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North South Divisions
and Westward Expansion
SSUSH8: The student will explain the
relationship between growing north-south
divisions and westward Expansion
• Sarah and Angelina Grimke- daughter of a
southern slave-holder. Angelina wrote a book
An appeal to Christian Women in the South, which
compelled women to overthrow slavery as a
system of cruelty and oppression.
• William Lloyd Garrison- abolitionist who after
years of fighting slavery joined the women’s
Nat Turner’s Rebellion
• Born into slavery, Nat Turner was a preacher
who felt he was called by God to lead people
out of slavery.
• He led a bloody rebellion- 60 (approx.) white
men, women, and children dead.
• The retaliation for this crime was the vicious
death of over 200 slaves at the hands of their
• Turner’s bloody rebellion strengthened the
resolve of Southern whites to defend slavery and
maintain control of them.
Slavery in America
• The people were very divided about slavery:
many felt that slaves were dangerous and needed
to be brought into submission, and many others
thought that slaves were desperately trying to
break free of the bonds of slavery and would be
good citizens once freed.
• This was defined by an obvious North/South
Missouri Compromise
• Missouri Compromise: a series of agreements passed by
Congress in 1820-21 to maintain balance of power
between slave states and free states.
• This meant that when a territory asked to be admitted
to the Union, they would have to declare whether or
not they would be free or not, and the number of slave
states could never outnumber the number of free states.
• This created the Mason Dixon line dividing the North
from the South.
8c. Describe the Nullification Crisis and the emergence of
State’s Rights ideology; include the role of John C. Calhoun
and the development of sectionalism
• Nullification: a state’s refusal to recognize an act
of Congress that it considers unconstitutional.
• The Nullification Crisis refers to the way that
many states began to use this as a way to defy
the National government, especially the
southern states on issues of slavery.
• State’s Rights: idea that every state should have
the right to govern itself
John C. Calhoun
• Vice President under both Adams and Jackson,
he, at first, was a strong federalist; but after a
bad year for cotton crops in his home state of
South Carolina, and the protective tariff he
passed to raise revenue for the government
devastated the economy of the state he decided
to back state’s rights and nullification.
• Placing the interests of one’s own region ahead
of the interests of the nation as a whole.
• The South definitely began doing this, again
mainly over the issue of slavery.
Wilmot Proviso
• Wilmot Proviso- an amendment to an 1846
military appropriations bill, proposing that none
of the territory acquired in war with Mexico
would be open to slavery.
• Popular Sovereignty: idea proposed in the
Compromise of 1850, that each region should
decide by popular vote as to whether they
should be “slave” or “free”
Compromise of 1850
• A series of congressional measures intended to
settle the major disagreements between free
states and slave states
• Henry Clay, writer of the compromise was afraid
that slavery would eventually result in disunion
of the US.
• John C. Calhoun did not approve of the
compromise, who wanted the issue of slavery to
be decided within each state- not by Congress
Civil War
Unit 9
SSUSH9: The Student will identify key
events, issues, and individuals relating
to the causes, course, and
consequences of the Civil War
9a: Explain the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the failure of
popular sovereignty, Dred Scott Case, and John
Brown’s raid.
• Kansas Nebraska Act-law enacted in 1854, that
established the territories of Kansas and
Nebraska and gave their residents the right to
decide whether or not to allow slavery
• This area was not widely populated yet- and it
created a “race” among people from the North
and South
Failure of Popular Sovereignty
• Nebraska was north of the 36*30’ line, so when
it was voted to become a slave state- causing
serious issues in Congress
• Senator Douglas brought a bill that proposed a
repeal of the Missouri Compromise, this ended
in a bitter dispute in Congress that spilled over
into the population.
Dred Scott case
• Dred Scott’s master brought him from MO (slave state) into
IL (free state) then tried to bring him back to MO as a slave.
• Scott argued that because he was “free” for a time, he should
remain free.
• Supreme Court said he wasn’t a citizen, and had no right to
bring a lawsuit in the first place.
• Plus: the lawsuit ended all efforts to ban slavery in all states
for the future, bans in slavery were ruled unConstitutional.
John Brown’s Raid
• John Brown was a “moral” abolitionist, and led
many raids to gain attention for his cause.
• Harper’s Ferry
• He was eventually hung for treason in 1859.
President Abraham Lincoln
• When Lincoln won the election of 1860, several
southern states began the process of seceding
from the Union beginning with South Carolina,
followed by 6 more states within a few weeks,
forming the “Confederate States of America”
• Jefferson Davis led the new confederacy
North Vs. South
• When Southern forces opened fire on Union
forces at Fort Sumter, they began a war that
would last four years and take 821,000 soldiers
• South has greater disadvantage. The North had
economic and industrial superiority.
Lincoln takes charge…
• He suspended habeas corpus: meaning that people could be
arrested without being told why: the Constitution does allow
for “emergency powers” such as this. (Jefferson Davis
followed his lead in the South)
• Emancipation Proclamation: proclaimed the freedom of slaves
in the South, but could not be enforced yet.
Civil War Military Leaders
Ulysses S. Grant
• Ulysses Grant: war hero for the North, Grant fought diligently
and heroically- helping the North win the Battle of Vicksburg,
a key fight that gave the North control over the Mississippi
• Grant believed in full-out war, and along with his trusted
friend, William T. Sherman went to work disabling the
South- farm by farm to prevent the survival of the southern
Robert E. Lee
• Lee was an abolitionist, but because of his loyalty to his home
state of Virginia, he led militarily for the South.
