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Exam 2 Material
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Biol 212
Dr. Coffman/Manz
Chapter 46
 What 3 factors contribute to resting potential?
 When do partial action potentials occur?
 The speed at which a signal travels down an axon is affected by what factors?
 What disease can develop from damage to myelin?
 In which direction do sensory neurons send the signal stimulus?
 In which direction do motor neurons send the signal stimulus?
 In which direction do interneurons send the signal stimulus?
 What are the steps for the process of synaptic transmission?
 What two factors prevent action potentials from propagating back up the axon in the
direction of the cell body?
 What two factors increase the speed of the propagation of an action potential?
 What allows for a neurotransmitter’s chemical signal to be converted into an electrical
 How do IPSPs and EPSPs affect the postsynaptic cell?
 What components make up the central nervous system?
 What components make up the peripheral nervous system?
 The peripheral nervous system consist of what two divisions? What are the functions of
these divisions?
 What two systems make up the efferent division? What are the functions of these
 What two systems compose the autonomic nervous system? What are functions of these
 During the resting potential of a neuron, describe the intracellular and extracellular
concentrations of Na+, Cl-, and K+.
 How is resting potential maintained?
 What is the function of the diencephalon?
 What is the function of the brain stem?
 What is the function of the cerebellum?
Chapter 47
 What three processes allow an environmental signal to reach the central nervous system?
 What happens during the transduction process?
 What happens during the amplification process?
 What happens during the transmission process?
 What are the seven types of sensory receptors? What does each sensory receptor respond
 How are hair cells triggered?
 How do hair cells convert pressure waves (sound waves) into electrical and chemical
 How are sound waves transmitted from the external environment to the hair cells?
 Why are the eyes of some animals different from each other?
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What effect would a stiffened lens have on vision?
What effect would defective red, green, or blue cones have on vision?
Describe the anatomical pathway for odor detection?
How do olfactory receptors detect the large variety of different molecules?
In which environment is electroreception commonly used in?
Chapter 48
 What is the organization of the components that make up muscle tissue?
 What is the sliding filament model?
 What is the process of actin-myosin interaction during muscle contraction?
 How do troponin and tropomyosin prevent muscle contraction? What effect do calcium
ions have on troponin and tropomyosin?
 What are the functions of smooth muscle?
 What is the function of cardiac muscle?
 What is the function of skeletal muscle?