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 15 Matching: Characters and Places (the crossword puzzle is a good study guide)
 10 Quotations: Name the speaker
 5 Significance: Explain the significance of 5 of the quotations (your choice)
 25 True/False questions (see samples)
 Name the 3 major themes and provide specific examples for two of them
 Completion:
o Macbeth as a tragedy (Aristotle’s rules for tragedy)
o Macbeth as a Shakespearian play (Globe Theatre field trip)
o Plot questions about Macbeth
Macbeth as a tragedy?
 How is Macbeth a person of importance?
 What is Macbeth’s hamartia?
 How does Shakespeare make us empathize with Macbeth?
 Provide an example of irony (peripeteia) from the play.
 When does Macbeth have an anagnorisis (a full discovery of the truth)?
 How is fate a part of the play?
 What is tragic joy?
Macbeth as a Shakespearian play?
 What parts would appeal to:
o The groundlings?
o The middle class?
o The aristocracy?
o King James I?
 How could apparitions rise from the cauldron?
 What popular and cruel sport with animals is alluded to in the play?
Try the questions on the “sample” test found on my webpage.