• Lee was a strong leader who brought much destruction to the
North, specifically to Sherman’s troops- but he was no match for
the leadership team of Grant and Sherman
• Lee was defeated at Battle of Gettysburg, and surrendered to
General Grant at the end of the Civil War
“Stonewall” Jackson
• General for the South, graduated from West
• Won the First Battle at Bull Run
• Fought alongside General Lee at Antietam and
Second Bull Run
• Died in battle
Lincoln’s Second
Inaugural Address
• Lincoln was reelected in 1864
• Even though he knew the North would win the Civil war, he
did not boast
• He expressed sorrow over the loss of human life and sadness
that they could not solve things peacefully
• Stated that slavery was evil, but no one should seek revenge
on slaveholders
• Speech begged for reconstruction of a great union without
Major Battles of the Civil War
• Union and Confederate forces fought many
battles in the 4 years of the Civil war.
• We will look at four major battles.
Antietam- September 1862
• Robert E. Lee, Antietam Creek, Maryland.
• 1st Northern Battle, lasted 1 day, 26,000 diedbut it was a draw
• Lee withdrew to the South, and the Union did
not follow
• Lee’s failure to win here led to Lincoln’s
Emancipation Proclamation
Gettysburg- April 1863
• Lee, Gettysburg, PA
• Chance meeting of North and South troops,
51,000 died- deadliest battle of the Civil war
• Lee had been asking for French and British
help- none came, he gave up trying to invade the
North after this
• Led to the Gettysburg Address and the
Gettysburg National Cemetary
Gettysburg Address
• November 1863, 4 months after the battle,
Lincoln spoke eloquently about the loss of this
• The purpose of this speech was to raise spirits
and encourage Northerners and Southerners to
unite once again as a great nation.
Vicksburg- May-July 1863
• Major Ulysses S. Grant took 7 weeks to defeat
the Confederate army and take over this
strategic hill on a bend in the Mississippi
• Once in power over this fort, he controlled all
traffic on the River and cut off supplies to the
Confederate forces in the South
Atlanta- July- September 1864
• General Sherman took six weeks to take control
over this center of Confederate manufacturing
and the center of their RR.
• He burned it to the ground and destroyed
everything in his path on his march to the
Atlantic Ocean
• This was when the South realized they would
Significance of the Emancipation
As discussed earlier, there were 3 main reasons for the
Emanicipation Proclamation:
Lincoln knew slaves in the south would run, weakening the
It gave hope to the northern slaves that the US would
eventually be a free country
It gave purpose to the Union military
The Disparity between the North and the
• Make a chart of the advantages and
disadvantages of fighting as the North and the
• During reconstruction, African Americans made
progress in many areas. Some gains lasted, while
others did not.
– Many A.A. children attended free schools for the
first time.
– A.A.’s started newspapers, served in public office
and attended new colleges established for them.
– Morehouse College was established in Atlanta in
1867 as the Augusta Institute.
Death of Lincoln
• Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth on
April 14, 1865
• Andrew Jackson became president, and was
therefore charged with the job of continuing
Morehouse College
circa: 1900
Freedmen’s Bureau
• Created by Congress to help African Americans
(A.A.) make the transition to freedom. They
– Former slaves with food, clothing, jobs, medicine
and medical-care facilities.
– Helped some former slaves acquire land.
– Helped set up schools
Drawing of a Freedmen’s school
during reconstruction.
40 Acres and a Mule
• Although General Grant promised freed slaves land
after the war, all land was returned to its former
• Congress finally set aside several million acres for
former slaves, but the land was swampy and no good
for farming.
• Without land, and few skills outside of farming, the
newly freed slaves had few options other than
sharecropping or tenant farming. This caused them to
work for former slaveholders in much the same
conditions as slavery.
The Significance of the 13th, 14th
and 15th Amendments.
• 13th: Abolished slavery in the U.S.
• 14th: Gave citizenship to all people born in
the U.S. Guaranteed no citizen would lose
their rights without due process.
• 15th: Removed restrictions on voting based on
race, color or ever having been a slave. Gave
all men the right to vote at age 21.
Southern Resistance to Racial Equality
During Reconstruction
• After the 13th Amendment abolished slavery, all former
slave states enacted black codes.
• These codes were laws written to control the lives of
former slaves. Black Codes kept freed slaves from:
Traveling without a pass
Serving on juries
Testifying against white people
Marrying white people
• This secret society was formed by veterans of the
Confederate Army to fight against Reconstruction.
• They used murder, arson and other threatening actions
to control ex-slaves and white people who helped exslaves.
• Some southern leaders urged the Klan to step down
because Federal Troops would not leave the South as
long as they were needed to protect the former slaves.
The Impeachment of Andrew
Johnson in Relationship to
• President Johnson wanted to curb the hostile treatment
of Southern leaders by the Radical Republicans.
• To prevent this, Congress passed a law saying that a
President could not remove a cabinet member from
office during the term of the President who appointed
him. This law was passed to protect a radical
republican sympathizer in Johnson’s cabinet. Johnson
felt that this was unconstitutional, and dismissed the
cabinet member anyway.
President Johnson
• The Radical Republicans used this as a reason to
impeach Johnson on 11 counts.
• After a three month trial in the senate, Johnson missed
being convicted by one vote, and was not removed
from office.
• This was a victory for democracy, because Johnson was
not impeached just for having political opinions that
were unpopular with politicians who had the power to
impeach him