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LAB 14- B
1- To what extent would filamentous cyanobacteria be considered multicellular?
2- Which of the following words or phrases describes the heterotrophic bacteria, the
cyanobacteria, both or neither?
a. lack of nuclear envelope
b. photosynthesize similarly to green plants
c. possess a cell wall
d. eukaryotic cells
e. symbiotic relationships
f. saprobes
LAB 14-C
1- Was the interior of the amoeba homogenous or was there an indication of various
2- Describe the process of amoeboid movement. Does the cytoplasm remain
stationary as the amoeba moves or does it shift as movement proceeds?
3- Does the Paramecium cytoplasm appear homogenous or show evidence of
4- Which of the following phrases describe the phylum ciliophora, the phylum
sarcomastigophora, the phylum apicomplexa, or none of these phyla?
a. unicellular organisms
b. lack membrane-bound organelles
c. body covered with cilia
d. two nuclei
e. move by pseudopodia
f. all parasitic
LAB 14 D
Was the “body” of Euglena rigid or flexible? Why?
How is Euglena both animal like and plant like?
How did Spirogyra get its name?
The red pigment in the members of the phylum Rhodophyta absorb the blue
wavelengths of light that can penetrate deeper water. How would this determine
the habitats and body structures of red algae?
Identify the plant like protest phylum or phyla that these phrases describe
lack a cell wall
mainly multicellular members
cell wall composed of silica
nuclear envelope
ancestors of higher plants
commercial source of agar