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Unit 3: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration (Ch 9) Study Guide
1. Wn hat process converts light energy to chemical energy?
2. Which organelle in a plant cell carries out photosynthesis? _______________________
3. What part of the chloroplast is the energy-trapping molecule? ___________________________
4. Write the photosynthesis equation and label the compounds.
5. What compound is a by-product of photosynthesis? ______________________________
6. What compound is a by-product of cellular respiration? ________________________________
7. What process converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds? __________________
8. What is produced in the final stage of photosynthesis? carbon
What is this stage
9. How does light intensity affect the rate of photosynthesis?
As sunlight increases, the rate of photosynthesis increases until total light
distribution is reached.
10. How does temperature affect photosynthesis?
11. Why do cells need to store energy? to
Slows down the process
perform a life sustaining processes in living
organisms like homeostasis, growth & repair, reproduction etc.
12. Where does most of the energy on Earth come from? _SUN
13. What happens during glycolysis?
A molecule of glucose is split
14. Where does glycolysis occur in the cell?
15. How many ATP molecules are gained during glycolysis? _______2_____________________
16. Cellular respiration occurs in which organelle? _____
17. Why is fermentation important?
Fermentation allows glycolysis
to continue even though there’s no oxygen (O2)
aka ANAEROBIC condition.
18. When we exercise, what causes soreness in our muscles? ______________________________
19. Can plants perform cellular respiration? If so, why might this be useful?
20. What happens during cellular respiration? Make sure to describe the two stages.
a) Aerobic: Glycolysis & Kreb’s cycle/electron
transport chain
Anaerobic: Glycolysis & Lactate Formation or Alcohol
21. What molecule stores energy in our cells? _ATP______
22. What 3 parts make up ATP?
3 phosphate groups, Nitrogenous base, & Sugar
23. Which molecule provides energy for the cell? _______ATP_____
24. What compound/element helps cells produce ATP most efficiently? __
Which process produces the most ATP?
AEROBIC (aka in the presence
of oxygen)
26. Write the cellular respiration equation and label the compounds.
27. What is the difference between an autotroph(make
their own food) and a heterotroph
must consume other organism for food.
28. Draw a chloroplast and label the parts.
29. Why is chlorophyll green? It
reflects green wavelengths of light
30. What are the three pigments that can be present in a plant’s cells?
chlorophyll , chlorophyll , and carotenoids
31. Would you expect to find more chloroplasts in the leaves or roots of plants? Explain.
32. When cells break down food molecules energy is ____stored temporary as ATP molecules.____