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Inferred Properties of the Earth’s Interior
Use your ESRT page 10 to answer the following questions.
1. The depth of the earth from the crust to the center is ________________________ km.
2. The crust floats on the part of the mantle called the___________________________________.
3. The density of the continental crust is_____________________________________________.
4. Which is more dense, continental or oceanic crust? ___________________________________
5. The densest layer of the earth is the_________________________, which has a density of
6. At 2000 km is the layer ____________________. The pressure is ______________________,
the density is_________________________, and the temperature is _____________________.
7. The temperature at a depth of 3000 km is__________________________________.
8. What layer of the earth is 3000 km below the earth’s surface? _____________________.
9. What is the pressure at 4000 km below the earth’s surface? __________________________.
10. What layer of the earth is 4000 km below the earth’s surface? __________________________.
11. At 5000 km is the layer ____________________. The pressure is _________________ the
density is_________________________, and the temperature is ______________________.
12. As depth increases as you go down into the center of the earth, what happens to the pressure,
density and temperature trends?__________________________________________________.
13. What layer of the earth is the coolest? _________________________________
14. What layer of the earth has the greatest pressures? _________________________________
15. The outer core begins at a depth of _________________and ends at _________________ km.
16. Which of earth’s layers are always solid? _________________________________
17. Which of earth’s layers can be solid or liquid? _________________________________
18. Why must the outer core be liquid? ________________________________________________
19. The thickest layer of the earth is the________________________________________.
20. The mantle is about ___________________________________________ km thick.
21. What is the composition of the inner core? ________________________________
22. What is the composition of the outer core? ________________________________
23. Which layers can only be studied by indirect means? ________________________________
24. What might the arrows in the Asthenosphere layer mean?
25. Find the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Write a sentence describing the motion of the crust at this
location. (Hint, look closely at the arrows). ________________________________________