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GRADES 11-12
MC/GF = Multicultual Gender Fair Approaches; CE=Career Education; GE=Global
Understands the nature of scientific inquiry
Knows that progress in science and technology can
relate to social issues and challenges (e.g., funding
priorities, health problems)
Knows that scientists have ethical traditions, including
commitment to peer review, truthful reporting of the
methods and outcomes of investigations, and
publication of the results of work; violations of ethical
traditions such as these rarely occur, but if violations do
occur, the scientists responsible are strongly condemned
Understands features and processes of the Earth/universe
Not Applicable
Understands diversity and unity that characterize life
Knows that the fact that the human body is formed from
cells containing two copies of each chromosome (and,
therefore, two copies of each gene); this explains many
features of human heredity, such as how variations that are
hidden in one generation can be expressed in the next
Knows that concentrated mixture of thousands of different
molecules within the cell from a variety of specialized
structures that carry out such cell functions as energy
production, transportation of molecules, waste disposal,
synthesis of new molecules, and the storage of genetic
Knows that initially most cells have the ability to become
any kind of cell because they contain the same genetic
information; through the process of their growth and
Charles City Community Schools - Anatomy Grades 11-12
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development, they differentiate and specialize in structure
and function (e.g., to become blood or leaf cells), but they
also retain the basic information that allows them to
reproduce themselves
Knows that cell functions are regulated; regulation of cells
occurs both through changes in the activity of the functions
performed by proteins and the selective expressions of
individual genes, allowing cells to respond to their
environment and to control and coordinate the synthesis
and breakdown of specific molecules, cell growth, and
Knows that multicellular animals have nervous systems to
generate behavior; nervous systems are formed from
specialized cells that conduct signals rapidly through the
long cell extensions that make up nerves, and the nerve cells
communicate with each other by secreting specific
excitatory and inhibitory molecules
Understands basic concepts about the structure and properties of matter
Knows that atoms may be bonded together into molecules
or crystalline solids; when two or more kinds of atoms
bind together chemically, a compound is formed
Knows that a large number of important reactions involve
the transfer of either electrons between reacting ions,
molecules or atoms; in other reactions, chemical bonds are
broken by heat or light
Understands energy, motion, and forces
Not Applicable
Understands the relationships of science, technology, and social perspectives
Knows that science and technology are pursued for
different purposes; scientific inquiry is driven by the
desire to understand the natural world and seeks to
answer questions that may or may not directly influence
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humans; technological design is driven by the need to
meet human needs and solve human problems and has a
more direct effect on society than science because its
purpose is to solve human problems, help humans adapt,
and fulfill human aspirations
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