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Reproduction and
What Are they?
Reproduction is the process in which new
organisms of the same species are produced
Development is a series of changes that an
organism undergoes in reaching its mature
The Types of Reproduction
Asexual-where A SINGLE parent organism
produces one or more offspring that are
genetically identical to the parent
Sexual-the fusion of nuclear material from
two cells(gametes)
Types of Asexual reproduction
Fragmentation- where pieces of an organism break
off to be come a new off spring
 Binary Fission- where an organism divides into
two new offspring
 Vegetative Propagation-when a plant grows a
rhizome under or over ground that ends in a new
 Budding-Where a miniature version of the parent
grows on the parent until it is mature enough to
break off and “float away”
How are they related?
They are related because they rely upon
Mitotic Cell Division
What is it ?
Mitosis is the process by which a cell
duplicates the chromosomes in its cell
nucleus, in order to generate two, identical,
daughter nuclei.
This is the
different phases
a cell goes
through during
Interphase- The stage where a cell grows in
size and performs all normal cell activities.
Each chromosome is replicated.
Neclear Membrane disappears, double
stranded chromosomes coil and contract to
for chromatid, centrioles start to migrate
towards poles, spindle fibers start to form
Cromatids align along the equator ,
centrioles are at the pole.
Chromatids align are pulled apart by spindle
fibers and start to move towards the poles
Chromosomes are at each pole, nuclear
membrane or cell plate reforms and the cells
starts to “pinch in”
Now occurs and divides the cytoplasm
creating two new genetically identical cells
Everything at once
By Jonathan Carrillo