Download Study Guide for Earth/ Space Science Test 1. Rotation – The Earth

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Study Guide for Earth/ Space Science Test
1. Rotation – The Earth turning on its axis – causes day and night – 24 hours
on Earth
2. Revolution – One complete elliptical orbit around the sun = 1 year = 365
days and 6 hours
3. Night – the part of the day in which the Earth is not facing the sun.
4. Day – the part of the day in which the Earth is facing the sun.
5. Seasons – opposite in hemispheres and caused by the tilt toward or away
from the sun and the direct angle of sunlight hitting the area. Also caused
by revolution.
6. Lunar – Moon – natural satellite – moon cycle is about 28 days long. Moon
means month. Be able to identify phases of moon
7. Solar – sun – only average size star in our solar system that gives us light
and heat energy
8. Name the planets in the correct order from the sun.
9. Name some of the dwarf planets and be able to tell why they are classified
as a dwarf not a planet.
10. Understand that there are many stars in our universe, that are much larger
than our sun, but since they are so far away from us they look very small
to us.
11. Each planet in the solar system has unique characteristics – know a few
facts about the planets
12. Difference between comets, asteroids, meteoroids, meteorites and
13. The tilt of the Earth is 23.5º
14. Study vocabulary on Quizlet on my webpage
15. Study your Science Notebook (Earth and Space – all the pages we have
glued in)