Download Gravitational Potential Energy

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Forms of Energy
All forms of energy fall under two categories:
Potential Energy
Kinetic Energy
Is energy of position or shape
Is energy an object has due to
its motion
Chemical Energy:
- Energy stored in chemical
bonds of atoms and
Electromagnetic Energy:
- Electromagnetic energy
that travels in transverse
Nuclear Energy:
- Energy stored in the
nucleus of an atom.
Thermal Energy:
- The internal energy of
substances. Vibration of
atoms and molecules
Elastic Energy:
- Energy stored in stretched
or compressed objects
Gravitational Potential
- Energy of place or position
Mechanical Energy:
- The movement of objects
from one place to another
(KE + PE)
Sound Energy:
- Movement of objects
through substances in
longitudinal waves
Electrical Energy:
- The movement of
electrons/energy of
electrical charges