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Managing Marketing
Deirdre Makepeace
Level Verifier – Professional Diploma
Assignment briefing
June and September 2014
Presentation Objectives
What is required for this assignment.
Generic mark scheme.
The syllabus.
Instructions task by task.
Good practice.
Managing Marketing
Option One
– Implementing quality
systems in marketing to
improve performance.
Option Two
– Using technology to manage
virtual teams.
Generic Mark Scheme – Professional Diploma
• Concept
• Presentation
• Application
• Evaluation
A word about words…
Critically analyse
Syllabus – Marketing Planning Process
The marketing
• Organisational structures
• Quality management systems and processes
• Measuring and monitoring marketing performance
Marketing Teams
• Management and leadership in the role of the operational
marketing manager
• Managing and recruiting teams
• Managing individual and team performance
finances for
marketing (30%)
• Budgeting and budget setting methods
• Cost benefit analysis of marketing investment
• Measuring and monitoring financial performance.
Option One – Quality: Overview
• Task One – Quality systems and standards.
• Task Two – Marketing Manager role.
• Task Three – Managing teams.
• Task Four – Budget and cost benefit analysis.
• Task Five – Presentation.
Option One - Quality
• Task One (20%) - quality management systems
– Quality management systems and standards.
– Information relevant to quality management.
– Recommendation.
• Task Two (20%) – management and leadership
– Management and leadership concepts.
– Critical evaluation.
– Personal Development Plan (PDP).
Option One – Quality cont
• Task Three (20%) - Managing teams
– Approaches for managing teams.
– Characteristics of successful teams.
– Diversity.
• Task Four (20%) - Budgets
– Information requirements.
– Cost Benefit Analysis.
• Task Five - Presentation
Task Five – both options
• Presentation
– Professional, informative presentation with good graphics and
speaker notes to demonstrate how the meeting will be run.
– 20 slides.
• Justification of presentation and report style
– 300 words maximum.
Option Two – Virtual Teams: Overview
• Task One – Organisational structures.
• Task Two – Technology for virtual teams.
• Task Three – Teams and internal marketing.
• Task Four – Cost management and control.
• Task Five – Presentation.
Option Two – Virtual Teams
• Task One (20%) - organisational structures
– Structures and how they support or hinder marketing.
– Structures for virtual teams.
• Task Two (25%) - technology
– Information and technology to improve performance.
– Work plan priorities/activities.
– Performance measures.
Option Two – Virtual Teams
• Task Three (25%) – managing remote teams
– Concepts - managing virtual teams.
– Conflict and recommendations for overcoming.
– Internal Marketing Plan.
• Task Four (10%) – cost management
– Cost management plan.
– Effective cost management.
• Task Five (10%) - presentation
Good practice
• Answer all elements of all tasks.
• Apply theory well to the specific context of the organisation and the
area being discussed.
• Critically evaluate where requested.
• Demonstrate depth of thinking in terms of the implications of
proposals made.
• Give justified recommendations after evaluation of options.
• Promote the profession of marketing as a substantial contributor to
organisation success.
Format and presentation
• Professional tone and relevance to task.
• Executive Summary.
• Word Count.
• Appendices.
• Referencing (Harvard).
• 2 –page background to the organisation.
• 1-page marketing department.
• Study Text
• Core Texts
• Full reading list:
• Senior Examiner reports:
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