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Ciencia Ergo Sum
ISSN: 1405-0269
[email protected]
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Korsbaek, Leif; Bautista Rodríguez, Alejandra
La antropología y la psicología
Ciencia Ergo Sum, vol. 13, núm. 1, marzo-junio, 2006, pp. 35-46
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Toluca, México
Available in:
This paper discusses the coincidences between anthropology and the so-called psy sciences psychology, psychiatry and
psychoanalysis, through the historical development of social and behavioral sciences. The concentration of such disciplines within
the British, American and French tradition is sought as a discourse guideline. Nevertheless, it is necessary to point out that this is a
very extensive field that only the basic developments of the disciplines can be here discussed. Further discussion must be
approached in subsequent papers.
anthropology, psychological
anthropology, psychiatric anthropology,
intercultural psychoanalysis.
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