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Timeline of Colonization
Exploration by Vikings,
Bjarni Herjolfsson
Erik the Red was a Viking. He was
banished from Iceland for killing another
Viking in a fight. He moved to a much larger
island west of Iceland and called it
Eric the Red had a son named Leif
Eriksson. He grew up hearing stories about
a land to the west of Greenland. When he
went exploring to look for the land told in
stories, he retraced Bjarni's Herjolfsson's
Erik the Red had four children.
His second son Leif Eriksson was
born around 970. His death is
given at approx. 1020.
He was probably the first
European to step on North
American soil.
There are reports that unknown
Icelanders had already reached
North America by 985.
Also, the Greenland saga credits
Bjarni Herjolfsson as discoverer
of the American continent.
He intended to sail from Iceland
to Greenland but storms blew him
off course, supposedly in 986.
Bjarni Herlufsson is said to have
observed flat shores with small
hills and endless forests without
ice and glaciers.
Timeline of Colonization
Exploration by China,
Admiral Zheng
Their mission was 'to proceed all the
way to the end of the earth to collect
tribute from the barbarians beyond
the seas' and unite the whole world in
Confucian harmony.
It was the year 1421, The Year a
Chinese Eunuch Admiral
Discovered America, Australia
and it seems the rest of the World
The map used by Columbus was
obtained by the Portuguese from
the Chinese.
During his 28 year naval career,
Admiral Zheng visited 37
countries, traveled around the tip
of Africa into the Atlantic Ocean
and commanded a single fleet
whose numbers surpassed the
combined fleets of all Europe.
Between 1405 and 1433, at least
317 ships and 37,000 men were
under his command.
The flagship of the fleet was a
nine-masted vessel measuring
440 feet, nearly 1.5 times the
length of a football fields.
Traveling with him was Sanbao
who created a set of 24maps
praised for their accuracy.
Zheng's journeys also stimulated
a number of important maritime
inventions, including central
rudders, watertight compartments
and various new types of sails.
Perhaps more importantly, his
voyages demonstrated the power
of the Chinese civilization and
yielded many important liasons
between China and other nations.
Timeline of Colonization
Exploration by Spain
Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in
Genoa, Italy. He went to sea as a young
boy, and spent most of his life at sea.
Columbus knew the world was round. He
believed that by sailing west, instead of
current route east around the coast of Africa,
he would the East and the Spice Islands.
He moved to Portugal trying to get money to
support his journey. He eventually got
support from Ferdinand and Isabella, the
king and queen of Spain.
In 1492 Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain
with three ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the
Santa Maria.
Christopher Columbus
The European powers were trading heavily with the West Indies (Pacific). At the time of Columbus' first
voyage all trade was overland through the Middle East with intermediaries between the Europeans and
the sources of the merchandise they sought. That made trade very slow, unpredictable, and expensive.
If they could reach the source of the things they sought by sea, and not trade through intermediaries,
they could buy exactly what they wanted, when they wanted it, and not pay the markup incurred by
using traders as intermediaries. They were not looking for new lands, in fact they had no idea all that
land existed. They were trying to improve an already existing business.
The country that could find a direct route to the far east would have an advantage over all the other
countries trading with the East. That is what Spain was looking for, an advantage over all the others.
They got lucky and found a lot more. In fact, a direct route to the West Indies wasn't found until 4 years
after Columbus first voyage
Timeline of Colonization
Portugal Exploration
Pedro Alvares Cabral
Purpose of exploration: for conquest
and colonization and to find a shorter
trade route. Many stories of gold
were being told, so they were also
seeking wealth in gold and territory.
Portugal was the leading country in the
European exploration of the world in the 15th
The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the Earth,
outside Europe, in 1494 into
Spanish (Castilian) and Portuguese global
territorial hemispheres for exclusive conquest
and colonization. Portugal colonized parts of
South America (mostly Brazil), but also some
failed attempts to colonize North America in
present day Canada.
Pedro Cabral’s fleet was one of the largest
fleets that had ever sailed the Atlantic.
It set sail for India in 1500 on what turned out to
be the longest voyage in history up to that time,
and one of the greatest and most influential
voyages of discovery ever made.
After passing Cape Verde Islands, Pedro
Cabral’s fleet took a south westerly course,
which led to them inadvertently becoming the
first ships to sail across the South Atlantic.
On shore they encountered strange people with
bodies painted and tattooed, and decorated
with coverings of brilliant feathers. They were
otherwise completely naked. Their odd
appearance and customs were entirely unlike
any that the Portuguese had seen before.
Pedro Cabral had discovered Brazil, writing the
first page in its history, and had opened up
South America to further discoveries.
Timeline of Colonization
Exploration by England 1497, 1577, and 1609.
Sir Francis Drake
John Cabot
In 1497 John Cabot and
his men explored the
shores of Newfoundland,
Nova Scotia, and Labrador
and gave fishing rights to
the English.
England claimed the whole
east coast of North
America because they
claimed that Cabot was the
first to reach the North
American mainland.
•It was English admiral Sir Francis Drake who set
out in 1577 to explore the Strait of Magellan.
Henry Hudson
He did so, investigating the coast of South
America (he and his crew plundered coastal Chile
and Peru in the process), before continuing into
the South Pacific and heading northward.
He eventually reached the coast of present-day
California, which he named New Albion (a name
that did not stick), and claimed it for Queen
Elizabeth I.
In 1580, he was the first Englishman to travel
around the world. He was knighted by the queen
one year later.
Henry Hudson wanted
to find a passage
across the continent of
North America.
He was unable to find
the Northeast or the
Northwest Passage he
sought. He did however
add to Europe's
knowledge of the Arctic
and North America.
He discovered the
Hudson Bay in 1610.
Timeline of Colonization
English Colonization
Captain John Smith was an English
adventurer and soldier, and one of the
founders of the Jamestown, Virginia,
settlement. Smith also led expeditions
exploring Chesapeake Bay and the New
England coast.
Smith was one of 105 settlers who sailed
from England on December 19, 1606, and
landed in Virginia on April 26, 1607. When
they reached North America, the group
opened sealed instructions and found that
Smith was chosen as one of the seven
leaders of the new colony. This was
controversial since Smith had been
accused of mutiny on the voyage.
The settlers established Jamestown on
May 24, 1607; it became the first
permanent English settlement in North
America. Jamestown was located on an
John Smith
Founder of Jamestown
"Here every man may be master and owner
of his owne labour and land...If he have
nothing but his hands, he industrie
quickly grow rich.”
island in the James River in what is now
Virginia. Smith was the colony's leader
and also led hunting and exploration
expeditions around the area. He traveled
as far as what is now Richmond, Virginia
(1607). On another trip later that year,
Smith was taken captive by the Chief of
the Powhatan Indians and was
condemned to death. Pocahontas
(1595-1617), daughter of the Indian chief,
saved Smith's life. (Pocahontas eventually
married the English settler John Rolfe and
later died of smallpox.)
Timeline of Colonization
French Exploration
Giovanni da Verrazzano
The French first came to the New
World as explorers, seeking a
route to the Pacific ocean and
The French colonization of the Americas began
in the 16th century, and continued in the following
centuries as France established a colonial empire
in theWestern Hemisphere.
France founded colonies in much of eastern North
America, on a number of Caribbean islands, and in
South America. Most colonies were developed to
export products such as fish, sugar, and furs.
As they colonized the New World, the French
established forts and settlements that would
become such cities as Quebec and Montreal in
Canada; Detroit,Green Bay, St. Louis, Mobile,
Biloxi, Baton Rouge andNew Orleans in the United
States; and Port-au-Princeand Cap-Haïtien in