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World History
Mid-Term Study Guide
Use this study guide to prepare for the World History final exam. Also be sure to read the corresponding chapters in the
text book, your notes, and vocabulary. Make flashcards or study with a friend.
The exam is comprised of:
 75 Multiple choice questions
 10 True and False questions
 2 documents with short answer questions
 Labeling a map of the Triangular Trade
 1 long answer questions
 4-5 short answer questions
Remember, I WILL be collecting all phones. There is no food or drink allowed during the exam.
Bring No. 2 pencils for the multiple choice questions, and your choice of pens or pencils for the extended response. If you
wish, you may use colored pencils for the map.
If you tend to finish early, bring a book or other study guides to read upon finishing.
Define the following terms and state their importance:
Fall of Rome
Silk Road
Justinian’s code and the Body of Civil Law
Hagia Sophia
Great Schism of 1054
William of Normandy
Battle of Hastings
Magna Carta
Domesday Book
Black Death
Bayeux Tapestry
Genghis Khan
Kublai Khan
Tang Dynasty
Song Dynasty
Yuan Dynasty
Marco Polo
Selective borrowing
Sunni/ Shia’ split
Mansa Musa
Triangle Trade
Columbian Exchange
Ninety-Five Theses
Martin Luther
Printing press
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Leonardo da Vinci
Scientific Revolution
Scientific method
Topics Studied
Please answer the following questions. You may consult your notes or the textbook.
What are the 8 Characteristics of Civilizations?
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
6. ________________________________________
7. ________________________________________
8. ________________________________________
Where was Constantinople, and why was it important?
What were the contributions of the Byzantine Empire?
What were the causes and effects of the Crusades?
Describe the Feudal system in Medieval Europe. Who was involved? What did they do? What were the beliefs?
Describe the Feudal system in Japan during the Shogunate years. Who was involved? What did they do? What were their
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What are the 5 Pillars of Islam?
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
Compare and contrast the Maya, Inca, and Aztecs.
How did the world change during the Age of Exploration? Discuss the new technologies, new discoveries, and effects on
the people.
How did art change during the Renaissance?
Long Answer Questions
Please answer the following questions. These are essay questions, and require 2-3 paragraph answers. An introduction
and conclusion is necessary. Be sure to include lots of detail and reasoning/analysis/commentary to back up your answer.
1 of the 3 WILL be on the mid-term exam. You will NOT be given the choice.
How has geography influenced history? Give examples of physical features and climate in determining where and how
civilizations formed and how they interacted with other civilizations.
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How has trade had more than just economic impact? What are the intended and unintended effects of trade? Discuss
effects on science, religion, geography, and political structures.
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Throughout history, how has religion affected society? How has different belief systems affected the culture and
government of a society. How has religion spread and/or changed throughout civilizations? Describe examples from at
least two different religions.
Map of Triangular Trade
Illustrate how the Triangle Trade works. Be sure to include all trade routes and label the goods traded. Label the
continents of Europe, Africa, North and South America. Label the Middle Passage.
