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Practice Exam –Articulations
Match – use each only once
1. medial and lateral condyles of femur and tibia
2.atlas and axis joint
3.metacarpal I and carpal joint
4.movement away from the main axis of the body
5.socket is the acetabulum
6. rib and manubrium joint
7. fibrocartilaginous discs in some synovial joints
A. Pivot joint
B. Coxal joint
C. Saddle joint
D. synchrondrosis
E. menisci
AB. abduction
AC. Knee joint
8. An immovable joint found only between skull bones is called a:
a. suture. b. condyle. c. synostosis. d. synovial joint. e. hinge.
9. A movement which results in the arms being moved towards the body at the shoulder is called:
a. abduction.
b. adduction.
c. flexion.
d. extension.
10. Which of the following does not characterize a synovial joint?
a. a joint cavity filled with fibrous tissue
b. fibrous material connecting the ends of the bones
c. lubrication with a fluid
d. a synovial membrane
e. possible association with bursae
11. A slightly movable joint composed of a bar of cartilage:
a. suture.
b. syndesmosis.
c. symphysis.
12. Articulations permitting only slight degrees of movement
a. amphiarthroses. b. synarthroses. c. diarthroses.
d. gomphosis.
d. synovial joints.
Match the following:
a. Elbow
c. Knee
b. Hip
d. Shoulder
13. ___ The rotator cuff is important in stabilizing this joint.
14. ___ Three joints in one; capsule incomplete anteriorly.
15. ___ A deep socket is most important stabilizing factor.
16. ____The trochlea and olecranon articulate in this joint.
17. The hip and shoulder joints are examples of which type joint?
a. gliding
b. hinge
c. ball-and-socket
d. amphiarthritic
18. The lambdoidal suture is which type of joint by structure and function?
a. fibrous/amphiarthrosis
b. fibrous/synarthrosis c. fibrous/diarthrosis
d. cartilaginous/amphiarthoris e. cartilaginous/synarthrosis
Answer Key for Articulations Sample Exam
Practice Exam – Muscle
1. The molecule that stores oxygen in skeletal muscle is
a. hemoglobin
b. myosin
c. actin
d. myoglobin
e. lactic acid
2. The neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction
a. acetylcholine b. acetylcholine esterase c. synaptic cleft d. calcium
3. All muscle tissue has all the following properties except:
a. excitability. b. contractility. c. extensibility d. automaticity (pacemaker)
4. Which of the following is not a usual result of exercise?
a. increase in efficiency of the respiratory system
b. increase in the number of muscle cells
c. increase in the efficiency of the circulatory system
d. hypertrophy of muscle fiber.
5. In muscle contraction, calcium acts to:
a. increase the action potential transmitted along the sarcolemma
b. release the inhibition on Z-lines.
c. remove the action of acetylcholine.
d. initiate the formation of cross bridges.
6. An elaborate network of membranes in skeletal muscle cells that functions in calcium storage is the:
a. sarcoplasmic reticulum.
b. T-tubules.
c. intermediate filament network
d. endomysium.
7. Creatine phosphate functions in the muscle cell by:
a. forming a temporary chemical compound with myosin.
b. forming a chemical compound with actin.
c. storing energy which will be transferred to ADP to make ATP as needed.
d. releasing calcium.
8. After nervous stimulation of the muscle cell has ceased, the calcium:
a. is destroyed by cholinesterase.
b. is chemically bound to the filaments.
c. is removed from the cell or stored until the next contraction.
d. is transferred to calmodulin.
9. Which of the following is composed of myosin?
a. thick filaments b. thin filaments c. all myofilaments d. Z-line
10. Muscle tone is:
a. a state of sustained partial contraction.
b. the feeling of well being following exercise.
c. the ability of a muscle to efficiently cause skeletal movements.
d. the condition of athletes after intensive training.
11. Which of these surrounds the individual muscle cell?
a. perimysium b. endomysium c. epimysium d. fascicle
12. Which of the following is not usually associated with a lever system?
a. fulcrum
b. effort d. load
c. synarthotic joint
e. All of these are associated with lever systems.
13. Which of the following muscles acts in plantar flexion?
a. gastrocnemius
b. rectus femoris
c. latisamus dorsi
d. trapezius
e. All these.
