharecropping serve as another method of “enslaving” Freedmen?
What characterized the North during Reconstruction?
Discuss the following Grant-administration corruption: Gold scheme, Credit Mobilier, Whiskey
Ring, Boss Tweed exposition.
What caused the Panic of 1873? How did Grant respond?
How did the 3rd round of Reconstruction differ from the previous two?
How did Grant fight the Ku Klux Klan?
How did the Compromise of 1877 end Reconstruction?
What did Mark Twain mean when penning “The Gilded Age”?
Why did a belief in limited government emerge in the Gilded Age?
After 1877, which groups did the Democrats and Republicans appeal to?
Why were both parties afraid of discussing major issues during campaigns?
How did the Stalwarts, Halfbreeds, and Mugwumps define the patronage game during the Gilded
What achievements is Rutherford B. Hayes noted for?
How did the Republicans compromise over their candidate choices in 1880?
Why was Garfield assassinated?
How did Chester Arthur prove to be a better president than expected?
How was Grover Cleveland different than past Gilded Age politicians? Who did he beat in 1884?
What did Cleveland accomplish during his 1st term in office?
What did the Pendleton Act of 1881 set up? Why was it passed?
Why did debtors, farmers, and small businesses want to expand the money supply? How did these
“soft” money proponents advocate this?
Why did others in society seek hard money policies?
Why was the Greenback Party created? How was the Bland-Allison Act of 1878 an attempted
compromise over the silver issue?
What were some pros and cons of a high protective tariff (according to different sections of the
How did the election of 1888 actually bring up an issue that divided the parties? Why did
Harrison win?
What did the Billion Dollar Congress of Harrison enact?
What did the Populist platform call for politically and economically? How did they fare in 1892?
Why did Cleveland win again in 1892?
What caused the Panic of 1893? How did Cleveland respond to it?
How did Cleveland anger many individuals over the gold reserve issue?
Why did Coxey’s Army march on Washington?
What was Bryan’s Democratic platform in the election of 1896? How did it ruin the Populists?
What was McKinley’s platform? Who supported him financially?
What caused McKinley to be elected president?
What was the significance of the election of 1896?
AP US History II – US I Review # 9
Last West, New South & Industrialization
- Read Chapters 16 and 17 in AMSCO and answer the following questions.
- You must write the question or paraphrase each question and include it with your answer.
- Your answers must be hand written on notebook paper.
1. What region is considered “The Last Frontier” by historians? How did settlement change it?
2. Where was gold and silver discovered between 1848 and 1890?
3. What boomtowns were created as a result of rich strikes? Why did some of them become ghost
4. How did California illustrate its hostility towards foreigners regarding mining?
5. How did mining influence the economics and politics of the nation?
6. What caused the cattle business to boom after the Civil War?
7. Name the cattle towns/trails that developed because of the rise in the cattle industry.
8. What ended the cattle frontier?
9. How did the Homestead Act of 1862 influence people to settle the Great Plains?
10. Describe the “sodbusters” of the 1870’s and how they survived life on the Great Plains.
11. What was the basic premise of Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis (1893)?
12. Describe the different Native American groups that occupied the west in 1865 as well as the
different regions they settled in.
13. What caused outbursts like the Sand Creek and Fetterman massacres to occur? How did the
government and Native Americans attempt to resolve them?
14. What new round of Native American conflicts occurred in the 1870’s?
15. What did assimilationists hope to accomplish?
16. What did the Dawes Act (1887) set up as the policy for Native Americans?
17. What were the results of the Ghost Dance Movement?
18. How did the economy of the “New South” differ from that of pre-war Southern society?
19. What factors caused the New South to be one of the poorest regions in the country?
20. How did the South’s dependence on cotton hurt their growth by 1900? How did other farmers
attempt to diversify and end the debt cycle?
