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Exam 2 Review
This “review sheet” has a list of questions that you can ask yourself to get a feel for
your own comfort level on the different topics that we’ve covered in class.
Exam 1 Carry-over:
Are you able to write numbers in scientific notation and read/interpret numbers presented
in scientific notation?
Can you use scientific notation to make calculations?
Do you know how to use your calculator properly?
Matter/Light Properties
Can you describe the structure of an atom? Do you know what makes one element
different from another?
What is an isotope? What is a molecule?
Do you understand how the concept of temperature is related to the motion of
Can you define the wave properties of light (wavelength, frequency, speed of light)?
Do you understand how light can be described as a particle (photon)?
Do you know the basic principles of the reflection and refraction of light?
Do you know how to compare the different parts of the EM spectrum with regards to
wavelength, frequency, and energy?
Do you know how light and matter interacts to form an absorption spectrum?
Planet Properties:
Are you comfortable with the following properties of planets? Can you use a table of
planetary properties to compare the characteristics of the planets of the Solar System?
Semi-Major Axis
Orbital Inclination
Rotational Inclination
Average Density
Orbital Period
Rotation Period
Equatorial Radius
Surface Gravity
Escape Velocity
What are the general properties of the Terrestrial Planets and the Jovian Planets?
Astronomy History:
Do you understand the differences between the geocentric model of the universe and the
heliocentric model? What were the observations that supported each of the models?
Can you identify the contributions to astronomy that were made by the following
Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy)
Nicolas Copernicus
Johannes Kepler
Galileo Galilei
Isaac Newton
How well do you understand Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion? How well do you
understand Newton’s Laws of Motion and the Law of Gravity?
Can you describe the basic structure of the Earth’s geology? Do you understand how
scientists know the properties of the Earth’s interior? Do you know what types of
geologic formations are located above the three different plate boundaries?
Can you describe the basic structure of the Earth’s atmosphere?
Do you understand how the ozone layer prevents UV photons from getting to the surface
of the Earth?
Can you describe how the Greenhouse Effect keeps the surface of the Earth at a
temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius?
Do you understand how the magnetic field of the Earth is generated and how that
magnetic field protects Earth from the Solar Wind and creates aurora?
Can you describe the general properties of the Moon in terms of its geologic structure,
surface features, and atmosphere? Do you know how craters are formed? Do you know
how the relative ages of the lunar highlands and mare can be determined?
Do you know what causes the phases of the Moon?
Do you understand how the tides of the Earth are affected by the Moon?
Do you know the different types of eclipses that occur and what conditions that need to
be met in order for an eclipse to occur?