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World History
Chapters 18-20 Study Guide
Name _____________________________
Essential Questions:
1. What factors helped to spur and develop European and Asian Exploration?
2. What impact did European exploration and colonization have on the Americas?
Chapter 18
1. What are ghazis?
2. Who were the Ottomans?
3. Who is Suleyman the Magnificent and what was his accomplishment?
4. Describe the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires.
5. What is Hindi?
Chapters 19- 20
6. What were the main reasons for European exploration? How did the Renaissance
influence this?
7. Why did Europeans need water routes to Asia?
8. List and describe three new technologies that aided European exploration.
9. Who is Prince Henry of Portugal, what was his role in the Age of Exploration?
10. Identify each of the following explorers. Know for whom they sailed and their
major accomplishment(s):
Bartolomeu Dias
Vasco Da Gama
Christopher Columbus (describe his findings)
Amerigo Vespucci
Ferdinand Magellan
Hernando Cortés (how did he conquer the Aztecs)
Samuel de Champlain
Henry Hudson
11. What is a colony? What is its purpose?
12. What was the first permanent English settlement in the New World?
13. Describe the beginnings and reasons for the Atlantic Slave Trade.
14. What is Triangular Trade? Be specific.
15. What is the Middle Passage?
16. Describe the effects of the colonization of the New World (3 things).
17. What is the Columbian Exchange?
18. Describe the economic effects of colonization of the New World
19. What is the Dutch East India Company?
20. Who is Zheng He?
21. Who is Kangxi and what was his policy for China?
22. Who is Oda Nobunaga? What did he try to accomplish?
23. Who is Tokugawa Ieyasu? What did he accomplish?
24. What two Japanese art forms were created under the Tokugawa Shogunate?
Describe each.
25. What policy on foreign trade did Japan take in the 16th century? Why?
Map- be able to identify the following on a map.
- England
- Da Gama’s route
- France
- Jamestown
- The Netherlands
- Magellan’s route
- Spain
- Japan
- Portugal
- China
- India
- Columbus’ 1492 route
- Dias’ route