(p. 303 or 312 in text)
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World History Information – To supplement notes and text only
Judaism – monotheistic, followed Ten Commandments, built temple in Jerusalem
Confucianism – from Confucius, born in 551 BC in China, concerned with social order and good government, most Chinese dynasties used
his ideas
Christianity – monotheistic, based upon Jesus, derived from Judaism, belief in Jesus and good works
Islam – Muhammad is God’s prophet, 5 pillars, 622 CE first year in Muslim calendar
Protestant Reformation – Martin Luther challenged the Roman Catholic Church due to corruption
Byzantine Empire
Location – map pg. 100 in text
Justinian’s code
Kept Greek and Roman culture alive, center of learning
o Located between Europe and Asia, crossroads of trade
o Very defensible
o On the shores of the Bosporus between the Mediterranean and Black Seas
o Large, rich, many churches, marketplaces, a hippodrome
o Blended Greek, Roman, Christian cultures
Great Schism
o Between the Eastern and Western churches
o Western didn’t allow priests to marry, spoke Latin, Pope was the leader, allowed icons
o Eastern allowed priests to marry, spoke Greek, Patriach was the leader appointed by the Emperor, disallowed icons
Fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453 CE
1st Holy Roman Empire
Conquered much of Western Europe and converted people to Christianity
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Ruled by appointing governors for different regions, sent officials to check on them
Learned to read and encouraged creation of schools
System of rule based upon social classes
Powerful lords divide their land among lesser lords (vassals) who in turn pledge service and loyalty (feudal contract)
Peasants and serfs worked the land in exchange for protection
Serfs were bound to the land, unable to move off of the manor
Castles were built for protection
War against Muslims in the Middle East, especially Jerusalem
Many crusades took place over several hundred years
Purpose was to regain the land for Christianity (a “holy” war), and secondarily to gain wealth, power, have adventure
Effects – economies expand, trade increases, Europe is introduced to new goods such as spice and perfume, monarchs greater power,
exploration to Middle East and Asia begins
Black Death or Plague
Approximately 1/3 of population died
Fleas jumped from rats, brought disease from China
Spread quickly throughout Europe, no known cure, very contagious
People very scared, some blamed Jews, others hid
Economy faltered, lack of workers, peasants revolted, inflation increased,
China and Japan
Isolated geographically – China mountains, deserts, seas, Japan islands and mountains
China Golden Ages – Tang and Song
o Built Grand Canal, Great Wall, gunpowder, mechanical clock, promoted the arts
Mongol invasion – Yuan dynasty, Kublai Khan emperor, grandson of Genghis Khan
Japanese feudalism – Emperor (but no real power), then Shogun, Daimyo, Samurai, Peasants and Artisans, Merchants
o Shogunates united Japan
o Kublai Khan’s invasion failed due to a kamikaze or typhoon
Islam World
5 pillars
o Shahada – “There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.”
o Salat – daily prayer 5 times a day
o Zakat – giving of alms to poor
o Sawm – fasting during month of Ramadan
o Hajj – pilgrimage to Mecca
The life of Muhammad
o Meditating in hills when heard the voice of the angel Gabriel
o Chased out of Mecca, journey called hijra, went to Yathrib (renamed Medina)
o Returned to Mecca and rebuilt Kaaba
Sunni-Shiite split
o Shiite – believed that descendents of Muhammad’s daughter and Ali are true sucessors
o Sunni – any good Muslim could lead
African Civilizations
Ghana – center in gold/salt trade, very wealthy
Mansa Musa – importance of his hajj –brought back scholars and books of Islamic teachings, built a university in Timbuktu, forged
diplomatic ties, increased trade
Meso and South American Civilizations
o Individual city states throughout the Yucatan peninsula and Central America
o Large pyramids and temples, practiced human sacrifice
o Known for their accurate 365 day calendar, knowledge of zero, astronomy
o Classical period ended around 900 CE, no one knows why, few cities in Yucatan still existed until Spanish conquistadors
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Lived along the Andes in South America
Intricate system of roads and bridges
No writing, but had knotted ropes for counting
Upon Spanish arrival, (Pizarro), emperor died of small pox starting civil war. Atahualpa took over and was captured and killed by
o Capital city Tenochtitlan built on lake, center of trade, large, impressive
o Built network of trade and tribute
o Practiced human sacrifice to make the sun rise
o Emperor Moctezuma allowed the Spanish to enter Tenochtitlan and they later conquered the Aztec
Spanish had advantage of weapons, disease
Columbian Exchange – gold, silver, potatoes, corn to Europe FROM Americas. Weapons, horses, disease TO Americas from Europe
Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution
Importance of the printing press (spread of ideas quickly and cheaply, influenced explorers, spread Reformation ideas and gained
Renaissance looked back to Greek and Roman ideas
Renaissance art
o Perspective
o Individualism
o Classical themes
o Nature and religious
o Use of geometric shapes
o Shading and lighting
o Realism
o Roman Catholic Church corrupt, full of abuses such as the selling of indulgences, the ability to buy a priesthood, illiterate
priests, priests and nuns who broke their vows of celibacy
o Martin Luther wrote the Ninety-Five Theses against indulgences, printed by the printing press and distributed to the people
o Luther also taught that faith alone brought salvation
o Luther translated the Bible into German, brought about a spit from the Roman Catholic Church which led to the Protestant
Scientific Revolution
o New way of thinking about the physical universe
o Utilized the scientific method, using questioning, observation, and experimentation