14. The muscle that is responsible for bringing about a particular movement.
a. antagonist
b. prime mover c. fixator
d. synergist
15. A muscle named 'biceps' is named for the
a. direction of muscle fibers
c. shape of the muscle
b. number of origins
d. muscle action
16. The attachment of a muscle to the movable bone is the
a. insertion
b. origin
c. antagonist d. agonist
17. The phase of contraction that refers to the period of time when a muscle does not respond to a second
stimulus is the
a. latent
b. contraction
c. relaxation
d. refractory
18. In which type of muscle tissue would you find dense bodies?
a. skeletal
b. smooth
c. cardiac
19. The release of this element plays a key role in muscle contraction.
a. oxygen
b. sodium
c. calcium
d. iron
20. A sarcomere is the area:
a. of the H zone
b. containing only thick myofilaments
c. containing only thin myofilaments
d. between two Z lines
21. In a fully contracted muscle the sarcomere is approximately the length of the
a. thin myofilaments
b. A band
c. H zone
d. I band
22. Which of the following is not required for muscle contraction?
a. action potential
b. calcium
c. acetylcholine
d. acetylcholinesterase
23. The
of skeletal muscle fiber is the cell's plasma membrane.
a. sarcoplasm
b. sarcolemma
c. transverse tubules
d. myofibrils
24. Which layer of connective tissue covers a fascicle?
a. perimysium
b. epimysium
c. endomysium
d. fascia
Answer Key for Muscle Practice exam
Practice Exam – Introduction to the Nervous System
1. The control center for the entire body which includes the brain and the spinal cord is
a. peripheral nervous system b. central nervous system
c. autonmic nervous system
d. somatic nervous system
e. sympathetic nervous system
2. Nerves which convey impulses from the periphery to the spinal cord are
a. afferent
b. efferent
c. association d. ganglia
e. nuclei
3. Cells which supply support and protection to the central nervous system are called
a. neurons
b. neuroglia c. Schwann cells
d. neurolemma
e. myelin
4. A neurotransmitter is released at a(an):
a. electrical synapse b. neuroglial cell membrane
c. chemical synapse d. axon hillock
5. Bundles of myelinated neuronal processes in the central nervous system are
a. ganglia
b. nuclei
c. tractsd. nerves
e. commissures
6. Cerebrospinal fluid is circulated by which cells?
a. astrocytes b. Schwann c. microglia
d. ependyma
7. Neurons with several dendrites and one axon would be classified by structure as
a. multipolar b. bipolar
c. unipolar
d. nonpolar
e. polar
8. These fibers conduct nerve impulses from the central nervous system to smooth muscle,
cardiac muscle, glands, and skeletal muscle:
a. afferent
b. autonomic
c. somatic
d. efferent
9. An action potential is generated when a threshold signal reaches the
a. cell body b. axon terminal
c. axon hillock d. dendrite
e. receptor
10. Neurons that conduct impulses from the central nervous system to skeletal muscle
which nervous system?
a. somatic
b. autonomic c. sympathetic d. parasympathetic
are part
11. Cells which are excitable and highly specialized for conduction of nerve impulses are
a. microglia b. neurons
c. ependymal cells
d. Schwann cells
e. oligodendrocytes
12. Action potentials are conducted more rapidly when
a. the axon is myelinated
b. the axon is small in diameter
c. the axon is long
d. the dendrite is thick is diameter
13. The action potential can jump at the
a. dendrites
b. nodes of Ranvier
on the myelinated axon in saltatory
c. axon terminals
d. synaptic cleft
14. These supporting cells in the central nervous system form the myelin
a. oligodendroctyes b. Schwann cells
c. ependymal cells
d. astrocytes
e. satellite cells
15. The supporting cells that are phagocytes:
a. Schwann cells
b. oligodendrocytes c. astrocytes
e. microglia
d. ependymal cells
16. Restoring the membrane potential to the resting state is
a. stimulation
b. action potential
c. depolarization
d. repolarization
17. The major ion that moves into the neuron with depolarization:
a. sodium
b. potassium
c. chloride
d. magnesium e. oxygen
18. Hyperpolarization is due to exiting of ___________ions.
a. calcium
b. sodium
c. potassium d. chloride
19. The removal of neurotransmitters from the chemical synapse is by an enzyme or
a. reuptake
b. voltage gated channels
c. ATP pumps d. simple diffusion
20. Which of the following is true for mature neurons?
a. They have no nucleus.
b. They do not undergo mitosis.
c. They do not use ATP.
d. Oxygen is not essential.
21. Which of the following is not considered a neurotransmitter?
a. acetycholine
b. norepinephrine
c. dopamine
22. A neurotransmitter that is inhibitory would cause the membrane to
a.depolarize b. repolarize c. hyperpolarize
d. caffeine
23. A neurotransmitter is released at the synapse and generates a depolarization of the
postsynaptic neuron. This is an
a. EPSP (excitatory postsynaptic potential) b. IPSP (inhibitory postsynaptic potential)
c. threshold d. action potential
e. all of the above
24. A bundle of fibers (axons or dendrites) in the peripheral nervous system are
a. tracts
b. nuclei
c. nerves
d. ganglia
25.Ischemia can lead to neuronal damage due to lack of
a. carbon dioxide and glucose
b. glucose and oxygen
c. oxygen and carbon dioxide
d. metabolic enzymes e. protein synthesis
Answer Key for Sample Exam #3