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Chapter 8 Science Study Guide/Unit Review
The children need to know the following:
An object that revolves around another object does not move is false.
Earth is one of the nine planets that circle the sun.
A sphere is round like a ball.
Earth is not a satellite of the moon.
Our Sun is part of our solar system.
Our Sun is a star.
Craters are found on the surface of the moon.
A telescope makes things far away appear close.
Earth’s orbit does not take us around the Moon.
Earth spins on a slightly tilted axis
Earth completes one full rotation every 24 hours.
Our seasons change because Earth tilts on its axis.
The Moon goes through different phases about once every 29 days.
Jupiter orbits the Sun.
If it is exactly noon on one side of the Earth, it is midnight on the
opposite side.
We receive heat and light from the Sun.
When the North Pole slants away from the Sun, it is winter in the
northern part of the Earth.
The Sun is high overhead during the summer.
As Earth rotates, we see the Sun rise in the east.
The Sun’s rays are strong at the equator and weaker at the poles.
The children should be able to name the inner planets and choose
one and tell its characteristics.
The inner planets are : Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars (they are
rocky and small)
They should also be able to tell about the outer planets and choose
one and tell its characteristics.(larger and made of gas)
The outer planets are: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
They should also be able to tell what causes day and night. Explain
the process. Earth’s rotation causes day and night. Earth is shaped
like a sphere. To rotate means to turn. As Earth rotates, there is
daylight where Earth faces the Sun, and darkness where Earth is
turned away from the sun.
They should know that cumulo nimbus clouds produce
Earth is protected by atmosphere.
We stay on the ground because of gravity.
The children should also be able to explain why the moon appears
different at different times. (explain that the Moon orbits Earth and
that one side is always lighted and that as the Moon changes
position, different parts of its lighted side are seen.