21. How did the redeemers and the Supreme Court “encourage” segregation?
22. What methods did the New South use to take away voting rights of African Americans?
23. How did Booker T. Washington respond to the continuing segregation in the South?
24. How did agriculture change in the late 1800’s? (discuss specialization, prices, mail-order
catalogs, costs, monopolization)
25. What did the Grangers accomplish to help farmers?
26. How did the Interstate Commerce Act (1886) hurt farmers (although meant to help)?
27. How did the Ocala Platform call for changes that the Populists and Progressives would call for
decades later?
28. List the causes for the rapid growth in the US economy in the late 1800’s.
29. How did trunk lines a Vanderbilt’s consolidation techniques make railroading a money making
30. Discuss the rationale of the federal government for giving railroad companies land grants and
loans (positives and negatives).
31. Which 2 companies built the 1st Transcontinental Railroad? Where did it end? What other lines
were finished later in the century?
32. How did speculators like Gould make money on the railroads? What caused the railroads to
become monopolized?
33. The development of what commodity led to a shift in industrial processes?
34. What techniques did Andrew Carnegie use to make a fortune? Who did he sell his empire to upon
his retirement?
35. How did John D. Rockefeller make millions with Standard Oil?
36. How did US vs. E.C. Knight (1895) hurt the antitrust movement?
37. How did the theories of Adam Smith, Herbert Spencer, and the Gospel of Wealth lead to a more
laissez-faire government policy?
38. List the major inventions and dates that helped industrialize 1800’s America (include Edison’s
and Westinghouse’s).
39. How did companies market these new inventions/consumer products?
40. How did Horatio Alger’s novels impact Americans?
41. Why was there a rise in the middle class?
42. Analyze Ricardo’s Iron Law of Wages and use it to discuss the rationale for managers not raising
43. Why did labor discontent increase during the middle of the 19th century?
44. What tactics did employers use for defeating labor unions before they really gained power? How
was organized labor divided in terms of dealing with management?
45. What caused the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? How was it resolved?
46. Trace the growth of a national union movement from the National Labor Union, Knights of
Labor, and the American Federation of Labor.
47. Why did the Haymarket bombing convince people that labor unions were violent and radical?
48. Why did the Homestead and Pullman Strikes fail?
49. How did Eugene V. Debs get his political start during the Pullman Strike?
AP US History II – US I Review # 10
- Read Chapters 18 and 19 in AMSCO and answer the following questions.
- You must write the question or paraphrase each question and include it with your answer.
- Your answers must be hand written on notebook paper.
1. What caused a rise in European immigration in the last 19th century?
2. What were the major differences between the “old” immigrants and the “new” immigrants?
3. How did the US restrict immigration between 1882 and the 1920’s? Who supported this
4. How did the implementation of streetcars and mass transportation change cities?
5. Why did individuals begin building skyscrapers? Where was the 1st?
6. Discuss the ethnic neighborhoods of urban areas, specifically citing tenement houses and living
7. Why was the US opposite of Europe, with the wealthy and middle class moving to suburbs
instead of the cities?
8. What is a political machine? What is a political boss?
9. How did political machines gain control of an area and stay in power? Were they always honest?
10. How did Henry George and Edward Bellamy call attention to the inequalities of industrialization?
11. What were settlement houses? Who founded a famous one in Chicago in 1889?
12. What did the Social Gospel preach?
13. Explain the importance of urban religious figures like James Gibbons, Dwight Moody, and Mary
Baker Eddy.
14. How did the family structure change in the early modern cities?
15. What minor political rights did women start to gain?
16. Why were many women attracted to the Temperance movement? How did this movement gain
some political organization?
17. What is the “Comstock Law” (1873)?
18. How did public schools and institutes of high education change after 1865?
19. Discuss how the social sciences became a popular area of study after 1865.
20. Define realism and naturalism. Give examples of each, with authors.
21. Discuss the importance of the following: Winslow Homer, Thomas Eakins, James Whistler, and
the “Ashcan School”
22. What developments occurred in the realm of American music?
23. What factors led to an increase in leisure time for Americans? What forms of entertainment did
they begin engaging in?